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Posted by: janeeliot ( )
Date: May 01, 2012 08:44PM

Gosh, and here I was hoping to read janeeliot's brilliantly sarcastic essay on how the Greeks had nothing until they heard some Sumerian myths.

What a disappointment.

+1 more straw man. Perhaps slaying straw men is all you've got? Are you always like this? Just. Like. The. Mormons? This is Daniel Peterson on the Net stuff.

But please keep making up stuff for me to have said that I didn't, so I can keep posting +1 more straw man. I'm going to make it a template. :) I'm going to take a minute to count the straw men....

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Posted by: archytas ( )
Date: May 01, 2012 08:50PM

Here is a quote from you: "I think Greek culture is largely influenced by my favorite -- the Sumerians."

I believe that is what Mr xyz is referencing.

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Posted by: janeeliot ( )
Date: May 01, 2012 10:03PM

archytas Wrote:
> Here is a quote from you: "I think Greek culture
> is largely influenced by my favorite -- the
> Sumerians."
> I believe that is what Mr xyz is referencing.

Sorry. I can't get worked up about that. It's a hackneyed observation. Someone -- was it you? -- posted a long dissertation about how older cultures had an impact on those that came after, so I am not sure how any comment on Sumerians could be taken with anything but a yawn -- *as they came first.* As Sumerian artifacts have been found from the Indus valley to ancient Egypt to even Malta, I don't see how observing they influenced the Greeks is even worth noting. I was just mentinoing they are a favorite of mine personally. Ishtar became Aphrodite who became Venus. That is 101 stuff and not debated, *unlike there not being a historic Jesus.*

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