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Posted by: steve benson ( )
Date: September 20, 2012 10:55AM

First, here is a prefatory comment by "MormonThink's" managing editor that he included with the initial news release:

" . . . [J]ust thought you'd like to know the news (below). We are beginning to talk with the press about this, but could really use a big press contact if anyone has one.



Now, the actual (and first version of) the news release:

"The LDS Church is taking punitive action against one of its members for something he wrote.

"Last week, on September 11, 13 and 15, David [last name deleted], the managing editor of posted a series of articles on the political history of the LDS Church, as it relates to Mitt Romney’s campaign and Romney’s stubbornness of keeping his tax forms secret as it’s tied with LDS historical policies. As managing editor, David is a life-long, fifth-generation Mormon in good standing.

"Then on September 16, his LDS Bishop, LDS Stake President and two Church executives brought David into [name of state deleted] Mormon Church offices at the [name of city deleted]-based congregation and interrogated him about his writings, telling him 'Cease and desist, Brother [last name deleted].'

"In a letter hastily typed, they scheduled an excommunication 'for apostasy' on September 30 at 7:30 a.m., to remove David from the LDS church.

"During the interrogation, LDS leaders chastised David for not publishing his full name and hiding his identity in order to avoid discipline. To the leaders, David insisted that, 'In my heart I believe I am championing truth as I know it as managing editor of MormonThink.'

"The next question from them was: 'Who are the other individuals you work with on MormonThink?'

"They denied that they are on--in their words--'a witch hunt' but they continued demanding that David answer, 'If people are truly interested in truth, as you say they are, then why would they hide their name or who they are?'

"David asked them why now, and how did they come up with his name so fast after posting the articles. They wouldn’t disclose this. He’s since heard that a Mormon apologist tied to the BYU affiliated FAIR alerted leaders in Salt Lake City, with David’s identity."


David initially contacted me and asked if I could help get him in touch with major media on postings that were was planned for publication on

I replied that I would do what I could.

In an effort to acquire that media attention, I initially posted the above press release on RfM, which was soon thereafter seen by a major national news organization. I was contacted by a reporter for that news organization who has during the past year written stories on the Mormon Church and has profiled certain ex-Mormons. (The initial RfM posting was eventually taken down).

The reporter was very interested in this story, so I provided said reporter with David's contact information. Both the reporter and David have since directly confirmed to me that they are in contact with each other.

This is an important story for several reasons:

--Local Mormon Church leaders were informed of David's MormonThink posting by others, whom those leaders refused to identify.

--What was posted on that led to excommunication plans dealt with Mormon Mitt Romney and Mormon Church political history. I was provided with links that MormonThink was scheduling to post. Here are two of those links (I have chosen not to post another link which was provided to me, given that it would specifically identify the individual who is the subject of the Mormon Church excommunication hearing):

Here are those postable links:

The next one has since been described to me by David as "[a]ctually the article that seemed to piss them off":

--The state in which this Mormon excommunication trial has been scheduled is a critical swing state for Romney's national presidential aspirations (the specific state is purposely not mentioned here in order to protect the identity of the targeted individual).

--Mormon Church headquarters in Salt Lake City, Utah, has been known to forego excommunication proceedings when preliminary plans for them have been publicly leaked.

The repost of the news release in question has been properly authorized for this site.

Mission accomplished. Thank you to those involved.



This revised and expanded press release was subsequently provided directly to me, via email from the managing editor at "," with the following explanation. including additional information:

"Steve, here is the latest statement.

"Also note, Jamie has been approved to publish an article with 'Newsweek/Daily Beast.' We've also got request to talk with 'Salon' and Peggy Stack at [the] 'SL Trib.' Also a feeler went to the 'NY Times' from an associate of an editor there.

"I'm feeling overwhelmed at the moment, and can imagine it will get worse. Thanks for your help."

(David further advised me in a separate communication that he has now been interviewed at some length by the "Newsweek/Daily Beast" reporter, which means national press coverage. Other major media outlets have also expressed interest). .

Below is the updated news release (with the added details appearing in the last two graphs):

"Last week, on September 11, 13 and 15, David [name deleted] the managing editor of posted a series of articles on the political history of the LDS Church, as it relates to Mitt Romney’s campaign and his stubbornness of keeping his tax forms secret.

"As managing editor, David is a life-long, fifth-generation Mormon in good standing.

"Then on September 16, his LDS Bishop, LDS Stake President and two Church executives brought David into [name of state deleted] Mormon Church offices at the [name of city deleted]-based congregation and interrogated him about his writings, telling him 'Cease and desist, Brother [last name deleted].' In a letter they scheduled an excommunication 'for apostasy' on September 30 at 7:30am, to remove David from the LDS church.

"During the interrogation, LDS leaders questioned David for not publishing his full name and hiding his identity. To the leaders, David insisted that, 'In my heart I believe I am championing truth as I know it as managing editor of MormonThink.'

"The next question from them was: 'Who are the other individuals you work with on MormonThink?' They denied that they are on--in their word--'a witch hunt' but they continued demanding that David answer, 'If people are truly interested in truth, as you say they are, then why would they hide their name or who they are?'

"Many of us have seen the harm openly raising doubts can cause with family, friends and community in the Mormon culture. David asked them why now, and how did they come up with his name so fast after posting the articles. They would only say they were 'inspired.' He’s since heard that a Mormon apologist tied to the BYU affiliated FAIR alerted leaders in Salt Lake City, with David’s identity.

