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Posted by: weeder ( )
Date: July 26, 2013 02:51PM

65 characters ... yea verily, in great excess of 65 characters (> 150 characters) when mere mortals cannot?

And to think some people CLAIM there is no RfM priesthood power !!!

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Posted by: wine country girl ( )
Date: July 26, 2013 02:53PM

Aw, shut up and eat your pudding!

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Posted by: Finally Free! ( )
Date: July 26, 2013 02:54PM

Look on the date on the thread I think you're referring too. I believe the character limit for subject lines is relatively new.

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Posted by: Makurosu ( )
Date: July 26, 2013 02:55PM

Maybe Benson has to go back in time to February before there was a limit put on subject lines. See? If you could do that, then you could have long subject lines too.

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Posted by: fudley ( )
Date: July 26, 2013 03:03PM

Pray, Pay, and obey

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Posted by: Erictheex ( )
Date: July 26, 2013 03:30PM

its his turn at journalism.

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Posted by: steve benson ( )
Date: July 26, 2013 06:39PM

I doodle editorial cartoons for a living. I am not a reporter.

It's your turn at Journalism 101. :)

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/26/2013 06:39PM by steve benson.

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Posted by: Susan I/S ( )
Date: July 26, 2013 04:50PM

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Posted by: weeder ( )
Date: July 26, 2013 05:07PM

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Posted by: Nightingale ( )
Date: July 26, 2013 05:34PM

Yes, a LOL would have definitely helped. But were you really laughing?

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Posted by: thingsithink ( )
Date: July 26, 2013 05:07PM

Man, I wish he could. His subject lines were often the best (funniest) part of his (good) posts. I do miss them.

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Posted by: steve benson ( )
Date: July 26, 2013 06:26PM

Geezus, weeder, get a life.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/26/2013 06:28PM by steve benson.

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