Recovery Board  : RfM
Recovery from Mormonism (RfM) discussion forum. 

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11 years ago
The biggest tip I can give you and anyone else is to LOG OUT of things. Log out of Facebook when before leaving it. Log out of emails before leaving them. When you log out of some system CLOSE YOUR BROWSER, and open a new one. Set your cookies to be deleted when you close your browser. DO NOT let your browser store your passwords and such. Remove ALL optional browser toolbars. Internet securit
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
I had recurring migraines growing up, and eventually it just didn't go away. Tylenol stopped working, Excedrin was becoming less effective. They tried giving me caffeine pills at one point, I was up for 3 days straight and the pain didn't fade at all. The doctors tried figuring out what was causing it, tried to find ways to treat it and nothing worked. Eventually being told "you're just maki
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
The invitation is appreciated. A few weeks ago there was mention of a more casual meet-up suggested for those of us in the area, has there been any development in that area? (Open question to all, not just original poster.)
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
More lightning and thunder rolling through Kitsap County again. Maybe another 2am wake-up for you Mia.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
I was so excited as I saw it in the distance as I was driving home from class last night. It hit the Bremerton area around midnight.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
So it turns out I don't have the gas money to make it today. I'll start putting some money aside so next time I can get down there. There goes my exciting weekend meeting new people! Have fun everyone, I hope to see you next time.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Going to be my first time coming to one of these, I'm looking forward to it.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
He managed to break even with the jokes he used, someone had made him hold back though. It was a brand new one, he's doing this whole season in college apparel.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Two years ago I went and met two friends for the very first time, just days before their wedding. They were so happy to have a "WoW-friend" that was sort of normal and was willing to travel across the country to be there for them that they refused any offer of a gift. Halfway through my visit they actually had me check out of my hotel and sleep on their couch to save money. A mor(m)o
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
This is classic stalking faboo. As some others have suggested, please keep a record of any additional attempts by him in contacting you. Also, see if you have undeleted messages from him and/or his family. Contact your local law enforcement, and ask them for help with your stalker. What you've described of him perfectly fits into the mold of a potential abductor.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
I was a branch mission leader for a while, shortly before being called into the EQP. Did nothing useful in either calling.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Thanks for pointing me to it. I was beginning to worry that the board change-over had left it out in digital oblivion.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
I've been trying to find that great missionary hosing story that was posted a few months ago, but all my searches come up empty. If anyone knows where it's posted could you direct me to it please? Thanks!
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Sounds like classic stalking and harassment. Your local, and soon-to-be local, police enforcement will be happy to help place a restraining order and arrest those people who are interfering with your life against your wishes.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
When the new board first came up post counts were a little lower than normal due to the switch from the old system to the new. I've been watching the numbers a little closer the last few weeks and we are currently breaking the 1050 post per day mark, some days I've actually seen numbers closer to 2000. It also says "Now over...", meaning currently, not previously. Once people f
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
The most common reference I give to individuals such as you is that the "greater power" is the future you. Imagine the future you reaching back in time to help pull you forward. You are right there is no greater power than yourself, and the "you" that you wish to become will help you. You are strong and willful, you have all the power you need.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
I'm actually living that question right now. The mother of my daughter is a TBM, and while things have improved greatly between us there is still that stigma of me not being a mormon. We talk several times a day, and I try to be as supportive as I can, and show her that I'm a good person; hopefully for out daughters sake she'll open her mind to some new ideas.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
"No. If they were being faithful servants of the then they would be immune to the effects. The fallout effects are simply punishment for failure." Actual quote from a TBM friend.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Seems to be getting colder and colder the closer I get. 8 degrees where I am now, and the next major city we hit is sitting at 1 degree. My ex sent me a message last night, apparently she doesn't think I know how to change a diaper. Boy will she get a surprise.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Haven't posted in a while, small recap: I've been out since May 2010, ex-fiancee was pregnant. She claims it's mine, I'm getting it tested. I'm off today to go meet the baby girl for the first time, and get tested for paternity. She lives way too close to the bubble for comfort. There's a part of me that really hopes my ex asks to come back with us when we come home. I don't know if this
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
If I hadn't converted I would never have met my ex-fiancee, and wouldn't be preparing to go to court to try and save my soon-to-be daughter from a life being looked down on by a bunch of crazies(ex's family).
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Pray if you like. Just as others have said, prayer is something to help yourself. It often helps to calm the mind and stabilize body chemistry. You don't actually have to pray to anyone or anything, just pray inward; this is usually called meditation. If that small quiet time helps you to put your life in order, then go for it. Oo, idea! If you're looking for a way to calm yourself but are afr
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
I was going to do that with my cell number, just block all the idiots I didn't want to hear from again, but they told me it'd be an extra $15 a month per phone on the account. Luckily since it was a case of harassment they offered to change the numbers for free, and notify the police for me (how thoughtful!).
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
allen I went to Google and typed: "how do I cancel my ensign subscription" I then clicked the first link, and then the "Contact Us" tab. The first section of contact includes "If you have questions, need to cancel an order, or want to place an order by ph
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
I'm with SusieQ#1, switch to Mozilla Firefox. Most of my internet problems resolved when I switched to it.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
How often are you spending time with her? I don't mean required time bringing up the family and various things around the house. I mean how often do the two of you get quality time where you get to enjoy each others company? Take your wife on some dates, rekindle the flame if you can. Remember, you don't love her for WHAT she DOES, you love her for WHO she IS.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Kargath-A, but I ran out of people to group with during the lull. I think I'll be letting my account lapse, things are overly repetitive nowadays.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Still friends on Facebook with them both actually. They were nice girls, not bad looking. They taught me something completely different from what TSCC teaches and I told them flat out, "You two taught me about something that seemed great, but the real thing failed to live up. I don't blame either of you for talking to me about it, and I don't regret it. I'm just over it."
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
The last we heard from you, you were having some fairly serious issues and concerns. I haven't seen you around posting or anything and I'm really hoping you're ok. It'd be great to hear from you and find out how that conversation with your mom went and how other things have changed.
Forum: Recovery Board
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