"The quick action is being kept quiet by the LDS Church. Despite the harm it may cause him with his family and friends, David has decided that the public should be aware of what is happening within the walls of the Mormon Church to those that dissent during this 'Mormon Moment.'"

Edited 5 time(s). Last edit at 09/20/2012 06:17PM by steve benson.

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Posted by: Outcast ( )
Date: September 20, 2012 11:05AM

Of course, none of this should be a surprise.

ANY MEMBER who attempts to undercover the truth and speaks openly about the inconsistencies, the outright lies, the changes in doctrine, etc. will end up in hot water with church authorities. It's inevitable, if done correctly.

What's strange about this situation is the article appears to be factually correct and based on teachings most members are familiar with. The conclusions are well-reasoned and logical.

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Posted by: skeptifem ( )
Date: September 20, 2012 11:11AM

That article was great. I didn't know about nazi party support from german LDS church officials. neat.

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Posted by: Particles of Faith ( )
Date: September 20, 2012 01:13PM

Back in the 1980s there was a superb article in Sunstone about this incident. It even mentioned that TSM thought that these types of issues shouldn't be discussed anymore.

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Posted by: shannon ( )
Date: September 20, 2012 11:22AM

Keep 'em coming!


P.S. You were prudent to hide all IRL on "David" today. The church is ruthless.

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Posted by: Mormoney ( )
Date: September 20, 2012 11:55AM

I love how they use the word 'inspired' so loosely. Talk about bastardizing the word.

Were they also "inspired" to shoot themselves in the foot like this, during the "mormon moment", in a swing state to boot. Negative publicity in such a case won't do them any favors.

Dave is obviously expendable to them, with no regard for family. Meanwhile, all he's done, was tell the truth. It's unfortunate for the church's sake, that truth is their enemy.

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Posted by: anagrammy ( )
Date: September 20, 2012 11:59AM

Inspired? This might be proof of the existence of god - just what I was looking for!

If they proceed with this, it would be a persuasive argument that their really is a loving God and he is whispering in Mitt Romney's ear as well as these church leaders.

He is mad that they are using his name to deceive people.

OMG - Is it the Second Coming?

We love you, Steve --and you too, Dave. It's showdown time.


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Posted by: John_Lyle ( )
Date: September 20, 2012 06:13PM

I prefer the line from Mississippi Burning...

"Down here they say rattlesnakes don't commit suicide. "

It looks like rattlesnakes are starting to commit suicide.

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Posted by: GNPE ( )
Date: September 20, 2012 12:17PM

in the LDS Culture, Truth isn't stone, it's Jell-O.

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Posted by: noname4this ( )
Date: September 20, 2012 12:17PM

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Posted by: get her done ( )
Date: September 20, 2012 12:25PM

In the next hour I will do a video on this, Steve, I think it important and will go out to 156 countries that watch my video show. Thanks newcarabu

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Posted by: GNPE ( )
Date: September 20, 2012 01:21PM

the bc comments seemed unbiased, almost to the point of being sympathetic with-for DT/MT.


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Posted by: steve benson ( )
Date: September 20, 2012 06:17PM

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/20/2012 06:26PM by steve benson.

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Posted by: hello ( )
Date: September 20, 2012 09:03PM

This is a mistake by LDSInc.. Exmos won't be intimidated, they will be inspired to do more. Non-Mos will become curious about topics they knew nothing about. and many articles will be published. And many will read Mormonthink, who had no idea it existed.

Mitt and LDSCorp., lose-lose...

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Posted by: Human ( )
Date: September 21, 2012 02:19AM

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Posted by: T-Bone ( )
Date: September 21, 2012 02:57AM

1. You have an opportunity to really sock it to the Mormon church. Get this as public as possible. That's what the armchair quarterback in me says! Give it to them with both barrels.

2. Take care of yourself and your family.


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Posted by: spanner ( )
Date: September 21, 2012 03:03AM

Crickey, even the babycenter sisters are sympathetic.

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Posted by: rt ( )
Date: September 21, 2012 04:00AM

Where might one find this press release if one is not a news outlet?

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Posted by: MyTempleNameIsJoan ( )
Date: December 15, 2012 05:06PM

""They denied that they are on--in their words--'a witch hunt' but they continued demanding that David answer, 'If people are truly interested in truth, as you say they are, then why would they hide their name or who they are?""'

Seriously? They can't be that dumb; can they?
Let's see now, they disfellowship or ex people who come forward to protest the fraudulent and unethical way in which the SLC suits deal with the mormon problems....often affecting family for those who speak out, and yet they can't see why people wouldn't want to give their names?

Another thing I don't like is that if the mormon SLC suits are truly interested in truth, as they claim and preach they are, then why would they hide it and not come forward and address the problematic issues and points?
They have a case of the pot calling the kettle black.
They make me want to scream. They make me so angry when I read trash like this.
I need to get off now and decompress and find my happy place again before I let this ruin my entire Saturday.

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Posted by: Lethbridge Reprobate ( )
Date: December 15, 2012 05:28PM

HEY, LDS CHURCH!!! (I know you're watching)Y'ALL CAN EXCOMMUNICATE ME TOO!!!....even though I have already resigned. I think I've written enough on this site to warrant it. I DON'T CARE!!! BRING IT ON!!

Ron Burr
Lethbridge, Alberta

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/15/2012 05:29PM by Lethbridge Reprobate.

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