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Posted by: tomclark ( )
Date: October 05, 2010 10:10PM

I know a lot of people that follow my rantings expected a great big fat "Do anatomically impossible things to yourself Boyd K."

But in reality I can hardly be bothered. It would kind of be like saying to a dead carp at the botton of the pond, "drown you dirty sucker, drown." Packer is all but dead, propped up ala Weekend At Bernie's. Too weak to stand, too gone to form thoughts of any worth, he's just a moribund old man who has to be given some kind of a nod out of deference for the fact that he's outlived a few of his peers. He will soon be gone and the world will be free of yet another bigoted mormon.

One by one they will all pass away and as each one passes the world slowly becomes a better place.

My energy is better invested in the beautiful members of a corridor family who are trying with all of their might to keep a place in their hearts for their son who is gay. They love him and they want him but no one, no one, has told them how to keep him; how to talk to him, how to reach out to him, how to love him inspite of their beliefs. I have been so moved by this family that I can no longer preoccupy myself with the last dying gasps of a bigoted old man whose heart is rotten and done.

One of the most beautiful things I have ever seen in my life is this great big mormon family with all these kids all trying so hard to circle their wagons around their precious son and brother and make sure that he knows that they don't want to lose him. I sometimes wonder if he has any idea how lucky he is.

I sometimes wonder if he has any idea how lucky he is.

I have taken a different path now. By the natural processes of life the old will die and I'm no longer concerned with them. What I see is this big mormon family that is not willing for even a moment to let go of their precious precious son just because he's gay. They are what's new, they are what's real, they are where my time is best invested.

I'm no hero. I'm an activist who has to keep modulating his approach in order to stay viable and relevant. I would really rather put this whole mormon thing to rest and be done with it, finally, but these boys are fragile and someone has to look out for them. I remember how much it hurt. I can't stand the thoughts of someone hurting that much...

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Posted by: Susan I/S ( )
Date: October 05, 2010 10:46PM

I hope you can help him and his family.

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Posted by: tomclark ( )
Date: October 05, 2010 11:09PM

I think I'm helping. But it's really them helping me - I'm falling in love with them more and more each day. Family is as family does and these guys got it right.

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Posted by: dfweasel ( )
Date: October 05, 2010 11:04PM

Hey TLC,

What's up? I hope that life is treating you well.



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Posted by: Nightingale ( )
Date: October 05, 2010 11:21PM

I conjured you up Thomas! I was just thinking about you yesterday. Maybe the subconscious went to you due to the nature of the topic.

I love your take on this and, as always, how you express it. I can totally understand the need to direct the energy to where it will achieve the best outcome.

Ranting on Packer won't change Packer. Supporting those who need it can change their lives.

Way to choose the right path!

I think it is positive and healing to recognize the up side, such as the efforts of this Mormon family of which you speak. Regarding their son, they are going with their heart and not the dogma. Here's hoping more people follow their example and leave Packer et al in the dust.

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Posted by: tomclark ( )
Date: October 05, 2010 11:30PM

My darling Nightingale. How long has it been now? Almost ten years? Wow. A lot of water under our bridges in that time.

Here's to following new paths when they prove more valuable than the old ones!

Everything evolves, with or without our consent or cooperation.


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Posted by: SL Cabbie ( )
Date: October 06, 2010 01:23AM

Not to worry; I still manage to get filled with enough road rage to even out the cosmic balance...

Glad you're still around...

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Posted by: tomclark ( )
Date: October 06, 2010 10:58AM

I'm around but have moved into a much more reclusive place than I've been in in years. My photography work has kicked into high gear and with publishing deadlines constantly looming I have very little time to chat online. Everything these days is about my kids and my artwork. And nothing could make me happier. Well, except perhaps a boyfriend. That'd be nice!

You still driving?

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Posted by: SL Cabbie ( )
Date: October 07, 2010 02:19PM

Yep... My kids keep me occupied as well...

Had some plans to return to the teaching fold but the job market in Las Vegas went bye-bye (the brethren would probably never let me near young minds in Utah). Doing some history stuff to keep the writing skills sharp; might be some money in that at some point...

I think Steve B. saved my cell phone number anytime you're in Salt Lake...

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Posted by: Hervey Willets ( )
Date: October 06, 2010 10:35AM

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Posted by: tomclark ( )
Date: October 06, 2010 11:02AM

I wondered how long it would take. And look who comes to the rescue - my dependable and solid Hervey Willets. Hey, I just photographed a model using your rosary the other day. Wait till you see the pix!!! It's the first one, the pretty colorful one. That's the one he chose. I knew you'd be pleased.

Yes, at a certain point there are things in life that need to be gotten up that are a whole lot more valuable than anger. :-)

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Posted by: happycat ( )
Date: October 06, 2010 03:14PM

> But in reality I can hardly be bothered. It would
> kind of be like saying to a dead carp at the
> botton of the pond, "drown you dirty sucker,
> drown." Packer is all but dead, propped up ala
> Weekend At Bernie's.

>>> I liked the part where Bernie is walking under the sea. And he mindlessly walks into a cravass, and he keeps going. And then a fraud investigator, who is trying to relax sees Bernie and says "I just saw a dead man walking on the bottom of the ocean"....

Or when Bernie's limp arms slap this big body builder...

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Posted by: topping ( )
Date: October 06, 2010 10:51PM

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Posted by: ExMormonRon ( )
Date: October 07, 2010 09:10AM

Tom! LTNS!

I'm still not gay. Just a lesbian in a man's body. :D

Just sayin'...


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Posted by: tomclark ( )
Date: October 07, 2010 10:09AM

Damn, not even a walk on the wild side yet??? Dood, it's time to let go of your heterosexual past and CHANGE. Packer said I can change so if I can I assume that you can too, right?

Goose and gander sort of thing.

thanks for saying hi

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Posted by: apikoros ( )
Date: October 07, 2010 02:21PM

TLC, you were largely responsible for me mustering up the courage to resign and separate myself fom 40+ years of overt 'punishment' by the LDS church for being gay... your posts and stories actually made me want to "enlist till the conflict is o'er," and put myself in the position I really wanted to be in. This sounds a tad like hero worship, I know, but it is the truth, and I wanted you to know that.

I'm long gone, actively involved in gay rights, and an 'out and proud' member of a church congregation that is committed to full participation by and with GLBT people. And Tom Clark is still my hero!

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Posted by: Rob ( )
Date: October 07, 2010 02:49PM

You changed my outlook for the better as well. Also, thanks again for the pvssy cap.

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Posted by: Skunk Puppet ( )
Date: October 07, 2010 02:58PM

BOTH in one post! Namely, TLC and SickF*k Ron! How I've missed you guys.

Mwah to you both.

Skunk Puppet
(a/k/ Turandot in chat)

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