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Posted by: lancepeters ( )
Date: May 27, 2012 01:33AM

In part 1 of the book "Luciferianism or Satanism in English Freemasonry: An Essay" by L. Fouquet, O.M.I. Part 1, Publisher: Cadieux and Derome, 1603 Rue Norte Dame, Montreal Canada, year 1898, it states the folowing:

"The British, Red-Covered rituals, manuals, monitors, hand-books, have in the oath tendered to the apprentices the following pasage, of the like of it:--

To these several points I solemnly swear to observe, without evasion, equivocation or mental reservation of any kind, under no less a penalty than to have MY THROAT CUT ACROSS, MY TONGUE TORN OUT BY THE ROOT, AND MY BODY BURIED IN THE SAND OF THE SEA AT LOW WATER MARK, OR A CABLE's LENGTH FROM THE SHORE WHERE THE TIDE REGULARLY EBBS ANBD FLOWS TWICE IN TWENTY-FOUR HOURS, or the more efficient punishment of being branded as wiful perjuired individual void of moral worth, and unfit to be received in this lodge ... there are professional secrest which the laws of the realsm of the law of God authorize, for the general welfar of society; but this in the contrary subversive of public society; the professions with their secrets are public, which that of Freemasons is occult; the public does not know who are Master Masons; moreover the professonal secret follows from the very nature of the professoin, which the secrets of Masonyr are arbitrary, and worse than useless for the public welfare and especially for the administration of justice; they are instituted by private authorityk. The english as well as the continental masory preaches to the military mason downright TREASON ON THE VERY BATTLEFIELD LE ROI DES FUMISTES, never revealed anything worse than that which we have read in the great organ of the British Craft ..."

To hide these blood oaths, the freemasons who practised these rituals would say the following, and I quote:

"The principles of our order are based on pure morality, its ethics are the ethics of Christianity; its doctrine the doctrine of patriotism; its sentiments of exaclted benevolence"

the next line reads...

"Indeed the same exalted benevolence, which in this case as many others, such as in that of the SECRET MONITORS, creates abominable privileges for its members, sacrificing their own country's dearest interest. In the case of Secret Monitors those brothers and fathers and dearets blood relations, or freinds wo are not Secret Monitors, are sacrificed to the egotistical, exalted, self benevolence of the brother Masons"

You can download a copy of this book through this link:

Later on in the book it talks about treason and the call of distress, this is the same call of distress that Joseph Smith used before he died. This book explains the reasoning and cover up behind Mountain Meadows killings by mormon forlks and it also explains and justfies our current Memberhsip Improvement Committee. Joseph Smith practiced Luciferianism Freemasonry. As crazy as this sounds, I am afraid the truth must come ont sometime.

From breif informatino that posted above, the church still operates in secrecy, It will only serve its own purposes as a private party and ignore the will of society as a whole. If anyone was a prophet, the author of this book was because his prophesies are actually being completed as we speak.

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Posted by: darth jesus ( )
Date: May 27, 2012 02:13AM


do you have any more sources?

i thought about joining freemasonry sometime ago but then i realized it was just another religion. they can deny it, but every little covenant, the bible or whatever book the lodge allows to be secret, etc are key items representing a religion.

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Posted by: Stray Mutt ( )
Date: May 27, 2012 12:05PM

Think how less screwed up the would would be if thousands of years ago people could have dressed up like Trekkies instead.

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Posted by: lostman ( )
Date: May 27, 2012 04:26PM

In the interview Jeff Holland gave to the BBC for the program about Mitt called, "The Mormon Candidate' he was asked why the LDS temple ceremony sounded so masonic. You might think he would tell the BBC that any connection to Freemasonry is just rubbish, because the LDS rights and oaths are a result of divine revelation from God. However he response was that, yes the LDS temple is very Masonic. He said, "yes its comparable or similar to a masonic relationship".

look at the symbols on the Salt Lake temple, the whole thing is Pagan and Masonic. The all seeing eye partially covered with a curtain, the masonic hand signals, the moon-phase on the south side.

