Posted by:
Date: November 07, 2012 04:51PM
This popped up earlier today on my Facebook feed. This is sad (but hilarious:) on so many levels.
"my daughter (who is under the age of ten) came up to me while I was in bed tapped me on the shoulder and asked if Obama won. I told her yes and she started to cry, I grabbed her and hugged her and told her family is all that matters and that we stick together and spiritually prepare for the second coming, its just around the corner, my mom told us to read helaman chapter 7 verse 4-6 its amazing how close we are!!! Food storage, clothing and shelter forget about all this worldly stuff and smile :)"
"My kids could not believe it either! I told them that its part of Heavenly Fathers plan, we may not understand but his plan is the best and we need to make sure we are doing what is right and staying close to him. Helaman has some great insight to our time and it is amazing! Fear not and be of good cheer, all will be well!"