Posted by:
Date: February 26, 2014 05:55PM
I've figured out that this is why MLMs stay MLMs.
I've written before about my friend taken completely hook line and sinker by an MLM selling a fricking supplement. (She's going to miss her daughter's black belt testing and ceremony to go to a convention. Oy.)
Here's what it is:
The companies know damn well that they can't claim it cures cancer or whatever. But they can HINT at it at their conventions/sales pitch meetings. And then their thousands of distributors can go make those claims for them. All the while the parent company retains plausible deniability (oh, we might have mentioned a few rare cases where people got completely better, but we NEVER told people this cures X, Y or Z).
It's that simple. It's as simple as the temple being nothing more than a money making machine in Mormonism. "We want to say this, the FDA says we can't, so WE won't, we'll just let our distributors do it for us!"