A possible key to the esoteric nature of the Mormon church is their believe in Astrology, i.e. the Moroni interaction always happened on sept 21 to sept 22. We know these dates were made up so they could have picked any dates, but they chose the equinox. Now they open their big sacrifice to their corporate gods on March 22, the City Creek Mall. again on the equinox.

What is the true nature of this business called the Mormon church?

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Posted by: greekgod ( )
Date: May 27, 2012 04:38PM

The church is a branch of the Illuminati. JK

But secret societies such as Freemasonry and the O.T.O. and their occult symbols permeate modern culture. I've noticed a lot of it in the music industry and anime. Creepy stuff.

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Posted by: FormerLatterClimber ( )
Date: May 27, 2012 04:48PM

Ha! I knew it! I knew my tbm parents were evil! The more you guys share what goes on in the temple with Lucifer having a key role in their plays, the creepy endowment thing, the more creeped out I get. And now this...! God I am so glad I only went there for necro dunking with the other twelve year olds.

But I have a question. Isn't paganism different from Satanism? I mean, pagans do beloved in a horned god, yes, but I believe that's how the Christians made up their depiction of Satan. In fact, pagans ate not satanists because they don't believe Satan even exists, right? (Aside from belong a Jesus lover, I also tend to be a bit of a tree hugger, hence my understanding of pagans...)

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Posted by: summer ( )
Date: May 28, 2012 10:22AM

FormerLatterClimber Wrote:
> But I have a question. Isn't paganism different from Satanism? I mean, pagans do beloved in a horned god, yes, but I believe that's how the Christians made up their depiction of Satan. In fact, pagans ate not satanists because they don't believe Satan even exists, right?

It would be better if a pagan answered you, but pulling it off the top of my head, yes, paganism and Satanism are two different things. Paganism (the old, traditional set of beliefs) was around long before Christianity. Satan is a Christian (or Judeo-Christian) concept, and therefore has nothing to do with paganism. I believe that the Christians slapped the idea of Satan on top of the little pagan horned god in order to demote him in the eyes of the people (in much the same manner that Christians usurped the pagan holidays.)

I remember reading that Lucifer in the ancient Hebrew faith was not seen as being evil. I'm not sure precisely where or when he picked up his negative juju.

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Posted by: Jim Huston ( )
Date: May 28, 2012 01:31PM

When Christianity was introduced in Rome it was considered Pagan and was outlawed. Pagan simply means a belief system that does not follow the mainstream religions of the time. Today it carries a connotation of polytheism and hedonism.

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Posted by: FormerLatterClimber ( )
Date: May 27, 2012 04:50PM

Ha! I knew it! I knew my tbm parents were evil! The more you guys share what goes on in the temple with Lucifer having a key role in their plays, the creepy endowment thing, the more creeped out I get. And now this...! God I am so glad I only went there for necro dunking with the other twelve year olds.

But I have a question. Isn't paganism different from Satanism? I mean, pagans do believe in a horned god, yes, but I believe that's how the Christians made up their depiction of Satan. In fact, pagans are not satanists because they don't believe Satan even exists, right? (Aside from being a Jesus lover, I also tend to be a bit of a tree hugger, hence my understanding of pagans...)

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Posted by: lostman ( )
Date: May 27, 2012 07:00PM

Most authors have a different take on what might be the basis for the three great Western religions; Christianity, Islam and judaism. I think the western religious tradition is a result of study of the stars, the Zodiak, and the later Godlike characteristics given to the 12 phases of the Zodiak, and the worship thereof.

