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Posted by: docia ( )
Date: August 09, 2012 10:41PM

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Posted by: Lost Mystic ( )
Date: August 09, 2012 10:43PM

Ouch! I feel for you then! Have you started writing your history based on all the questions in the packet?

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Posted by: anagrammy ( )
Date: August 09, 2012 10:46PM

Guys, I've been through it.

Got an annulment from RCC even though we had four children--because we married too young.

He had to sign permission for it to be annulled.


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Posted by: suzanne ( )
Date: August 09, 2012 11:24PM

I think it is worth doing if you love your wife and want her to be happy. It doesn't mean anything to you, even though it is a big invasion of privacy, but it means a lot to her.

However, I know there are some very liberal priests in the US that don't care about things like this to take the Eucharist. Maybe they should just attend a more liberal parish?

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Posted by: Devil Woman ( )
Date: August 10, 2012 06:23AM

What is an RCC annulment?

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Posted by: me ( )
Date: August 10, 2012 07:37AM

I got one as soon as the divorce was final. Never remarried, but it helped me accept that the marriage was doomed from the start.

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Posted by: Timothy ( )
Date: August 10, 2012 07:38AM

... to manipulate and control its sheeple.

Sound familiar?


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Posted by: ThinkingOutLoud ( )
Date: August 10, 2012 10:54AM

My father got 2 RCC annulments and was able to marry 3 times in the RCC.

My mother responded to the one for her marriage of 16 years and 3 kids ( I am one of those kids ), by denying everything he alleged that would support his claim that the marriage was entered into unadvisedly and without truly understanding what marriage was, with: We took pre-Cana classes in this very church, and were married after that pre-marriage counseling that the church requires with a priest in your order. We married with this church's blessing, with full knowledge and understanding of what the word marriage means. Just because he failed miserably at keeping the promises made in tnd failed at keeping his vows to me and our children, and is now trying to marry the womann with whom he cheated, does not mean he did know what marriage was when he undertook to enter into it with me.

She refused to sign---and he got it anyway. Then another in 1986, and another in 1998. 2 different churches, 2 different states--and yes, each knew about the other one, no miscommunications there.

So, FWIW, do not invest too highly in the process, or feel you will be able to change what it is or prove a point, because to be honest if the person wanting itreally wants it, and can fake or fool those reviewing the process into theinking they have changed, or will change or have a sincere desire to change, they will get what they want, period.

It's a ritualistic, glorified process of denying truth, with plausible deniability built in, as an afterthought. The process makes a mockery of marriage and what it is and should stand for. It has one main goal, and one only, in my opinion: keep the person in the church with the most money, prestige or power, or whoever has the most status, connections or position which can later be used to their advantage.

Bitter much? Yeah. Yeah, I am.

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