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Posted by: Don Bagley ( )
Date: August 24, 2012 02:31AM

That Jet Blue Chief was a piece of work. When asked why do Mormons make good business men, he said that that's how we're programmed. Is he a man or a machine?

Earliest to work, last to leave. That was presented as the Mormon mantra. Then they wonder why their wives and children are so needy.

I liked when the black Mormon guy said: Oh yeah, the magic underwear.

And how about that warehouse? Goodies for everyone, just ask a bishop!

One guy came out to his mother, and she said she would rather have found out that he was dead.

"Elder Rice" admitted he was gay and had to leave the church.

Most of the program was a cowardly whitewash, but the above points came through anyway.

As always, Mormonism is not for the discerning mind.

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Posted by: DonnyOsmondMorg ( )
Date: August 24, 2012 02:42AM

I agree totally. At least a few good points got thru....planting a few little seeds maybe. It has to start somewhere, and as the church itself tells us that all the little planted seeds will result in a few seeds taking root and the beginning of more questioning hopefully. Sigh....

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Posted by: bona dea ( )
Date: August 24, 2012 02:45AM

I would have liked to see more on th obedience thing and also prop 8. Otherwise I thought it was okay.

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Posted by: voweaver ( )
Date: August 24, 2012 03:07AM

From what I've learned right here on the exmormon recovery site, the fallacy of the bishop's warehouse was definitely misrepresented on the program. The idea that great trucking fleets are dispatched to all disaster sites was ludicrous!

There wasn't enough stress on the fact that bishops "counsel" their flocks with NO training whatsoever.

And I was super-disappointed over the light-speed mention of Mormon belief in a "different" Jesus.


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Posted by: Exmosis ( )
Date: August 24, 2012 12:12PM

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Posted by: lulu ( )
Date: August 24, 2012 03:17AM

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Posted by: Queen of Denial ( )
Date: August 24, 2012 04:19AM

A few of my mormon FB friends posted that they felt the program painted the church in a bad light. I thought it interesting that any tiny bit of criticism was viewed by a few TBM friends as "unbalanced" reporting.

Also, one friend used the word "offended" regarding the exmormons interviewed and why they left. So typical! Ha!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/24/2012 04:20AM by Queen of Denial.

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Posted by: spanner ( )
Date: August 24, 2012 04:19AM

That Book of Mormon musical song is fantastic.

I hope they make a movie.

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Posted by: lucky ( )
Date: August 24, 2012 04:43AM

"Earliest to work, last to leave. That was presented as the Mormon mantra. Then they wonder why their wives and children are so needy."

MORmON Men can spend all their time working to make the world go around for LDS Inc. and its just AS IF they actually spent some time with their families BECAUSE MORmONS TALK A LOT about the importance of family,so the magic of MORmON blabber PR SPIN kicks in on that point!

There is a MORmON PR piece about BYU Basket Ball player MArty Haw's son. They told how Marty spent 1 to 2 hours every weekday morning before work doing basket ball drills and shoot arounds with his son at the ward house gym to sharpen up his son's basket ball skills. I was at the church at that time of the day too..... WASTING MY TIME LISTENING TO FUCKING EARLY MORNING LDS SEMINARY teachers! dreaming of being able to play basket ball!

I wanted to puke. I probably saw my own MORmON male parent less than 2 hours a MONTH, because LDS INC was running his ass into the ground and then into an early grave. of course it suited me just fine at the time because I did not want to be around him
any way because every time I was around the prick, it turned into another mind numbing FUCKING MORmON church meeting.

MORmONS talking about family, I want to puke !

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Posted by: spokenwar ( )
Date: August 24, 2012 09:04AM

What a total white wash. If NBC had spent 5 minutes going over the Book of Mormon your show would have some validity. Questions like 'where does God live,' 'what kind of man was Joseph Smith,' 'who are the American Indians in Mormon lore,' weren't asked and so went unanswered. Some of it is simply crazy. And when you had a chance to press a tough question, NBC walked away. The answer about blacks not being allowed ("we're not certain even today why that practice...") in the faith was the true nadir of the show. You actually let this guy get away with that slimy explanation.