When you look at ancient Egypt or sumer(babylon) you see similarities with our Christian story of the God head and the Father, virgin Mother and the Son of God ( Nimrod, Isis, osiris et al). When I use the word pagan I mostly use it a general sense to describe any believe not part of Christianity or Judaism. That is generally accepted as a definition of the European theologians. However I also consider it to have other meanings in that in all truth, the pagans are much closer to the truth than the later religions that used paganism as a basis for their religions only to deny the same as it became convenient. And also, I am sure that many powerful men in the modern religions know of the ancient and mystery foundation of their churches but because of allegiance to secrecy will not admit it.

The God of Freemasonry is Lucifer, the "lightbearer' and it was he, who according to their traditions helped mankind escape a terrible controlling God by giving them the knowledge to escape the garden and become like God themselves. Hence light is knowledge and and the all knowing can see in the dark.

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Posted by: Lucky ( )
Date: May 27, 2012 07:14PM

The Masonic lodge is not Satanic.

The origins of the Masonic lodge was gnosticism, which simply did not accept the Jewish Messiah as divine. Gnosticism does not accept the Christian God and it does not accept the Christians devil as well.

The satanic label is something that Christian based religions assign to their opposition, to villify them with out regard for the larger picture.

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Posted by: lancepeters ( )
Date: May 27, 2012 07:37PM

This is why you have to actually read the book, I am not saying that all freemaons were considered satanists. This is where it gets complicated, so please don't mince my words.

The book talks of two different types of masons:

Red Book: satanists, had sashes and aprons embroidered in red

Blue Book: good guys, had sashes and aprons embroidered in blue

I wish this was a joke, but this is how they distinguished them in the past. Please stop defaulting to what you think you know about thet masons. Yes, the large majority were great and good people, but there were sects that they identified by the traditions and blood oaths. The BLUE MASONS did not participate in blood oaths, the RED MASONS did. Everything I explained in this post is aobut the RED MASONS. I don't get why you can't just download and read the book; the link is right in front of you.

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Posted by: lancepeters ( )
Date: May 27, 2012 07:44PM

IN fact, here is only a portion of my library on freemosonry, the book titles are quite informative. These books are all PRE-1900s:

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/27/2012 07:53PM by lancepeters.

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Posted by: Lucky ( )
Date: May 28, 2012 03:12AM

lancepeters Wrote:

> I wish this was a joke, but this is how they
> distinguished them in the past. Please stop
> defaulting to what you think you know about thet
> masons. Yes, the large majority were great and
> good people, but there were sects that they
> identified by the traditions and blood oaths. The
> BLUE MASONS did not participate in blood oaths,
> the RED MASONS did. Everything I explained in this
> post is aobut the RED MASONS. I don't get why you
> can't just download and read the book; the link is
> right in front of you.

"WHy? "

1. because I ALREADY know enough to know that the labeling of
of anti christian organizations as satanic by christian organizations is simply christian PROPAGANDA in action !

2. I dont need to brush up on Xtian propaganda. I have already had enough of my life wasted on religious BS!
I dont mind being enlightened, but I have no time for more BS and BS is EXACTLY what you are offering.

Perhaps your words should be minced ! because they are a load of crap.

let me guess, the red masons tattoo words like "pure Evil, and "satan" on their forehead.
and after a person buys into this red masons versus blue masons BS, then whats next ? the really ultra evil yellow masons? black masons? this sounds like something right out of a comic book and thats about how relevant it is at this point !

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Posted by: winternight ( )
Date: May 27, 2012 07:55PM

I found some interesting informatoin on this very subject at They have a book on there called "Mormonism - Temple of Doom". It goes into great detail about masonry and luciferian rites. It's what really sealed the deal for me to resign from the church.

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Posted by: rhgc ( )
Date: May 27, 2012 08:15PM

Temple of Doom! I feel like I'm in a tomb when I'm in an LDS temple - or perhaps I should change this to "felt".

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Posted by: Otremer ( )
Date: May 27, 2012 08:15PM

...and all the Annunaki were just extraterrestrials from Niburu (not Kolob) who genetically engineered humanity as a slave labor force in their own image using their own DNA and then were worshiped by us as gods.

