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Posted by: anon today ( )
Date: March 05, 2012 08:15PM

I was a returned missionary serving as the 2nd counselor in the bishopric. I had put off marriage to complete my master’s degree. I somehow met a beautiful woman and we fell in love. We dated for 2 and half years and got married in Brazil.
It has been 8 years since I stumbled upon some information that was uncomfortable to read about the Mormon church. I had just celebrated my 1 year anniversary with my new wife. We had moved to South America where she was from. I was serving as 1st counselor and was enjoying my new life. I was asked by an American who worked at my place of employment about Joseph Smith and polygamy. As we started to talk I soon found out that that he knew more information than I did. I remember praying for help and asking God to help me with this potential convert. I started searching online, and what I found started to make my head spin. I got permission to not come to work for 2 days. I read everything I could, while my wife was working. I was trying to understand but the information just kept coming. I cried, I yelled, and I read. I remember turning off the computer one night and thinking, I’m done.
I stayed away from the evil internet and buried my head in the scriptures and in prayed more than I ever had. I finally could not do it any more alone. I prayed and asked for help on how to tell my wife.
I told her, and immediately wished I had not. She did not say anything, she just cried. The next morning she said “You do not want to be married to me; I have disappointed you as a wife.” Heartbreaking.
I was weak and told her I was just confused about some things. I pushed everything out and got back in line.
My wife is somewhat of a celebrity in her stake. She was found by the missionaries at age 8. She wanted to be baptized but her mother would not allow it. She attended church every week for 10 years, even had callings in young women. She was baptized at age 18 and more than 200 people came. I met her when she was 25, she had been asked to be married 6 times, all of them claimed divine inspiration. She said with me she just knew and God gave her 2 thumbs up.
When my daughter was born, I remember holding her in the hospital while my wife slept and thinking “Do I want to expose her to all of the lies, do I want to raise her in a religion that does not value her?” The answer was no, but my wife, what do I do? So I started reading this site again and others. I would bring up new information to my wife, sometimes she would respond “That is strange.” But that is it.
The beautiful members helped me. My bishop was a big temple guy. He would stand up before temple trips and tell all recommend holders that it was their duty to go to the temple, that no excuse was a good excuse before God. He would tell members to take sick days, personal days, whatever just go on the trip. Then my wife’s best friend got a job with his company. He interviewed her and told her “Do not ask me for time off to go to the temple, I will not allow it. If you take sick days to go to the temple I will fire you.” She called my wife, excited to have a new job. Then she told her what he had said. My wife talked to me about it and asked me about hypocrisy. Thank you Bishop!
Later, a different friend who was desperate to be married slipped up and fooled around with a Mormon man. She asked my wife what to do, confess to bishop or not say anything. My wife told her to confess to God but not tell the Bishop because it was none of his business and she was a woman. I agreed, could barely contain my joy. The friend told anyways and so did the man. The man was told to never speak to her again and not take the sacrament but kept his calling as Elder’s quorum president. The friend was dis-fellowshipped for 6 months and had to meet with the bishop every other week. This wonderful bishop, God bless him, would ask her about masturbation and where she did it, what she thought about, etc. She called my wife and told her, my wife was not happy. Thank you bishop #2.
My second child was born early with some complications. I wanted to bless him at home, because the churches are dirty. I asked the bishop he said no way, so I asked the SP. He said no way and said that was against the church rules. I asked him to reread the CHI, he did but said that is not the way things are done. My wife wrote to him and expressed our concerns, and said that this was allowed and it was not a bad thing. He said he would ask the regional representative. He did, and the 70 said, let him do it where ever he wants. SP told my wife, not me. My wife told him to tell me personally and he insulted me to my wife. Thank you SP!
At this time I would like to thank the church for spending at the time, 1 billion dollars to build a mall. My wife could not believe it, she is from a country where so many people have nothing. Thanks church!
What happen when the church responded with an official statement about blacks and the priesthood. My wife showed up in my office, mad. She shut the door and cried, “The church says they have no idea why, when, where the ban started.” How can a church lead by God discriminate for 140 years and say they have no idea why. Thanks prophet and apostles!
We finally spoke about that and many other things and my wife said “They lied to me!” Yes they did. This Sunday my wife and I took our family to the beach, and she got a new swimsuit. Thank you PR guy and Monson Mr no balls.
We talked about our marriage that day and she said “Why would God keep us apart in the afterlife, if we truly love each other and are good people.” My response “He would not.” She still has some way to go, but at least we started. Thanks members and leaders, you have done a work I could not!

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Posted by: Mia ( )
Date: March 05, 2012 08:33PM

The mall ended up being 5 Billion.
Beyond the imagination of anyone I know.
Congratulations on getting out as soon as you did. Your children are lucky.

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Posted by: AmIDarkNow? ( )
Date: March 05, 2012 08:35PM

You lucky b-tard! All I can say is love your family, leave the church behind and have a fantastic life!

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Posted by: Mrs. Estzerhaus ( )
Date: March 05, 2012 08:37PM

I enjoyed reading your story. I relate with your wife's discovery that we've been lied to. At a certain point we don't want to associate with dishonest people. It's very smart that you aren't jumping right into another religion. You may find you are happier having Sunday's to yourselves. Welcome to RFM!

