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6 years ago
Over the weekend, my brother invited our TBM mom to come to his daughter's first easter egg hunt. However, it started the same time as general conference, and my mom insisted that she had to at least watch it long enough to sustain a new prophet. Turns out, she then arrived too late to the Easter egg hunt and missed the whole thing. So yeah. Just another small example of how the church really
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
peacelovemoana My friend shared this video on Facebook. I found it interesting that the problems with the church are being acknowledged, but it was ultimately disheartening to see that all these issues are still just being brushed aside. I suppose many Mormons are unwilling to give up the idea that faith is more important than fact,
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
"Praise be." "May the Lord open." "Under his eye." ...oh wait. I'm thinking of something else.
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
One of my friends who has recently left the church posted the CES letter on her Facebook page to try and give her friends and family an idea of why she left. I was reading through the comments, and just had to shake my head at some of them. For example: "The Book of Mormon is true. The church is true. I know it because of my faith. My faith has been attacked since Joseph Smith had his
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7 years ago
I came out as a queer woman to my mom several years ago, and it has taken her a long time to even begin to acknowledge it, let alone accept it. Now finally she is trying to get past her initial disgust with the 'lifestyle' and she wants to understand it better. She suggested that we both read over the Mormon and Gay website, and then meet up in a few days to talk about it. She says she has a l
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7 years ago
When i was 16 and was beginning to transition out of Mormonism, i slept with one of my acquaintances. I didn't actually know him super well, but at the time i was trying to fight the growing realization that i was queer, and i thought that i could use sex with him to prove to myself that i was straight. It didn't work.
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
My sister had twins, so I had to go to her baby blessing today. And since I haven't really been to church in like four years, I'd sort of forgotten just how dull and unpleasant the whole environment is. I walked into the building and immediately wanted to leave before the meeting even started! Then sitting in the chapel (which is another thing that I'd forgotten how ugly it is), I couldn't help
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Update: There was one new post today from someone who I used to be very close with. She linked to an article that basically said this whole thing has nothing to do with being gay, and that we shouldn't use this tragedy to "make a political statement". I thought about leaving a comment, but there's no point in arguing with her. I just feel like it's willfully ignorant to say that this
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Hopefully my TBM family knows me well enough to not turn my funeral into a Mormon event. I don't want a Bishop there for any reason, especially not to speak. What I'd really like is to be cremated and have my ashes turned into a coral reef (, and not really have a viewing or funeral or anything like that. I just want my f
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7 years ago
Surprisingly, I have only seen a few Facebook posts from my Mormon friends regarding this tragedy, and none of them even address the fact that it was a homophobic hate crime. They're all just talking about gun control. I didn't expect them to be completely supportive of the gay community, but is a little sympathy too much to ask?
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Unfortunately, yes, and not just with my parents, but all my siblings as well. My mom especially is a BIG believer in the whole "women belong in the home and men should always be in charge" thing. It's caused some friction between us, especially when i came out as a lesbian with no interest in marrying a man or having children. I also realized just how racist everyone in my family is.