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Posted by: lancepeters ( )
Date: May 27, 2012 08:27PM

Hahahaha, I love it, This is getting really weird, very good. I've got a ton of information that I'll be posting here shortly.

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Posted by: lancepeters ( )
Date: May 27, 2012 08:30PM

Look what I found:

The silver Joseph Smith Jupiter talisman for prosperity and good fortune are $199.95 plus $14.95 US priority insured shipping or $45 global express mail or US express mail insured shipping. Just click the credit card or Paypal buttons for secure online ordering.

Its only $200.00 what a steal right? I'll buy one and then have the Temple of Doom power as well

Here's the link:

In fact, whoever buys one of these, wears on the outside of their shirts and then snaps a picture with this outside your shirt while shaking the prophets hand, I will personally award you $200.00. Even if you fashion one yourself out of clay, but it has took look mettallic.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/27/2012 08:32PM by lancepeters.

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Posted by: Jim Huston ( )
Date: May 28, 2012 10:12AM

The Jupiter Talisman came directly from Francis Barrett's book on ceremonial magic "Magus." It has absolutely nothing to do with Freemasonry.

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Posted by: lancepeters ( )
Date: May 28, 2012 01:40PM

You are correct about Barret's book, but not so much about the freemasons.

Barret's complete mangus:

I don't know if it has nothing to do with it, the britsh free mansons were the ones who were into esoteric christianity stuff. Might want to take a look at some of these books as well. This is because esoteric christianty fell in line with masonic stuff back then, the magazines were avaialbe twoard the end of the 1800s, but this doesn't mean that these "combined" esoteric and mason stuff weren't already present. Here's the name of the magazine:

"The Esoterics: A magazine of advanced and practical esoteric throught"

Volume: Volume 1
Date: July 1887 to June 1888

Publisher: Esoteric Publishing
Address: 478 Shawmut Avenue,
Date: 1888

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Posted by: Jim Huston ( )
Date: May 28, 2012 02:42PM

All truly dogmatic religions have issued from the Kabbalah, and return to it: everything scientific and grand in the religious dreams of all the illuminati, Jacob Boehme, Swedenborg, Saint-Martin, and others, is borrowed from the Kabalah; all the Masonic associations owe to it their Secrets and Symbols. (Morals and Dogma, p. 744)

Include with this the Rosicrucians who also based their work on Kabbalism.

Francis Barrett is known to have studied Kabbalism. There is nothing authoritative that I have found that relates Barrett to Freemasonry. If Barrett was associated with or relied on by Freemasonry wouldn't Pike have referenced this while discussing Boehme and Swedenborg?

One more point - a writing being old does not make it authoritative. For example, have you read "On Witchcraft" by Cotton Mather? I have yet to see you post anything that is authoritative on the subject of Freemasonry.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/28/2012 03:00PM by Jim Huston.

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Posted by: lostman ( )
Date: May 27, 2012 09:00PM

Is it fair to assume that most readers of this forum have decided that the official story of Mormonism is false? And if that is correct, then is it safe to assume that most inquisitive minds would want to try to learn what the real story might be? Consequently, there are no foolish questions. We are forced to work in the dark because we were part of well oiled machine of lies and deception for so long.

Just as 95% of Mormons have no workable understanding of Mormon doctrine nor Mormon history, it is the same with Masons. My family has had membership in Masonic lodges in Europe dating back to 1785 and even within my family there is a huge divide as to what the true history is regarding the start of Masonry, let alone the important doctrines. That is why I was careful to say, " acoording to their traditions" they believe in such and such. It is important to remember that very few pwople have a belief system anywhere close to what the Mormon concept of Satan is. when the Encyclopedia of freemasonry is talking about Lucifer they are not taking into account the mormon idea of Satan. A person can put some faith into some teachings associated with Lucifer without being "satanic".

