Posted by:
Hold Your Tapirs
Date: July 02, 2013 11:59AM
My best guess is that there are some GAs, and possibly a handful of apostles, that would love nothing better than to simply eliminate D&C 132 (the "get on the polygamy train, Emma, or be destroyed" section). The younger the GA or apostle is, the more likely it is that their stomach churns at the mere thought of D&C 132.
The church is obviously willing to make adjustments when necessary for its survival or simply its relevance. Large examples of this are polygamy and the priesthood ban. Less significant examples of this are changes to the endowment or modifications to the wording in the intro to the book of Mormon or to certain sections of the D&C.
IMO, as vomit-inducing as D&C 132 is, it will likely always be there. The ramifications of eliminating the connection to this doctrine would be devastating. Polygamy was the defining doctrinal principle of the church for nearly 100 years (or longer, if you consider that the last polygamist prophet, Heber J Grant, died in 1945).
Why couldn't the church simply say that a mistake was made (prophets speaking as men) and then attempt to move beyond polygamy? There would be so many advantages to this, BUT it will never happen. Discrediting polygamy would also discredit a few generations of prophets and this is simply not an option.
Or is at an option? Could the church simply dismiss polygamy as a fringe doctrine in a way that Adam God has been dismissed?