Unbelievable... absolutely unbelievable.

What we got instead was the moral equivalent to a Love Boat tour.

Does NBC actually call this journalism? This is the first time I watched Rock Center and I guarantee it will be the last.

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Posted by: westernwillows ( )
Date: August 24, 2012 10:18AM

Anyone else notice when the family was reading from the book of mormon, that the only part you could hear the lady say was about Ammon hitching his horses to the chariots? I know they didn't go into depth, but I found it interesting that that's the sound bite they chose.

They also forgot to mention that all the volunteers are paying ridiculous amounts of money to serve a senior mission to go make cheese and bread and things like that. And that they're giving up valuable time with their families and volunteering at their leisure, not when they're told to volunteer.

I also loved the part where the girl got divorced and had no food so the bishop said "hey here's a plot, go grow your own damn food!"

But then again, I was watching with exmo eyes. I'm sure to the rest of the world it looked just peachy.

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Posted by: Outcast ( )
Date: August 24, 2012 10:22AM

That one bishop lied when he said the church gives needy people access to the storehouse without pressure to convert.

In my city, I'm willing to bet that less than 1% of food aid comes from the bishop's storehouse. No one knows it's located way out on the edge of the city limits. But most everyone knows about the regional food bank and the other aid centers downtown where most of the needy people are.

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Posted by: blueorchid ( )
Date: August 24, 2012 10:36AM

"As always, Mormonism is not for the discerning mind."

That sums it up beautifully Don. I had to turn it off. My allotted quota for listening to bull#$%* was full.

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Posted by: 3X ( )
Date: August 24, 2012 10:41AM

I found (as helamonster predicted) the piece to be mostly fluffery and puffery, with the added delight of Harry Smith hopping and skipping around, eyes wide in astonishment at the "glory and the wonder".

How ironic that, as QoD points out above, the Faithful couldn't see the copious adulatory fluff for the minute amount of criticism given.
One thing that struck me while watching the report was that for the attentive TV viewer (there must be some), the plasticity, vacuity, and regimentation of mormon life seeped through - one instance being in the footage of the church service (F & T?) showing row upon row of white-shirted, blank-faced males, exuding a certain air of creepiness.

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Posted by: Ponti ( )
Date: August 24, 2012 10:44AM

after his wife said that she had never had coffee, and had only had one coke in her life,

he said in following, "I'm not going to lie to you Diane, I have an occassional Dr. Pepper."

Oh happy day indeed!

The wife's comment about how she doesn't use alcohol because "I've seen what happens at party's, and I like to be in control of what I say and what I do."

It's always so extreme with the mormons. If you drink, well of course, you will get drunk. There can be no middle ground moderation in anything. Like a glass of red wine after dinner, a cold beer on a saturday night, a wedding toast, etc.

Loved the Huntmans girl tid bit about her Bishop questioning/threatening her about her non member boyfriend. Priceless.

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Posted by: 3X ( )
Date: August 24, 2012 10:48AM

And we all loved her reaction: "I turned around, walked out, and never went back."

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Posted by: Outcast ( )
Date: August 24, 2012 10:53AM

That huge warehouse stockpiling a year's supply of commodities is hugely inefficient from a business standpoint. Stocking and storing inventory is a major expense for businesses. You don't want inventory to pile up and sit for very long, it needs to be moving to the distribution centers. "Inventory Turns" is a key metric, and 1 year is not good.

Harry Smith got it very wrong when he said, "Costco would be envious" or something like that...if anything, Costco would fire the managers who allowed so much capital to be tied up and the expenses of stocking everything to grow so high.

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Posted by: CA girl ( )
Date: August 24, 2012 11:09AM

Thanks for posting this thread everyone. I couldn't bear to watch when the pre-reporting warned it was going to be primarily a puff piece reported with kid gloves on. I wanted to know what was said but I prefer it filtered through the common sense eyes of fellow exmos.

Oh, and BTW - the woman who said she doesn't drink because she likes to be in control...does she realize she is not in control of her life? She handed that over to the Mormons years ago. She can't even control what underwear she has on.