Thank you lancepeters for posting the information you have, I will read it all and hopefully we can dialogue again sometime.

To the troll who tried to dismiss the discussion by linking it to the annunaki? Congratulations, those who run churches and governments are always pleased when real debate can be ended by the absurd.

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Posted by: Otremer ( )
Date: May 27, 2012 09:23PM

So are you saying you'd rather live in the paradigm of the 'supernatural' with demons, angels and angry gods under the bed?

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Posted by: lostman ( )
Date: May 27, 2012 09:05PM

I am sorry. I should not have used the word troll.

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Posted by: ozpoof ( )
Date: May 27, 2012 09:52PM

Who tells the truth in the temple movie? Lucifer. God lies. But then LDS Inc lies, so maybe they aren't following the "light giver" after all, unless everything about their cult is a lie.

It's like trying to work out what a person who says "I always lie" is actually saying. Lies within lies.

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Posted by: darth jesus ( )
Date: May 28, 2012 02:36AM

very very interesting.

red masons, blue masons. my goodness.

would you recommend joining the freemasons? i understand i'd be joining the blue masons.

if all "blue" now, do you think maybe the higher ups are red masons but the rest of the people think they are blue masons and swear by it? (mormonism type of venture)

do the red masons still exist?

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Posted by: Jim Huston ( )
Date: May 28, 2012 10:09AM

Kabbalism is Jewish mysticism and a way to interpret the Old Testament.

Until fairly recently, the Kabbalah was virtually unheard of outside scholarly Rabbinic circles and to those deeply involved in esoteric schools. Yet for hundreds of years this "secretive" text has been used as a cornerstone for occult societies and doctrines. Consider the words of Albert Pike—arguably the most influential Freemason that has lived—regarding the importance of the Kabbalah in relationship to the mystery schools and to Freemasonry in particular,

The Kabbalah is the key to the occult sciences; and the Gnostics were born of the Kabalists. (Morals and Dogma, p. 626)

Masonry is a search after Light. That search leads us directly back, as you see, to the Kabbalah. In that ancient and little understood medley of absurdity and philosophy, the Initiate will find the source of many doctrines; and may in time come to understand the Hermetic philosophers, the Alchemists, all the Anti-papal Thinkers of the Middle Age, and Emanuel Swedenborg. (Morals and Dogma, p. 741)

All truly dogmatic religions have issued from the Kabbalah, and return to it: everything scientific and grand in the religious dreams of all the illuminati, Jacob Boehme, Swedenborg, Saint-Martin, and others, is borrowed from the Kabalah; all the Masonic associations owe to it their Secrets and Symbols. (Morals and Dogma, p. 744)

The Kabbalists were 12-13th century Jewish mystics from France and Spain who drew from the Midrash, Book of Enoch, writings of the Essenes, and several different middle eastern groups including the Zoasters, Egyptians and Greeks with a lot of Gnosticism thrown in. (Guide to the Zohar, Green)

The writings of the Castillian Kabbalists was the Zohar. It was written as if it was an ancient text by a well known Jewish Rabbi from the time of the second temple of Solomon, but claimed a heritige to Adam. It was suppose to be lost secrets from the Temple of Solomon.

To me it is interesting that Kabbalism is early lost secrets of the temple of Solomon, Albert Pike's book says that Freemasonry owes it's mysteries to Kabbalism, Joseph Smith claims to be restoring ceremonies from the Temple of Solomon and the ceremonies happen to look very much like Freemasonry. Freemasonry has developed ceremonies that can be recognized in Kabbaistic writings.

None of it is that old. Kabbalism was during the 12th and 13th centuries. Freemasonry really started in the 17th and 18th centuries. It did not start with the Templars who had been in the Temple of Solomon as has been claimed. Read the Knights of Templar by historian Stephen Howarth. Freemasonry claimed the age because they used Kabbalism for pieces of their roots. Kabbalism claimed age because they wanted to appear old and borrowed from early Jewish Midrash and the Book of Enoch.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/28/2012 10:16AM by Jim Huston.

