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Posted by: myselfagain ( )
Date: February 19, 2012 11:14PM

I forgot the absolute pleasure of having an adult beverage of my choice! I am reading a good book, and a nice sip of brandy just warmed me all over. That, and it's snowing too! Life is bliss! I guess I have evolved a bit in the month since I have left tscc, and it is great!

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Posted by: rt ( )
Date: February 20, 2012 10:13AM

Though I think whisky is more subtle and complex.

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Posted by: freeman ( )
Date: February 20, 2012 05:12PM

My lips just got wet thinking about a warming single malt

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Posted by: Lethbridge Reprobate ( )
Date: February 21, 2012 05:51PM

Put's me in the mood for a wee dram this evening...

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Posted by: Itzpapalotl ( )
Date: February 20, 2012 10:14AM

6 years ago, I got to go on a cruise in the Inner Passage up in Alaska. One of the features was a trip through Glacier Bay. I was hottubbing at the time, but didn't want to run back in and changer, so i had a few nips of brandy. It kept me nice and cozy (despite wering a wet swimsuit and a few towels) while I shot pictures of the gorgeous waterfalls and icebergs. It's my drink of choice when I have to brave the outdoors in winter. :)

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Posted by: plj ( )
Date: February 20, 2012 01:38PM

Brandy is my first choice also. Question for rt. I've tried whisky a few times but havent found any at reasonable cost I like. Any sugestions?

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Posted by: rt ( )
Date: February 20, 2012 02:13PM

plj Wrote:
> Brandy is my first choice also. Question for rt.
> I've tried whisky a few times but havent found any
> at reasonable cost I like. Any sugestions?

Actually, I do. I know a guy who is a consultant to the whisky industry and he made a list of affordable and readily available (at least in Europe) single malts that offer a wide taste range. Drop me a line at mormonisme(at) and I'll send it to you (goes for anybody, of course).

If you can, start with the Talisker 10 yo.

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Posted by: summer ( )
Date: February 20, 2012 01:45PM

Yes, it is. :-) I also like the occasional Drambuie or Grand Marnier. A before-dinner sherry can also be pleasant.

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Posted by: wowbagger ( )
Date: February 20, 2012 02:19PM

I like to honor those that I tried to influence during my mission by drinking a French apple brandy called Calvados.


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Posted by: Mia ( )
Date: February 20, 2012 05:17PM

I love a sip of Grand Marnier....followed with a sip of coffee, over and over. You will be warm to the very center.

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Posted by: myselfagain ( )
Date: February 20, 2012 05:35PM

Mia Wrote:
> I love a sip of Grand Marnier....followed with a
> sip of coffee, over and over. You will be warm to
> the very center.

Oh, I just bet! That sounds great :-)

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Posted by: canadianfriend ( )
Date: February 20, 2012 08:49PM

Life is too short to waste time believing in someone else's delusions. Cheers!

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Posted by: no-mo-mo ( )
Date: February 20, 2012 08:56PM

I bet she is!

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Posted by: archytas ( )
Date: February 20, 2012 09:07PM

I love this thread!

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Posted by: myselfagain ( )
Date: February 20, 2012 09:17PM

Since I was the originator of this thread, glad to make y'all happy! I can't believe how after 3-4 weeks of leaving tscc, my old fun habits have already come back. Coffee was first, though!

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