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4 years ago
Or, if she's like my parents, at what point will she forgive him for not being TBM? My parents are in their mid 90's. I'm in my mid 60's. They have yet to forgive me for being a teenager. They don't know i'm no longer Mormon, but I suspect they haven't forgiven me for not being a Mormon for every single second of my life. They got so mean and nasty that I cut contact with them after my ki
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
Very good point! If he starts asking questions that "might" taint the TBM believers, they will have him out of there fast. Mormons can't handle anyone who asks questions they don't want to give answers for. That's the fast train out of that hell hole.
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
Because the Mormons and exmormons have NO clue what Joes likeness is. The Mormon church has had him and Jesus looking like every one from Sylvester Stallone to Lady Gaga. Nobody can seem to determine Joes likeness on any of their dogs butts either. There's just too much confusion about who is who and what is what.
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
I am so sorry about where you have to live for now. Just KNOW this: The shunning you are experiencing has NOTHING to do with you. Nothing at all. It doesn't mean you're a bad person. It does mean you are stuck in a town with brainwashed people who are in a cult. THEY are the ones with the problem, NOT YOU. Are your parents Mormon? Do they realize what's going on? Are there any non Mo
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
I'm not sure, but I think if he fails seminary he won't be allowed into BYU. Hmmm, that might be a very good thing.
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
I was forced to go to seminary when I was a teenager. I skipped out as often as possible. I never read or memorized any of the lists of stuff they tried to force on me. If i'd been a boy, hell would have froze over before I went on a mission. I did get married in the temple. It lasted 20 months. No kids, thank you RH negative blood type. I didn't force my own kids to go to seminary.
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
There are 3 wards that I went to in the Portland area. I lived there until I was 25. I googled all three, and they no longer exist. The one ward in the area I live in has about half as many cars in the parking lot as it did 15 years ago. Gradually, shrinking every where I look.
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
That would be interesting.
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
Don't worry. Rusty is probably like my 18 mo grandson. He also has several changes a day. Rusty is probably getting more diaper changes than he ever imagined at his age.
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
IDK what's happening with the cult growth in general. I do know that my adult kids are OUT. My grandkids will never be Mormon. I have several nieces and nephews that are OUT. Their children (9?) are also out. Their childrens children are out. I'm so thrilled to see that the generations in my family of origin are leaving Mormonism. The numbers seem to be growing as time goes on. Funny
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
Leave your life story for future generations to read. Don't let those grandkids/ great...grandkids get scammed. I worry they may not know my whole story and get some romantic notion about Mormonism. Don't let that happen.
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
Me either. However, I know my kids won't be Mormons, and most likely my grandkids won't either. I'm leaving my life story for them so they will know why they shouldn't sign up to be Mormon. I don't want my grandkids to get some romantic notion about Mormonism after i'm dead. I have over 100 living relatives that are Mormon. I don't want them hitting on my grand kids or great grandkids after i
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
I haven't been to a Mormon social event in several years. However, when I was attending them I noticed that the events became more and more like nursing home holiday entertainment events. The younger people left the building ASAP!
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
I actually asked a GA this question. He stuttered around for a bit and then mumbled something. I never got an answer to my question. So, my conclusion is that the GA's don't even know what they are a supposed "general authority" of. They just play the part and do what they're told. General authority of nothing, and general butt kissers of those who out rank them.
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
If you care about protecting EVERY CHILD, buy a sandwich for the person in front and behind you in the sandwich line. Sam has done more for protecting children from predators than any Mormon I've ever read about or known. He's put his money where his mouth is. In fact, I think he's put money he can't afford to put out there. If I was searching for someone to protect a child, Sam would be my
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
I had a TBM aunt like that. Nobody could pinch a penny harder than her. She died at age 49 because she didn't want to waste money on cancer treatments. She was an RN and died of breast cancer. Her husband divided all of her savings between their 6 kids when she died. I heard they each got around $200k. Those kids deserved every penny. They grew up in poverty and lived like dirty li
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
I believe the rules "may " have changed a tiny bit. Not sure about that. Are Mormons now allowed a civil ceremony first, then a temple sealing "soon" after? If so, you may want to ask your nephew if he would consider this out of respect for his mother. Just a thought.
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
I have zero clue. No human has ever been able to show what happens. I hope I can come back and haunt some people though. I think that could be some great fun to scare the bejeezus out of some of the bullies I've known in my life. It would be sweet if I could come back and comfort the ones who love me. But, I don't know. Nobody does. I will spend my energy making the best out of what I
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
That's assuming everyone is in the same home and financial situation. I haven't had a so called job for decades. This was a decision that my spouse and I arrived at together. There are a variety things that play into your finances over the years. Location, job opportunities, dependents, financial markets, etc. Some people end up with nothing in their older years as a result of the dif
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
All anyone needs to know is where Sherry and Wendy would love to travel together. That's where the next temple building binge will be. I suspect Rusty doesn't have much say in the matter. Hey, who can fault those two women for wanting to be at every new temple site? Its all about gob. So, anyone one out there who knows those two womens travel fantasies has the answer to the next round o
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
Boats aren't usually cheap. However, they can save you a ton of money on therapy. They can bring your family together for a day in a way nothing else does. If you put your boat in the right place, like Puget Sound, you can see killer whales, seals, dolphins, and various other things you wouldn't see anywhere else. I love having a boat.
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
Have him study up on what he will die from first, hunger or thirst. Then have him do some research of some people he probably would admire if he met them. Remind him they couldn't have gotten where they are if they hadn't gone to 6th grade. I' pretty sure his parents were well out of 6th grade by the time he was born. What if you weren't? How would that affect his life. Make him think
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
Hmmm, interesting thought. I have never, not ever been hugged by a Mormon male I wasn't married to. I left Mormonism and have had almost every male I now know that hugs me when they see me. This took some getting used to. Mormons aren't particularly the hugging type in my experience. Non Mormon men and women both seem to always want a hug. Being an introvert, and not used to the hug
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
Me, myself, and I. I'm sure that sounds conceited, but its the truth. I rescued myself several times during my life. Nobody did it for me, or lifted a finger. When I got divorced in my mid 30's with toddler aged kids, I was the one that rescued myself and my kids. I did all of the work. Nobody else stepped in and rescued us from anything. My TBM family only shows up when they think
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
I grew up in a family of 9. I'm an introvert, and always have been. I despised the noise, and constant togetherness. There were few places to escape. I spent a lot of time in my childhood hiding out in a hollowed out hedge in the back yard. I'd stay there for hours reading books. Nobody ever asked where i'd been because they didn't notice I was missing. I moved out when I was 17. There we
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
I got unconditional love from my family of origin. That is until I stopped paying. After putting some thought into it, I decided i'd rather have a new Mercedes than a bunch of useless signs and tokens and some really very conditional love.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
I hope they take this to the mat. You can bet there's probably been 10 more victims for every one we hear about. Not only that, there are a slew of these scum bags hiding behind their daddys coat tails. The church has been intimidating victims since its very beginnings. Enough already. They have honed it to a fine science. They do a damn good job of protecting the perp and re-victimizing
Forum: Recovery Board