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Posted by: Lost Mystic ( )
Date: February 13, 2012 08:55PM

The LDS church did this. It doesn't make sense even considering their own doctrine.

Don't they believe Jesus is in heaven? Why would their savior depend on some Joe Schmo for his exaltation?

That one really baffles me.

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Posted by: Mia ( )
Date: February 13, 2012 09:00PM

I agree, its not very rational.
I guess if JS needed it, they decided jesus needed it too.
Sounds like an insult to God and Jesus to me.
Also, if it is the restored church, wouldn't Jesus have been provided for in his time? The church is restoring ordinances that never existed? How does that make sense?

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Posted by: Lost Mystic ( )
Date: February 13, 2012 09:06PM

Exactly! It's no longer a restoration if they think their own savior didn't do it.

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Posted by: notmo ( )
Date: February 13, 2012 09:10PM

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Posted by: notmo ( )
Date: February 13, 2012 09:15PM

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Posted by: gotout ( )
Date: February 13, 2012 09:13PM

just curious where you got that info, I've never heard that.

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Posted by: Helen ( )
Date: February 13, 2012 09:34PM

OMG!!! Is that for real?

And have they sealed Jesus to Martha and Mary?

And does that mean they have done the temple work for the original 12 apostles of the NT? With the exception of Judas maybe. No wait they'd do the work for Judas if they did Hitler's eh?

How can it be a restored Gospel if they are doing the work for Jesus?

Shaking my head. What goofiness!

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Posted by: Lost Mystic ( )
Date: February 13, 2012 10:07PM

I saw the card once. Someone posted the link to his and Adolph Hitler's.

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Posted by: Helen ( )
Date: February 13, 2012 10:12PM

Lost Mystic Wrote:
> I saw the card once. Someone posted the link to
> his and Adolph Hitler's.

My "Is that for real?" wasn't said because I didn't believe you. It was just a shock learning that they did temple work for Jesus.

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Posted by: WiserWomanNow ( )
Date: February 13, 2012 10:08PM

Helen Radkey, former Mormon and well-known researcher of LDS posthumous temple work for non-Mormons, appeared twice as the guest on Doris Hanson’s show, “Polygamy: What Love is this.”

All of the following is from notes I took from the second show, the one on Sept. 2, 2010. Link:

First, Helen states and emphasizes that all the information she is going to present is from Mormon databases, sites owned and operated by the LDS church.

Then, beginning at 19:50 (from the online episode on Sept. 2, 2010), she gives the following information:

April 8, 2010: JESUS CHRIST WAS BAPTIZED under the pseudonym “Jesus Cristian” (there were other indicators in the record that this was definitely Jesus, such as his birth in Bethlehem and death in his 30’s in Jerusalem) and was confirmed a member of the Mormon faith in the Salt Lake Temple. Initiatory ordinances were conducted the same day. His endowment and temple marriage to Mary Magdalene the next day, i.e. on April 9.

Mary Magdalene was also baptized and endowed (same rituals as Christ.)

Many times after Helen publishes a report of her findings, the relevant Temple records are pulled from the database and made "not available." Jesus, Mary, & John the Baptist records are no longer available.

MARY, THE MOTHER OF JESUS, was baptized Dec. 9, 2009, in the Idaho Falls Temple. She was confirmed a member of the LDS church on the same day. Received her initiatory on Dec. 16, endowment Dec. 26. Was sealed to her parents Jan. 7, 2010.

MARY, THE MOTHER OF JESUS, has 2 temple husbands:
#1 husband: God the father. Source: the Joseph Smith ‘family tree’!
Also: Joseph of the house of David.

There was a different record for the Virgin Mary. That record named God the father as the only spouse.

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Posted by: Helen ( )
Date: February 13, 2012 10:24PM

so according to Church records most of us here were Mormons longer than Jesus.

I'm not even a Christian but this is just so damn bizarre.

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Posted by: derrida ( )
Date: February 14, 2012 09:49AM

Why did the LDS church wait so long? This sounds like goofy $4!t the LDS church would have done in the 19th c. when they were all holed up in the Great Basin getting ready for the end of the world.

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Posted by: anagrammy ( )
Date: February 13, 2012 10:12PM

It's true.

The ego never ends. They hold the keys to this dispensation, not Jesus Christ, his keys are for that dispensation. Or some such blather that makes them feel the ego bloat a little more.

These are some of the things we should be letting people in on when they wonder why some think Mormons aren't Christian.

Jesus Christ is not the one they pray to.

Jesus is an officer in the godhead of the ruling Elohim of this planet-- he forwards prayers like we forward email (I guess)

So what's going on in Mordor?


