Recovery Board  : RfM
Recovery from Mormonism (RfM) discussion forum. 

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9 years ago
She's def still in the closet. She's involved with Voices of hope& Northern Light(?) I think. The whole situation sounds awful. I want to give my 2 cents but it's hard as she's still very tbm somehow.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
A former sister missionary posted recently on FB how it's been a year since she came "out" and stated she had issues with SSA.Of course there's the obligatory LDS "I love you and support you," comments as well as "You're such a shining example. I read her blog post and am still slightly shocked that despite all that's gone on with the Church the past few years, her end go
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
My thoughts exactly!
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I've seen the video posts too! Easter and everything leading to it was so underrated as a kid so it's a bit odd seeing these posts. Knowing more of the background and finer details of other religious traditions would have been helpful growing up, at least here in NJ. As a kid I wondered why a bunch of kids had ashes on them or why they never ate meat on Fridays or why they gave up stuff for le
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Absolutely on point! Thanks for sharing.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
My dad was invited to join the Spanish recovery program a few years back. The bishopric & stake presidency wanted him to help run the program as he'd been in recovery for a few years. My dad had been attending a regular AA group at the time & reviewed the material they (church) gave him and he respectfully declined. They still visited him a few times telling him he'd be doing a great serv
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I'm a lost cause. Left/stopped believing & attending about 9 years ago around the time I turned 21. :-)
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I looked through and don't think this was shared yet. This blog was shared on an exmo FB group. I liked the first/only post so far... not that (some) TBM's will get it but it's ok. Hope it helps someone out there. :-)
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Primary Presidency/1st counselor (Primary president had only been baptized a year or 2 prior and had never had a calling so guess who had to do all the planning for the programs & activities.) Primary Teacher RS Teacher Chorister (started at age 13 because I could read music and the bishop's son could play piano so there we were, 2 middle schoolers.) All before the age of 21 & while
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Love this video!
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I'm sure that not many officers are thrilled when supremacists groups hold public rallies or parades yet they show up and do their job. He (the policeman in the article) should have done his job like everyone else!
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Good call gentlestrength & thank you all for your suggestions, quotes and links. Like I said in the first post, I usually just ignored them whenever they text me but this week's call/text/random visit was just enough to get under my skin. I think I might text them a few links and then block them so if they try to contact me, they won't be able to.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Guess who is at the door right now? Of course my dad felt bad and answered the door and is now talking to them there (at the door way). I told him that if they came in, I would be in my room & would ignore them so he didn't let them in but now his dinner is cold, smh. Best part of this thing is that the neighbors dog started barking at them endlessly... still is as a matter of fact. I should
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I had a similar issue when my mom passed away. Everyone was eager to help my dad & I. 2 months after, I participated in a 5k fundraiser for the pulmonary fibrosis foundation in memory of my mom. No one from church donated to my fundraising efforts. They liked my posts on facebook & asked when the 5k was but no one showed up. At least local businesses donated a few $ and work matched my
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Thanks for the feed back. I might just block them permanently. I too hate it that they say we love you. Get the hell out of here. I've talked to you in person twice ever!
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I got this text earlier tonight after they called my dad's cell & then the house line. Any good come backs? "Sis! We love you! Saw this scripture and thought of you. "Si Dios es por nosotros, quien contra nosotros?" romans 8:31 hope you have a great night!" A bit of background: I'm bic. Mom was tbm, dad is jack mormon-ish. He hasnt gone back to church since my mom
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I know the feeling all too well. I hate coming home from work and finding crap on my apartment door (hearts, post its, cookies on the floor, etc). It's creepy and weird. I can't imagine what neighbors think when they see all that crap. My dad always feels bad so whenever the missionaries call or knock, he answers and it pisses me off b/c it's usually when we're cooking dinner or about to go out.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I'm not sure how the dissolutions come about but we had similar issues where I live in NJ. Our spanish speaking branch grew so they remodeled the building. In the processes, they decided to split the branch. The one branch eventually grew into a ward but mine did not. In college (about 7-8 years after the split), the branch combined most things with the English ward they shared the building with.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I never got to wear garments- thank god. However, I hated going to the temple to do baptisms. We had to travel to DC from NJ so that commute sucked. The worst was when it was a youth ward activity- b/c without fail, it always happened during that time of the month. Wearing white and getting that thing... worst feeling ever. I do recall being sealed to my parents. Not sure why since my parents
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I absolutely agree! Both of my parents always worked and my mom got the stink eye from the higher ups all the time (not to mention she always wore a pant suit to church, lol)... even in our Spanish speaking branch. Both branches we attended while I was growing up had many single moms and those that were married, were still working because they had to make ends meat. The closest compromise anyone
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I think so. I haven't gone to church in about 8 years. It's kind of nice when you spot missionaries and you can walk past them because they have no idea who you are.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Northern NJ. I hardly run into anyone from church.I only see them once in a blue moon in the towns where there are more members.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
So I have separate tab for church people on Facebook. I hardly click on it but I did today, just to see what old friends/acquaintances are up to. I was surprised at the number of posts against 50 shades. Granted, I'll probably wait for the dvd, I found it funny how many TBM's are posting of their disgust and boycotts, etc. Here's the link 3 returned sister missionaries shared: https://lifestarc
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Very good points anontoday. These some of these so called "teachings" are people discussing the church's history... which they (the church) ended up confirming anyway. SMH... the church is ridiculous.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I agree with you snowball! This is the short version John gave MSNBC yesterday as to why he wanted to stay:
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Thanks Steve! I always enjoy reading your posts- very insightful.
Forum: Recovery Board