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Posted by: androidandy ( )
Date: August 24, 2012 11:32AM

I instantly noticed the plastic smiles, the familiar brainwashed look of the devout members in this very weak NBC television special.

Clueless robots following along.
I wish the Huntsman woman would of said more about her leaving the safety of the mormon cult she was raised in.

Maybe someone would bring up that the breathtaking ignorant members are in denial. The dirty BIG Mormon secret is The Nephites are IMAGINARY people and the hoax is laughable.

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Posted by: Camara ( )
Date: August 24, 2012 11:16AM

I have the feeling that they could have told the entire story of the Mormon Church and the Republican exangelicals (who devoted whole books and classes on,"How To Answer A Mormon" ) and considered the LDS a blasphemy, would STILL vote for Mitt over Obama.

Everything they found "wrong" with Obama's religion, whether it was Jeremiah Wright's rhetoric or the "clues" that the Presiden t was really a Muslim,were just a smokescreen.


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Posted by: SisterTwister ( )
Date: August 24, 2012 12:07PM

I missed it.

Sounds like more Herman Goebbels propaganda.

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Posted by: Chicken'n'Backpacks ( )
Date: August 24, 2012 12:08PM

The church HISTORIAN says he doesn't know exactly why there was a priesthood ban? Gimme a break.

I don't think Abbey Huntsman knew the real reason temples are so exclusive--beyond the ripped-off masonic stuff, it's because it's based on the secret polygamy club; but probably 0.00000001% of TBMs don't know that.

No mention of the for-profit industries, but at least one guy did say that you don't get something for nothing; but they don't say what "volunteer work" you have to do after you get your goodies at the bishop's Storehouse.

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Posted by: 3X ( )
Date: August 24, 2012 12:35PM

In fact, his exculpatory blurb began with, "We still don't know why <blah, blah, blah>."

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Posted by: old timer ( )
Date: August 24, 2012 01:22PM

They portrayed the gay issue as being much softer now. What a lie!

And the food warehouse was emphasized too much. The "generosity" will probably be the biggest impression left on the minds of the curious but lazy uninformed voters.

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Posted by: schweizerkind ( )
Date: August 24, 2012 01:25PM

TSCC's PR department should be dancing with glee. The only saving graces were the interviews with Abby Huntsman and the "Book of Mormon" cast member (can't remember his name).

In the KSL newscast following, the local "reporter" interviewed some TBM's, including the mixed-race couple featured on the NBC piece. True to form, all that the TBM's focused on was the quite mild critical bits--they were so biased. Williams et al should have gone to the GA's on those issues. Yeah, right.

In-sum-I-was-so-disgusted-I-almost-hurled-ly yrs,


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Posted by: ginger ( )
Date: August 24, 2012 04:19PM

This is what my TBM neighbor said who was not happy with the broadcast:

"The family was good. The welfare stuff was great. The Huntsman chick? Oh please....I don't think they answered questions that well and it wasn't all accurate information. Equality? Does that liberated active woman even understand our roles and equal partnership? Her daughter questions things because she was taught to question...your right, it gives us the opportunity to put better information out there."

Then her friend replied:

"yeah...some parts were okay, then there were parts (like the garment stuff), where I was a little bit ... annoyed. I just don't understand why they spent so much time interviewing that Hunstman chick. I liked the mo-family waayyyy better. .... This just motivates me to blog more about the church, so there is more good info out there."

Of course they didn't like the Huntsman chick. They can't handle anything outside of what their church manuals teach. Just don't think for yourself and you'll be fine.

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Posted by: Queen of Denial ( )
Date: August 24, 2012 04:40PM

ginger Wrote:
> This just motivates me to blog more
> about the church, so there is more good info out
> there."

And I hope she does blog and blog and blog. Mormons blogging and putting their religious beliefs on their FB walls is annoying to anyone who doesn't share those same beliefs. They reveal more weirdness than they realize by parroting the same things over and over. So please, do blog random mormon people.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/24/2012 04:40PM by Queen of Denial.

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