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Posted by: CA girl ( )
Date: March 05, 2012 08:52PM

God gave your wife two thumbs up to marry you because he knew that you were man enough and strong enough to face what the church was, had enough integrity to admit it, would stick by your wife until she saw the light and be able to save the both of you from a messed up cult. All those other men who proposed would still be trapped and so would she. Good job. You are a hero.

While I sympathize a lot about what she is going through and how hard it is to find out you are being lied to, it's worth it to be free. Congrats to both of you. You are right - the church members are the biggest anti-Mormons around.

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Posted by: rodolfo ( )
Date: March 05, 2012 08:58PM

Great story. This is a case study of the results of the lying cult's refusal to recognize the impact of their deceptive arrogance. The more they deny, the more obvious it becomes to any honest member that their policies, behavior, doctrines and concerns are only about selfish control and public relations.

I can only imagine this story is being repeated a thousand times i a thousand ways cult-wide as we speak.

I would like to think that sometime soon the dam will break for your wife, and she will see the cult for what it is and then will become a "celebrity" exmormon.

All she needs to do is go to your inspired leaders and ask them to explain these disconnects you describe. Their response to her should tell her all she needs to know.

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Posted by: templenameaaron ( )
Date: March 05, 2012 09:02PM

I felt the spirit thanks for sharing.

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Posted by: freebird ( )
Date: March 05, 2012 09:08PM

Great story! I pray that things will continue to work out the way they have so far! You and your family deserve to live your lives free from mormonism. I get so frustrated when people try to down play the destructive elements of this religion! Saying things like, "Its no different than any other religion" or There are so many good things about it that out weigh the bad!!
B.S. B.S. B.S.!!!!! It is disgusting what this religion does to alot of people once they find out the truth!! Marriages lost, families broken apart, and lives destroyed in too many cases!!! It is only by the Grace of God, that my marriage survived and I didnt loose my mind when I left. Anyway, good luck to you and yours! Live well and love more!!

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Posted by: WiserWomanNow ( )
Date: March 05, 2012 09:13PM

Your wife’s “shelf” has fallen down, and whether she realizes it or not, her journey out of the church has begun.

Keep in mind, anon today, that everything you discovered about the church over the last 8 years is new to DW. She will need to cry, yell, and read just as you did.

And then… her life will be better, your marriage will be better, you two will be much happier, and your family will be stronger than ever. Congratulations on this turning point and milestone!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/05/2012 09:15PM by WiserWomanNow.

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Posted by: canadianfriend ( )
Date: March 05, 2012 09:17PM

Thank you for sharing your story. The danger of Mormonism is that it is a faith built on sand. People unknowingly invest their lives and the lives of their familes on a crumbling foundation, yet the church continues to ignore the devastation they cause. Good luck to you.

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Posted by: myselfagain ( )
Date: March 05, 2012 09:18PM

That is so wonderful to hear. I am so glad you opened up and that she became so willing to listen. Our story is kind of the same; both converts, but I was the one to first experience serious doubts in tscc, and when I voiced them to my husband, he actually listened. It started with him saying he still believed it was true, but for both of us it did not take long to realize that none of it is correct. We both resigned officially last week! Best to you both in your journey!

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Posted by: anagrammy ( )
Date: March 05, 2012 09:36PM

Congratulations all you new resigners.

Thanks especially for providing the details, especially illustrating the power of patience.

When it comes to leaving Mormonism, patience is the face of love.


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Posted by: blueorchid ( )
Date: March 06, 2012 12:25AM

Give them enough rope and they will hang themselves, huh? The mormon leaders are their own worst enemy. Very stealthy and wise on your part.

What a great story. I am so happy for you.

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Posted by: Thyme Lee ( )
Date: March 06, 2012 12:29AM

Maybe this will help your wife with the 'Families Forever' concept. It sure helped me! Mark 3:31-35, John 19: 26-27. The Bible speaks of families as those doing the will of God, obeying the two greatest commandments, Loving God with all our hearts and loving our neighbor as ourself. Reminding us that there is no greater love then a man who lay downs his life for his friend.

Families are deep spiritual connections we are blessed with when we serve each other, they're not limited to, or bound by genealogy.

I love my husband and children, but eternity is not something I can even begin comprehend. I am now able to see that fear kept me in obedience to a concept of being sealed to my family, but love now let's me, in a sense, release them knowing that we will all be together again with many other wonderful and amazing people who love their families just as much as I love mine.

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Posted by: ginger ( )
Date: March 06, 2012 12:42AM

I loved reading your story. I like how you put "thank you" after each situation. Haha! I'm happy for you guys.

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Posted by: deconverted2010 ( )
Date: March 06, 2012 08:38AM

Congratulations! Yes, we all need to thank the leaders and members because at one point or another they have done their part to put weight on the shelf.

Good and honest people, just like your wife, become so disillusioned when finding out they have been lied too. Many of us have felt that way. Many on this board were at some point strong members but the lds church is so full of lies, it loses a lot of good people.

Good luck,

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