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Posted by: JoD3:360 ( )
Date: April 22, 2013 10:51AM

I've been wondering why he would act so contrary to the Prophets of today with the Restored Gospel. He stands against the sinners and speaks clearly and without fear, and there are no rewrites in the Gold Plates as far as we know.
So it leaves me with a couple of questions-

Why is there no PR Spokesman speaking for him, like the Ottersonites or the Purdyites who represent the Lord today?

Why is there no Apologetics Dept trying to explain what he really might have meant, so that the people won't shoot arrows?

Why is there no official statement from his office like this one from 2004:

...about President Packer's recent "testimony talk"....
Apparently this email with notes from Boyd K. Packer’s talk is going around rampantly. So much in fact that the Church has set up a “hotline” to clarify. This "hotline" you call is at the Church Administrative Offices and has a recorded message regarding Pres. Packer’s "talk" and his position regarding it.

1-800-453-3860, extension 2-2833

In this message it states that the notes of his talk aren't accurate and that he hasn't authorized the distribution of any version.
The message from President Packer's office also quotes the First Presidency Letter read in Sacrament Meeting 13 May 2004 which says:

“. . . . members of the Church are never to teach or pass on statements without verifying that they are from approved official sources. Any notes made when General Authorities, Area Seventies, or other general Church officers at regional and stake conferences or other meetings should not be distributed without the consent of the speaker. Personal notes are for individual use only. . . “

Remember too, the time that Packer gave his infamous speach asking why would a Loving HF do that [make 'em gay] to His children.. only to have it retracted and reprinted on the same day.

I just can't help but wonder if Samuel the Lamanite was only speaking as a man, because there are no Priesthood sanctioned safeguards against his words.

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Posted by: gentlestrength ( )
Date: April 22, 2013 11:29AM,723282,723504#msg-723504

Samuel the Lamanite has been my favorite example of a prophet in discussing modern prophets with TBMs and others, albeit I always must include fictitious in his title. There are those who believe he lived and acted as he did on the walls of the Nephites in their time of sin, defying the "fiery darts (arrows)" of the adversary as depicted in the artwork.

As mentioned to compare that with the equivocating, weak, clearly unbelieving statements of GBH on the national stage, in the presence of a sinner, speaking to hundreds of thousands of sinners on national television he was a love able little fuzzball of a grandpa--so cute in his grotesquely shaped way.

Are the Mormon scholars still seeking out the walls and foundation of the massive medieval fortresses that must have been in existence up until the time Europeans first visited the Americas--is there anything a cult member won't believe? This is rhetorical, my TBMs believe it all.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/22/2013 11:34AM by gentlestrength.

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Posted by: rainwriter ( )
Date: April 22, 2013 11:44AM

Side note about Packer's talk... am I understanding correctly that it was 'oh, crap, he said things he shouldn't have. But, you can't prove that he did because there's no official transcript, so it's our word against yours and you're lying, so there!'? Just pretend like those things were never said?

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Posted by: gentlestrength ( )
Date: April 22, 2013 12:18PM

As best I can tell this is what was passed around by email. It would seem it was recorded and the transcribed. Not likely done from notes.

For me the true controversy is in the control the church requires over its' members. The prop these ancients up as prophets, seers, and revelators and then process them through a PR filter.

They are empty suits.

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Posted by: rainwriter ( )
Date: April 22, 2013 04:14PM

Thank you for sharing the link.

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Posted by: cludgie ( )
Date: April 22, 2013 04:17PM

He should be excommunicated.

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