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
I was having a discussion about faith and religion and whatnot with my mom the other day. She expressed the concern that because I left the church then that means I no longer have any beliefs or spirituality. I explained to her that when I was in the church, I didn't CHOOSE to believe any of it - I just did what was expected because I was living in such a Mormon bubble. Now that I'm out, I am tak
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7 years ago
I haven't gotten any tattoos yet, but as soon as money permits, I plan on getting at least two or three small-ish ones, and eventually i'd like a full sleeve tattoo of a coral reef, and possibly a recreation of one of Alphonse Mucha's lithographs on my upper arm or back. For now, though, I'll probably start with something simple, like a starfish on my ankle or something.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Well that's the strange thing - my mom and everyone else in our family is about as white as they come (ancestors were all English or Scottish). My mom has no connection to the Hawaiian people or culture or language, which is why her comment seemed so out of left field. Incidentally, i did end up living on Maui for a few months recently, which is what made me remember that conversation with my
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8 years ago
When i was younger, i remember my tbm mom once told me that Hawaiian was the closest language we have to what God and Adam and Eve spoke, and that in the celestial kingdom everyone would be speaking a perfect form of Hawaiian. I've never heard this anywhere else, and i have no idea where she got the idea. Is this another part of Mormon beliefs that was once accepted, but is now mostly forgotten
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
I live with my jackmo brother, and for the past few months we've been getting frequent unannounced visits from people in the ward, usually around 9:00 in the evening. The first time i answered the door, i made a point not to invite them in, but they still tried to do their spiel out in the cold. When they asked if they would be seeing me at church on Sunday, i explained that i resigned nearly a y
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
I just remembered a seminary experience that i had in high school, and figured i'd share. All the seminary classes were together in the same room that day because apparently there was a big important lesson that we all needed to hear. I was there with my two best friends, who i'll just call John and Jane for their privacy. At the time, we were all TBMs, but i was beginning to doubt a little bi
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
I've had several friends share this today: "Hey all you beautiful uninformed people who are making a big deal out of nothing but I love you anyway. READ THIS and then Shut up. There have been a lot of posts about the recent LDS news regarding children of same sex marriages and also same sex marriages being viewed as apostasy. I'm sorry to add to those posts filling up your newsfeed but
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Since the announcement about same-sex couples, i've been keeping an eye on Facebook to see how people are reacting. Thus far there have been a number of people trying to rationalize, with most of them reposting that bullshite about not wanting a child to have conflicting messages at church and at home. There have also been a few uber TBM relatives who are fully in favor of the discrimination. But
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8 years ago
So if i'm understanding Mormon theology correctly, people will have physical bodies in the celestial kingdom. Will they wear clothes? And if so, will they have to dress modestly?
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
I distinctly remember the day I was baptized, and how excited everyone was, and so when I went into the font I was really expecting to feel something amazing. The water was warm and it felt weird to be in my clothes, but after my dad said the words and lifted me up, there was no great sense of being new and clean. I was just wet and uncomfortable. A little disappointed, I told myself that the go
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9 years ago
I sent in my resignation a few weeks ago, and got the church's standard letter and pamphlet shortly after. I thought that would be it, but today I got an email from the bishop saying that I need to call him to "follow up on my request". is this necessary, or can I just ignore the email?
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I was talking with my extremely TBM aunt on Facebook the other day. Our conversation eventually turned to me and my interest in attending an art school. I showed her some of my favorite artists' work, one of which was slightly macabre, and another that featured a lesbian couple kissing (in retrospect, I realize just how dumb this was, haha). This prompted my aunt to send me this: "Not all
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I haven't been to church in several years, and luckily haven't been bothered too much by the members fellowshipping attempts. However, the other day I got a text from a number I didn't recognize. The conversation went as follows: TBM: Tonight we'll be having FHE at brother King's home, . We'll be playing games and eating yummy food. see ya there :) Me: Who is this? TBM: This is Staci
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I started getting asked about it when I entered YW, and the topic was brought up in nearly every interview until I left the church at eighteen. It was a couple different bishops, and I always felt guilty about lying to them. Only now do I fully comprehend how damn creepy it is for middle-aged men to question a young teenage girl about masturbation.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I'm a lesbian, raised in the church with very TBM parents. When I came out to my mom, she was so disappointed. It hurt to see her reaction, but I'm lucky because she still loves me and is willing to accept me as I am, even if she doesn't approve of my "lifestyle". My best friend is a transgender gay man. He was raised in a TBM family, and the whole church experience was hell for him
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
The church tells people that the "natural man" is an enemy of God. They condemn things like basic exploration of our own sexuality. They essentially say that a human satisfying a basic human need is sinful. So now, there is a problem (human nature) that needs a solution. And this is when the church can step in and market its solution of repentance in order to achieve exaltation. They
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
So I finally worked up the courage and came out to my TBM mom as bisexual. (Though technically I consider myself to be a lesbian, I thought bisexual would be easier for her to handle, at least for now.) This was a difficult thing for me to do, because my mother has, on numerous occasions, made it clear that she does not support or agree with anything in the LGBTQ community. Because of this, I wa
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10 years ago
A few relatives of mine recently posted this on Facebook: Thoughts?
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
I was extremely excited to hear that gay marriage is now legal in Utah, but I made the mistake of mentioning it to my TBM mom. She said she was excited as well, which surprised me because she is a firm believer in the idea that homosexuality is a sin. This has caused some...problems between us, considering I am an out bisexual, but I digress. Anyway, she explained that she was excited because
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