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Posted by: forbiddencokedrinker ( )
Date: March 01, 2012 07:03AM

We all know the church is getting a lot of scrutiny right now, which is of course good, but I have noticed a lot of disappointment that the media seems uninterested in certain gold nuggets of information that seem scandal worthy. Let's talk about possible reasons for this. We'll start with the obvious ones.

Masturbation, or more specifically, Bishop interviews involving asking kids about masturbation. While this is a shameful practice, I don't expect it to get the kind of attention that I once thought it would. To the outside world, it seems too much like a confessional. Remember, Mormons are not alone in their unreasonable demonetization of polishing ones bishop, they just obsess over it more then other religions. To an outsider, it is difficult to explain how so.

Now, it is still possible for the story to pop up to attention. If Mitt Romney was the kind of Bishop that asked for way too many details, and was more creepy about it then was the norm, and the media can find two or more former youth to confirm this, then it might be the big October surprise.

Another issue that is even less likely, in my opinion, to get media attention is the temple oaths. As we all know, they are based of the old Masonic oaths, and the majority of American Presidents have been Masons, and this has never been an issue. In fact, when you remember that every elected official has to swear an oath of office, in the case of presidents, one seen by millions of people, and you remember historically how poorly most elected officials have put the needs of their country ahead of their needs to get reelected, no one seems to put a lot of stock in oaths.

Now there are plenty of things that will get attention, like dead dunking. I expect the next scandal will involve how the church uses its money, or it getting caught shielding abusers. Those are the kinds of things that get attention.

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Posted by: CA girl ( )
Date: March 01, 2012 10:44AM

These are excellent points and I agree with you. Some of the more damning Mormon practices are, to my surprise, being overlooked. I never thought dead-dunking would be the first scandal. But looking back, it makes sense. Because bishop's interviewing little kids and whatever the Mormons actually chant in their temples effect MORMONS...not the mainstream, everyday person reading the newspaper. Dead dunkings, on the other hand, outrage the descendants of those violated by being force fed a Mormon baptism. They effect people who are not Mormons.

I also agree with you about the financial thing, simply because everyone likes to bring down the rich, arrogant b@stard that is cheating the little guy. Even if non-LDS people aren't the little guy being cheated in this case, they will like to see Mormonism and it's "no reporting" policy get it's comeuppance. It's a Robin Hood thing. I also think anything the media catches the church lying about is a potential hot story because journalists HATE being lied to. It makes them look bad and incompetent and they will make the church PAY if they are caught in a big lie. Respectable journalists hate being used as a PR tool...especially by a conservative organization. The church needs to be very careful about lying in their PR because their lies are like gasoline. The more they pour them on the media, the more likely it is to start a fire that will burn out of control.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/01/2012 10:47AM by CA girl.

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Posted by: snowball ( )
Date: March 01, 2012 09:33PM

People in the media tend to have a liking of what is sometimes called identity politics. To many of the talking heads, religion is something you're born with-not something you believe or affirm. It's like race.

So, if a journalist is picking on weird Mormon beliefs or practices--well then it opens up a counter attack that this journalist is picking on a historically opressed minority. That's not PC, so they'll avoid it.

But wait! Mormons baptize deceased Jews...uh oh...Mormons become part of a design to assimilate a minority religion (Judaism) into a majority one (greater Christianity) through baptism. Everyone knows what baptism means (they don't have any idea what an endowment or PPI is). That resonates with the narrative of American history that people in the media understand.

I agree that there are a lot more offensive things the Mormons do than proxy baptism, but that seems to hit the media sweet spot.

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Posted by: forbiddencokedrinker ( )
Date: March 01, 2012 09:36PM

Don't get me wrong, I am still optimistic that the church is going to take a pounding, I just believe that if anyone wants to help it along, they need to think practically about what will be a scandal and what will not be.

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Posted by: Mia ( )
Date: March 01, 2012 09:39PM

Apparently the media and the public hasn't learned that people are also sealed in the temple.

Great grandma and her kids being sealed to the guy that killed her (happened in my family). I'm sure there are situations out there that would curl your toes. Nobody has mentioned this yet.

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Posted by: enoughenoch19 ( )
Date: March 02, 2012 02:22AM

But the Masons did NOT take oaths to avenge for many generations any Mason higher up. If the oaths about avenging deaths of so called prophets doesn't get attention, may are sunk.

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Posted by: forbiddencokedrinker ( )
Date: March 02, 2012 08:26AM

Yes, but remember, the church doesn't make those oaths now, and will claim that there is no evidence that they have ever killed multiple generations of people over one guys supposed blasphemy. Of course, we will know that is because of laziness, more then unwillingness, I mean they do their home teaching on the last day of the month, and you expect them to carry out a complex murder scheme against a single family over many decades?

I was about to say it won't go anywhere, but then I think there is a kernel in your idea that will. The media will grab onto all the past murders the church did comment, that they can prove, which will embarrass the church, but I don't think anyone will believe that Mormons still commit murders.

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Posted by: baura ( )
Date: March 02, 2012 01:21PM

forbiddencokedrinker Wrote:

> Masturbation, or more specifically, Bishop
> interviews involving asking kids about
> masturbation. While this is a shameful practice,
> I don't expect it to get the kind of attention
> that I once thought it would. To the outside
> world, it seems too much like a confessional.
> Remember, Mormons are not alone in their
> unreasonable demonetization of polishing ones
> bishop, they just obsess over it more then other
> religions. To an outsider, it is difficult to
> explain how so.

Confessional in the Catholic church: YOU decide you want to go to confession and you show up and confess what YOU want to confess without revealing your identity to the priest.

Confessional in the Mormon Church: Bishop calls you in by name and HE asks the questions.

Result in Catholic church: You say "hail Mary's etc."

Result in Mormon Church: You have to pass the sacrament by while everyone watches--kinda like wearing a sign that says "UNCLEAN."

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Posted by: forbiddencokedrinker ( )
Date: March 02, 2012 04:26PM

You're right, there are significant differences, but that isn't the question. The question is rather the never-mo public would appreciate the difference. If it looked like just an attack on religion in general, it wouldn't go anywhere.

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