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Posted by: Jim Huston ( )
Date: May 28, 2012 10:17AM

The first time the word "Freemason" was known to be used in conjunction with Edwin in about 926 A.D. King Athelstan assembled Masons to receive their charter. The king desired them to rebuild Christian churches, monasteries and convents that had been destroyed by fire in the Scandinavian invasions between 835 and 870. The king's son, Edwin, had learned the science of architecture from masons at York who chose him to be their leader. It was several hundred years before the term shows up again.

Freemasons can be traced back to medieval times when stonemasons formed guilds and unions, but some sources trace them back even further. Freemason legend dates their fraternity back to the building of King Solomon's temple in the Bible. The project, so legend has it, was so large that it required the stonemasons to organize themselves into groups and classes with distinct responsibilities. There is no concrete evidence of Masonry in ancient times, however. (Darrah, 63-4).

Scholars also speculate that Freemasonry has connections with the Greek and Roman mysteries, which were rites of entering their religions and kept secret upon penalty of death. It is suggested that the founders of the Masons had knowledge of the secrets of the Mysteries and used them to help form Freemasonry (Casavis, 53).

There is written evidence of the Masons dating back to the fourteenth century. In the Middle Ages stonemasons and architects were an elite class who could travel between countries, unlike serfs who had restrictions on their travel. They called themselves "free" because of this. The Masons were responsible for building beautiful structures across Europe, especially the cathedrals. Until the sixteenth century, Masons were simply craftsmen learning the operative art of masonry in guilds and unions (Mackey and McClennachan, 744-750).

In the beginning of the seventeenth century, union membership began to decline, and elite and prominent members of society were allowed in as "patrons of the Fraternity" and later as "accepted masons." (This is where the term "Free and Accepted Masons" comes from.) By the end of the seventeenth century a great change had occurred; the accepted masons outnumbered the actual stonemasons in the unions, and their discussion had turned from aspects of the actual trade to moral philosophy (Durrah, 90-92).

Masonry also borrowed a mystical aspect from the many mystical societies of medieval Europe, Many people were involved in these groups in Europe in the Middle Ages. When political freedom came to Europe, many of these groups were disbanded, but the esoteric interest in mysticism continued. Many people joined Freemasonry because of their interest in mysticism (Spence, 174-175).

In 1717, modern Masonry was founded with the first Grand Lodge in England. Early in its history this lodge was challenged by lodges that formed in other parts of the British Isles. They are called the Ancient Masons (Pick and Knight, 88). Although the two groups were fused together in the United Grand Lodge of England by 1813, the initial split caused the diversity of Lodges in the United States and beyond.

The three levels of worthiness are in the York Rite Freemasons. The Scottish Rite have 33 degrees. One possible explanation of the three degrees is the Jewish temple which was designed with three levels. These were the Holy of Holies, The Inner Court and the Outer Court. The three degrees of York Rite are Apprentice, Craftsman and Master. The explanation of heaven in Kabbalah texts is that there are three degrees of heaven (four degrees total with the earth being the first) and 10 partitions or levels within each degree. This was the Sephirothic Trees.
The total of 33 levels in heaven, or the degrees of the Scottish Rite is a holy number in Kabbalism. The number 3, or parts of the temple and major divisions of the Sephirothic Trees of heaven is also a holy number.

Swedenborg got his ideas from Gnosticism and Kabbalism. He was students of both. Gnostics consider themselves to be "enlightened" or "Illuminati". After the fall of the initial Illuminati in Bavaria, a new group of "enlightened" men emerged. Swedenborg was recognized as a leader. The basis for the Three Degrees of Glory, and Preexistance can be found in both Gnostic and Kabbalistic texts (they share some of the same basic writings). The preexistance is explained more fully in the Gnostic literature. The Gnostic literature also includes the teaching that men may become Gods. Kabbalism teaches this, but only in the case of Kabbalah Masters. Kabbalism has a concept of a Godhead with three separate emenations. All Powerful (Male), Wisdom and Mercy (Female), and Spiritual.

