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Posted by: sometimes lurker ( )
Date: August 21, 2012 10:01AM

The weirdest things validate the "truthfulness" of the church for Mormons, like some actor or celeb is Mormon so THE CHURCH IS TRUE!Some building, some temple is beautiful, so THE CHURCH IS TRUE!

Little people actor Billy Barty was Mormon! The church is true! (Actually he's dead now.)

But then what about Aaron Eckhart, returned LDS missionary and hardly a Mormon? Does that make the church not true? It never seems that's the case.

Divide into groups. Discuss. Give two examples.

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Posted by: xyz ( )
Date: August 21, 2012 10:03AM

"The church is true-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!"

:::rolls eyes:::

That means it must be.

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Posted by: Mormoney ( )
Date: August 21, 2012 10:21AM

Yeah but you don't understand. I KNOW the church is true. With every fiber of my soul. Nothing you say or do can prove otherwise as the spirit manifested it to me. So there!

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Posted by: The Oncoming Storm - bc ( )
Date: August 21, 2012 10:33AM

I was in a car accident and I didn't die - the church is true.

I had a weird feeling and I didn't go somewhere that I might have gotten in a car accident - the church is true.


Things are going really good - God blessed me and the church is true.

Things are going really bad - God blessed me to learn & grow and the church is true.

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Posted by: absolutelyunsure ( )
Date: August 21, 2012 11:11AM

And from the opposite end of the spectrum...

Loved one died in car crash...or better yet...loved one suffers a lifetime of mental illness, kills must have been for a good reason...the church is true

Got a weird feeling...went anyway...must have missed out on some potential blessing...the church is true

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Posted by: John Wesley ( )
Date: August 21, 2012 10:48AM

...I was in a car accident. All my non-LDS friends in the car died. I was burned over every part of my body except the parts covered by garments. Garments are true. LOL!

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Posted by: robertb ( )
Date: August 21, 2012 11:05AM

Hugh Nibley used the argument that Mormonism was just so ridiculous it couldn't be made up. What person would make something like that up?

That is one Nibley argument I didn't buy even as a TBM.

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Posted by: The Oncoming Storm - bc ( )
Date: August 21, 2012 11:13AM

In the snippets I've read of his apologetics of the Book of Mormon he used exactly the same argument - it's so crazy it must be true. E.g. Joseph Smith wouldn't have written those crazy things if he was making it up - he would haven written stuff that appeared to be more realistic???

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Posted by: robertb ( )
Date: August 21, 2012 11:24AM

I think it was his apologetics on the Book of Mormon is where I read it--Lehi in the Deseret? It's been a very long time since I read any of that.

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Posted by: The Oncoming Storm - bc ( )
Date: August 21, 2012 11:51AM

Yep - one section where he uses that argument is Nephi & the brass plates.

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Posted by: Brethren,adieu ( )
Date: August 21, 2012 11:10AM

The initials "NHM" appear on a rock somewhere in the Middle East. It must have been the city of Nahom mentioned in the Book of Mormon. Therefore, the church is true.

Oh, yeah, and the Book of Mormon is the word of god, therefore, the Brighamite branch of the church is true.

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Posted by: Jim Huston ( )
Date: August 21, 2012 11:13AM

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Posted by: Dee Lightsum ( )
Date: August 21, 2012 11:14AM

Pioneers crossed the plains to get to the holy land of SLC. They left so many of their belongings behind. They lost children and spouses on the journey. No one would sacrifice so much if the church weren't true.

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Posted by: canadianfriend ( )
Date: August 21, 2012 11:25AM

In fairness to your friendly neighborhood Mos, they always go back to their testimony to prove the church is true. Although there is ample physical evidence (as in "not any") to prove it all true, Mormons usually cut straight to the testimony, especially when all else fails. Unfortunately for the morg, people today are calling them out and making it clear that there is a difference between "knowing" and "feeling". If you claim to know something you'd better be able to back it up with solid, irrefutable evidence. Otherwise, go back to the ward, close the doors, and tell each other all about what you "know".

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Posted by: notsurewhattothink ( )
Date: August 21, 2012 12:38PM

I felt like when I was a member that I had to really dig and struggle to find things to support why the church was true.

However, now that I am here, I see the landslide of bulls*** flow as freely as an elephant on laxatives.

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Posted by: mr. mike ( )
Date: August 21, 2012 12:52PM

Has anybody ever said "the church must be true because it's so strange"?

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Posted by: spicyflavor ( )
Date: August 21, 2012 12:59PM

I felt the spirit - The church is true.

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Posted by: rationalguy ( )
Date: August 21, 2012 01:04PM

The idea that faith is a virtue, pounded into little brains while they're still soft. It's all BS, and it's bad for you.

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Posted by: JoD3:360 ( )
Date: August 21, 2012 01:09PM

How about the one where the Government refused to allow the state to be called Deseret, and instead made them name the state after the Ute indians, whose name means mountaintops which fulfills the prophecy in Isaiah that the kingdom of God would be in the tops of the mountains. Or something like that.

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Posted by: tiptoes ( )
Date: August 21, 2012 01:22PM

Lost the diamond out my ring twice:

1st time: found in two hours later upside down in the middle of the road in a crack. I was a member of the church, god answered my must be true.

2nd time: diamond fell out on mission trip with the Methodist church. The diamond cannot be found. Punishment for leaving the true church.


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Posted by: rationalguy ( )
Date: August 21, 2012 01:26PM

Joseph Smith was but a simple, uneducated farm boy. He couldn't possibly have written such a perfect and truthful book, the Book of Mormon. It HAD to be revealed by GOD! So I know the church is twooo.

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Posted by: caedmon ( )
Date: August 21, 2012 02:19PM

I took a college philosophy course (not BYU) taught by a TBM who liked to think of herself as a 'liberal' mormon - whatever that meant.

Anyway, EVERYTHING proved Mormonism was true.....

Plato's theory of forms = Mormonism is true

Kant's deontological ethics = Mormonism is true

It was just silly.

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