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Posted by: atheist&happy:-) ( )
Date: February 13, 2012 10:39PM

Wasn't this person born in the 1500's? Also, Christian is a common surname. LD$ doctrine does not teach that jeezus needs ordinance work, and it makes exmo's look like crackpots.

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Posted by: Mia ( )
Date: February 13, 2012 10:43PM

Would love to know who got to play jesus while they were doing the temple work . I'm sure it wasn't just some random lowly no name.

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Posted by: Rebeckah ( )
Date: February 13, 2012 11:29PM

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Posted by: gracewarrior ( )
Date: February 14, 2012 06:18AM

Even if there is a "Jesus Cristian" who was baptized, it doesn't prove it was directed by TSCC leadership. It could have been a name that some how slipped through the cracks from an overly zealous TBM. I just don't think the information on it is that credible. Some lady on TV20 who says she saw it somewhere.. isn't credible enough to me. I need to see paperwork or a link to that paperwork.

I would love this to be true.. it would show how cultish TSCC is.. but we have to stay credible in the facts we use.

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Posted by: SpongeBob SquareGarments ( )
Date: February 14, 2012 01:46PM

gracewarrior Wrote:
> Even if there is a "Jesus Cristian" who was
> baptized, it doesn't prove it was directed by TSCC
> leadership. It could have been a name that some
> how slipped through the cracks from an overly
> zealous TBM. I just don't think the information on
> it is that credible. Some lady on TV20 who says
> she saw it somewhere.. isn't credible enough to
> me. I need to see paperwork or a link to that
> paperwork.
> I would love this to be true.. it would show how
> cultish TSCC is.. but we have to stay credible in
> the facts we use.

I agree. People shove through famous names all the time. And we know the people at the temple have no power of discernment at all to prevent it.

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Posted by: JoD3:360 ( )
Date: February 14, 2012 08:42AM

Mormons worship themselves, and will even save God out of love for their Priesthoods.

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Posted by: Mitt Romulan ( )
Date: February 14, 2012 08:53AM

Besides, god et al are an insult to humanity.

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Posted by: Jesus Smith ( )
Date: February 14, 2012 08:54AM

Re: Why did Jesus need to get endowments posthumously???

Because he failed to pay his tithing and couldn't get a recommend in the day of this life?

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Posted by: NYNeverMo ( )
Date: February 14, 2012 09:23AM

Also, Jesus had a beard, and was not known to wear white dress shirts while in ministry.

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Posted by: runningyogi ( )
Date: February 14, 2012 02:25PM

Yes, show me some proof on this. Even if the Jesus Christian is woven, I can't get over the fact that Mormondum baptizes whomever it wishes. It all seems so belittling to God to me. Forget the Love and Freedom that we are all entitled too! It feels so good to no longer be ignorant to the obvious and not be attached to it. The foundations built on lies & deception are coming apart. People are waking up. Happy Love Day All!

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Posted by: fetching49 ( )
Date: February 14, 2012 04:31PM

I hope everyone who has seen this thread starts doing some serious research. If we can find the actual records to link up somewhere then it would be HUGE. Not even a die hard TBM could deny the complete stupidity.

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Posted by: order66 ( )
Date: February 14, 2012 06:33PM

Jesus is a resurrected being, right? Why would he need a proxy?

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Posted by: happyhollyhomemaker ( )
Date: February 14, 2012 06:47PM

Very good point! He's got a body, he had plenty of time afterwards to get his ordinances in order, Jeesh! What a slacker our lord & savior is...and kinda slutty, too with his double wives.

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Posted by: elee ( )
Date: February 14, 2012 06:39PM

I just searched under Yeshua ben Joseph. Yep. I got a hit. No idea in regards to baptism or initiatories, but he's in the database. :)

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Posted by: grubbygert ( )
Date: February 14, 2012 06:49PM

thank you thank you thank you!!!

nevermo gf didn't believe me when i said mormons believe JC was not only married but married polygamously....

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Posted by: atheist&happy:-) ( )
Date: February 14, 2012 07:05PM

ANYONE, member, and nonmember, can submit a pedigree to the PRF. It was started as an attempt to have better documented submissions than the Ancestral File, which is also a collection of pedigrees, and a mess.

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Posted by: order66 ( )
Date: February 14, 2012 06:46PM

Interesting reading there at the bottom of that link.

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Posted by: elee ( )
Date: February 14, 2012 06:51PM

I was just backtracking the Joseph line and it looks fairly complete. All those begats 'n such.

I haven't finished all the text at the bottom, but so far, hilariously sacrelicious. :)

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Posted by: notmo ( )
Date: February 14, 2012 09:22PM

I mean, surely they don't believe what those notes say...weird.

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