As has already been said, JS was studying Kabbalism, Hebrew and German with Alexander Neibaur (who by the way was an ancestor of Hugh Nibley). JS also instructed Bennett to set up the Nauvoo and Iowa Masonic Lodges as "Illuminati" lodges which had reference to the "enlightend" teachers including Swedenborg. This created a rift with the Illinois lodges and his charter as a Mason and having Masonic Lodges was revoked.

Richard Burton also saw Mormon parallels and specifically sent for and purchased nineteen volumes of Swedenborg to be included in Utah Territorial University.

The Rose Cross, spider's web, and beehive are again linked on the title page of Robert Fludd's and Joachim Frizius's collaboration, Summum bonum, The True Magic, Cabla, and Alchemy of the True Fraternity of the Rose Cross (Frankfurt, 1629) (Yates, The Rosicrucian Enlightenment, 72, 102). The symbol of the beehive subsequently entered into Freemasonry as one of the ten emblems (including the "All-seeing Eye") given to a Master Mason at the time of his ceremonial initiation; in Masonry it was associated with the motto "industry" (Jabez Richardson, Richardson's Monitor of Free-Masonry [facsimile reprint, Chicago: Charles T. Powner, Co., n.d.], 40).

The idea of the solar eye comes to us from the Egyptians, who equated the eye with the deity Osiris; the human eye in its ability to perceive light was viewed as a miniature sun. In Kabbalism it was the "Eye of Providence" or the "Eye of God."

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Posted by: SL Cabbie ( )
Date: May 28, 2012 03:46PM

The "solar eye" was adopted in Masonic lore from Egyptian relics that were extant in pre-Champollion times? I do know there were a lot of Egyptian artifacts around (which was why Chandler had his "traveling show" that had the mummies and papyrii Smith persuaded his followers to purchase). There was a "romance" (the fuel that "fires" the flames of silly folks) to Egyptian stuff at the time, and all sorts of miraculous powers were attributed to "mummy dust," etc. There's a similar "fashionable quality" about Masonic lore...

My classical education is woefully lacking on Herodotus, etc., but I take a lot of refuge in realizing very few actual documents survived from the Hellenic era, and translations created often "insoluble" problems. I'm bi-lingual, for example, and I read French well enough (and can "dissect" obtuse poetry) to have realized that what is being passed off as Nostradamus' "prophecies" is nothing more than badly cracked and after-the-fact crockery. Just a waste of time, IMHO, and I'd "want mine back" except it did teach me some useful lessons. Useful, but embarrassing nevertheless...

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Posted by: Jim Huston ( )
Date: May 28, 2012 04:41PM

If you accept that Masonic symbols are rooted in Kabbalism, which is the position of both Albert Pike and Gershom Scholem, the eye would have come from Egyptian relics and lore from the 12th and 13th centuries. This would have been Jewish interpretations of the relics and lore.

Freemasonry started gathering beliefs and ceremonies in the early 18th century and were well formed and using Egyptian or Egyptian like lore when Hyrum Abiff became a fixture in the late 18th century. Champollion was born in the late 18th century and did his work in the early 19th century. From this we can reasonably say that the Egyptian interpretations and Masonic lore was pre-Champollion.

Similarities between writings of Freemasonry, Jacob Boehme, Swedenborg, Saint-Martin, and Rosicrucianism are easily explained because they were all rooted in the same esoteric belief system.

Joseph Smith got information from several of these sources. For example Melchizedek and the High Priesthood figured in several of the belief systems, including the root, Kabbalism; and the other people/groups of Freemasonry, Swedenborg, Boehme and even the Ephrata commune in Pennsylvania.

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