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Posted by: Elder Berry ( )
Date: January 11, 2011 12:04PM

Listening to a lecture about philosophy, a professor defended the Catholic tithes and selling of indulgences to buy lots of works of art and huge cathedrals. It made me wonder what the tithing I used to pay bought? A bunch of temples? A bunch of dead dunkings?

Apples to apples, Mormonism is more disappointing in using their "sacred funds."

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Posted by: voltaire ( )
Date: January 11, 2011 12:10PM

Except now they buy loads of cheesy assembly-line art produced by hacks, and build tons of Big Box temples designed by hacks. The quality artists and architects won't have anything to do with them because A) Mormons don't rule the entire continent thus giving you no choice but to work "with" them; and B) because Mormons are major cheapskates and don't want to pay the price for high-quality art & design.

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Posted by: Glo ( )
Date: January 11, 2011 01:18PM

Your tithes helped build a huge mall in SLC and other real estate investments, plus various undisclosed financial ventures.

Your money also bought pay-offs to various people who won lawsuits against the morg, many of them involving sexual misdeeds by members.

Oh and a while back the morg purchased a number of Rembrandt prints, probably at Packer's behest, since he is into painting.

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Posted by: notamomo ( )
Date: January 11, 2011 01:20PM

Won't buy tablecloths for ward gatherings, apparently.,77787

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Posted by: ExMormonRon ( )
Date: January 11, 2011 01:20PM

Real estate, end of story.


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Posted by: Mo Larkey ( )
Date: January 11, 2011 01:27PM

copied from a previous post but thought it was good enough to repeat..

I remember learning about the Catholic Church's indulgences. Catholic members must contribute money to their church and that would assist a deceased family in getting out of purgatory.

In other words, the family could buy a ticket into the Catholic Heaven. Martin Luther was so disturbed by it, he started the Protestant Reformation. That changed the world

Well, what's the difference between the indulgences and
having to pay tithing in order to get a TR so a Mormon can get into heaven? If you don't pay, no heaven. Tithing and temple work are equal to Catholic indulgences.

Mother Theresa spent her life aiding the poor in India. But she didn't pay Mormon tithing and so no Celestial Heaven for her.

To me, they are one and the same.
There is no such thing as One True Church

That's the biggest fallacy of mormonism--that they are the one true church and therefore they hold the only keys to heaven, eternal life, God, etc. What a great way to control people's lives.

Not every religion teaches that it is the only true religion. In my opinion, any religion that claims a monopoly on The Truth is lying.

There are as many paths to God, or through life, as there are people.

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Posted by: heyo ( )
Date: January 11, 2011 09:26PM

The Catolic church dosen't even teach about purgatory anymore. At least none of the times I went to church.

Also, members do not have to pay anything to the church if they don't want to. My mother stopped paying when the priest scandals started coming out. She still goes but just dosent give any money except to charities.

And the Catholic church brings in WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more money than the Mormon Cult, so indulgences on art and what not don't even knock a dent in the amount of money they pay to charity.

At least the Catholic and other churches don't hide where thier money goes.

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Posted by: Stormy ( )
Date: January 12, 2011 01:13AM

No indulgances...those are long do not have to pay one penny to belong to the parish...

Our Parish on just Christmas Day received $79,000 plus change..
it's a big parish...on an average...$30,000 a week...all neatly printed in the bulleting and once a year the entire finances is discussed at is you know where your $ goes at all times..

If there is an extra envelope, you may choose where it goes, if you even care to give...

What the Catholic Church has makes the Mormon Church look poor.


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Posted by: bona dea ( )
Date: January 12, 2011 02:50AM

heyo Wrote:
> The Catolic church dosen't even teach about
> purgatory anymore. At least none of the times I
> went to church.
> Also, members do not have to pay anything to the
> church if they don't want to. My mother stopped
> paying when the priest scandals started coming
> out. She still goes but just dosent give any
> money except to charities.
> And the Catholic church brings in
> WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more money than the Mormon
> Cult, so indulgences on art and what not don't
> even knock a dent in the amount of money they pay
> to charity.
> At least the Catholic and other churches don't
> hide where thier money goes.

Indulgences went out with the Counter Reformation and Purgatory has never been official Catholic doctrine although many believe in it..

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/12/2011 02:51AM by bona dea.

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Posted by: Elder Berry ( )
Date: January 11, 2011 08:01PM

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Posted by: Elder Berry ( )
Date: January 12, 2011 12:10PM

...mediocre art based upon the authority of the artist.

It just has to hurt like having your religion buying a mall and housing for the rich.

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Posted by: Elder Berry ( )
Date: January 17, 2011 04:29PM


I have Never. Ever. found anything that proves God invented money. Nothing is ever mentioned in the way of God being interested in a human invention primary used to quantify labor into something exchangeable.

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Posted by: sonoma ( )
Date: January 11, 2011 08:03PM

Resin Grapes colored to match your living room.

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Posted by: Villager ( )
Date: January 12, 2011 02:45AM

For the new Brigham temple of course. God told Boyd and Monson exactly where to build it & what a surprise!!!!! Boyd's family happened to own the land.

Isn't it wonderful? Isn't it Marvelous?

It is sacred as to how much was paid for that block of land which had been an undeveloped mess for years.

there is now a sacred chain link fence around the block with sacred green fake christmas tree material weaved into the links so evils eyes cannot peer upon the construction site.

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Posted by: Elder Berry ( )
Date: January 12, 2011 12:07PM is holy?

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Posted by: athreehourbore ( )
Date: January 12, 2011 03:36PM

God has wisened up since the Dork Ages. Nowadays the money is used to invest in assets that create MORE money.

Lavish decor? Works of art? You can sell them to the birds and bees....God wants MONEY. High-profile creepy-goth buildings are SO last millenium.

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