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4 years ago
In my ward the idea of progression between kingdoms was definitely denied a few times. I was taught progression within the Telestial kingdom itself is a probability, but no one there would ever enter Terrestrial glory. I faintly recall some quote from some apostle saying that the idea of progression between kingdoms is a false doctrine that used to be taught (much like the Adam-god doctrine was).
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
Too little, too late. Mormons are not very accepting of gays, in my experience. Statements like these leave me a little conflicted and confused. The church I grew up in quoted scripture about gays being "abominations" over the pulpit. This wasn't even long ago (Prop 8, California) They don't say that they expect all homosexuals to live in celibacy or live in a forced hetero ma
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
Missionaries really are some of the most ill-informed when it comes to topics such as church history and changes within the church. Even many TBMs are not any better than the teenagers. It is easy to accept the status quo. Ive had a family member (who went to the Temple in the Late 90s) tell me I was misinformed when I informed her that the Temple endowment used to consist of penalties. To t
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
This reminds me of an elderly lady I met in one of my mission areas. She had been baptized into the branch maybe about 8 months before I was transferred in. We knocked on her door one day, checking up on her, and she told us she was a baptist and had been her whole life. I asked her why she got baptized with the mormons and she said they just seemed nice but nevertheless she was a baptist. Thi
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
One issue I've ran into with my family is that I've felt like I've had to come to terms with how they perceive me. It is hard to admit that no matter how "good" I am, no matter how hard I try to be a respectable person, they will always only see me as flawed because I left. I will always be the black sheep with them. Sometimes I like to drink so they paint that as a dirty secret about m
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
Well I can say I was very likely crazy as a mormon
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
Yeah I ran in to some members like that. We weren't getting baptsims every month like some GA had promised so of course we were lazy and stupid kids.
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
1st companion and trainer: I actually really liked him to the point that I had a huge crush on him. He was very good with people and always having fun, even on the miserable mission. He broke a lot of rules and never had guilt about it. We watched movies with people, found a lot of "investigators" near our age, the college kids, and spent a lot of time with them just hanging out. 2nd
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
Somehow I never thought of the RS/PH separation that way on Sundays. But you make a good point! Personally I always resented having the priesthood forced on me. I never felt comfortable in the Quorums and always wished there was a gender neutral option for the third hour.
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
Which church makes their members separate themselves by gender during sermons? One habit I recall from my mormon days is the tendency for mormons to judge and talk about other religions. Of course a favoirte to judge harshly is the JW's, but I recall in an institute class people making fun of an extreme christian church which made women sit on one side and men on the other during church. It wasnt
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
When I was growing up it was all about GBH. People my age all seemed to definitely revere him. I think a lot of people remember the prophet who was in charge when they joined or came of age. So for me that was GBH and to a lesser extent Monson. Even years after his death we had an institute teacher who would often show us GBH clips and talk about how great he was with PR.
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
Ezra vs. Russ? Both make pretty subpar prophets
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
It is easy for many members of the mormon church to feel good about the things the Q12 and FP say. But when shed under the light of some perspective, nothing truly momentous has been said.
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
This was a question that gave me a tough time. I think I had a difficult time answering it because there just isn't an honest answer. So, one of the things we were told to talk about to people is the whole spiel that the lds church has a modern day "prophet" Most of the time we told that to people it got glossed over, but for those who actually thought about it, the conversation
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
My mission experiences without a doubt drove me far away from mormonism. The overwhelming authority and control they exact over missionaries left me such a bad taste in my mouth that I couldn't stomach mormonism at all anymore. I left 11 months early and was done with church 100% a year after being home.
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
Does Elohim go visit "lower kingdoms" to see entities from his past? Is that what he's doing when he's not answering prayers???
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
People in spirit prison are addicted to coffee. /sarcasm
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
Also Ive noticed that I am predominantly surrounded by Libra's, and other scorpios. In work life I have befriended every Cancer I have worked with.
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
Im just good at hiding it. All scorpions are masters of deception *muahahaha*
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
I have always had quite an interest in astrology. I know many feel it is a pointless hobby with no real life application, yet nonetheless I feel compelled to make note of people's signs around me. Ive had this interest since young childhood so maybe by now it is just habit. I do feel like astrology does have some uses. Of course you can't "see the future" or gauge a love interest by
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
I got Saul the day I went through.
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
Some people have tried to encourage me to go back. One bold never mormon even told me I wasn't right to judge a whole church because of experiences I had with individuals. At that point I talk about the various rules and expectations I followed as a missionary and they agree it is too cult like. the mormons sometimes tell me to go back. They tell me they know I still believe in my heart. *eye
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
I'm a scorpio but my moon sign is capricorn. Everybody who knows me in real life think I dont have emotions but if they only knew the volatile inside...
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
Coffee, tea, and alcohol still confuse me sometimes. There's a lot to each of those things and honestly ordering at Starbucks still gives me anxiety. My advice would be to just start trying different teas out. Tea is an acquired taste (in my opinion) so it may take some time before you find your "go-to" tea. Personally, I like the tea bags because they are easier to prepare to me. I
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
I was in high school during the whole prop 8 fiasco. I can tell you it certainly was a concentrated church encouraged action. It was talked about during opening priesthood exercises and our ward even held a special class session for the youth about how to tell people you support "traditional" marriage. At church was one thing but at school was another. I had plenty of non mormon frie
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
Also same dude who claimed to be the only God ever to exist, only to go on to talk about how he gets really jealous of other gods.
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
That's exactly the word, an intrusion. Why should any deity let alone another human care how another person goes about one particular day in their week?
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
Very frequently I still have vivid dreams of being a missionary. EVERY time I have that type of dream I am so MAD at myself for letting myself get suckered back in. I'm always wondering why in the world would I ever allow that? Then I wake up and im relieved to realize that it was only a dream and Im not a mormon missionary. I have never been able to lucid dream so I usually believe whatever the
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
Just pick one at random from the bible, its how they assign them anyway
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
Exactly! The arbitrary part of having to wear white but only with your shirt still really annoys me! These days when I find myself attending sacrament (very rare and only out of obligation) I wear dark blue. Why? It is my favorite color. No need to be any more arbitrary than that.
Forum: Recovery Board