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13 years ago
In the eighties, our local stake leadership in Hawaii was full of this crap about adam ondi ahman. The local SP, married to a Utah lady and BYU educated, was really into the Manti Temple-Sevier Valley mindset, with all the folkloric Mormo stuff leaking out of his face everyday. He had a big ally in a local ex-bishie who was accounted a great prophet by the little clique of followers that they pro
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Didn't those two get sealed together? They prolly have a nice little planet out near Kolob, where they are raising their little spirit kids and organizing a planet for them.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
IIRC, JoD, the Hebrews verses show that the father has a body, cuz Jesus sat down at his right HAND. I know, snorkle... The Acts verses are meant to show that Jesus has a body, but no mention of the father. The Luke verses don't seem on topic at all...
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
I was on staff at BYUH in 1990, and I had occasions to be in the men's dorms. I was a witness to loud, outspoken black BB players discussing their entertainment plans freely and publicly. Drinking, strip clubs, hookers--vulgar language, no attempt to hide, on the contrary celebrating their activities, right outside the dorm parent's apartments. These young men kept their status as starters on the
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
yes, I experience god (life force). (NB, not "believe in") yes. because I and my friends in kriya yoga are able to live without breath or motion. we merge with life force, or transcendental spirit. we discover that life force, and consciousness, are independent from the body. this means that everyone can do the same, as we all have the same physical equipment. all that is requi
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
eggzackly, blindmag.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
yes that was my understanding as well. The key difference was the breath. DW thought for years (thanks to Mo doctrines) that our infant who died at birth was lost to her, until she realized that he actually did breathe as he struggled to live, and so therefore would be her child under the covenant.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
The Haitians didn't want to move into the chapel, they just wanted to hide there until the hurricane passed. That actually would have been practical! And it has happened before, Pacific islanders have stayed in concrete churches when big cyclones hit, including LDS chapels.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Exercise is always good, and sports (if you're young enuff, you can do a lot of cool action sports). And there's a lot to study, if you like to read. I do a lot of yoga/meditation too, and grow fruits and vegies. I grew a small ag business. You'll find something you like to do, just keep looking for the smiles, even when you're down, (actually a good time to look).
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
It's all a dream--wake up!
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
I agree, FD. Badger, Judeo-Xtian theology is dualistic, and requires sin, guilt and punishment. This is sick. The Bible Jesus just can't wait to judge everyone, and cast the "unbelievers" into a lake of endless fire. Cool god dood!
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
No, PI, you're not the only one.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
You need a lot more than encouragement, NE. Of course, we all encourage you to think for yourself, and assert your rights and wishes. Groups like the Mormons prey on weak-minded people who are depressed, in low self esteem, and other-directed. Do you want to be their "catch of the day"?
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
I agree, Nina. I was offering the tbm perspective of my cafeteria Mo family members. When I joined TSCC in 1969, apostasy had real eternal consequences in TSCC. But nowadays, the punishment for apostasy is getting watered down, along with the punishments for everything else. According to Ballard's famous talk about suicide, suicides may well still be heirs of the CK. So it's not too big of
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
amazing. good stuff, thanks Nick.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
They've all had their temple sealings done, so they are fine.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
One of them contacted us by phone early last year, after 40 years of silence. I didn't speak with him, only DW. She sent him an Xmas card, but no response. We had a couple great mishies, and one super dumbass arrogant sob. One of the good ones is in Vernal, HS PE. The other, who called, is in So Idaho, HS sci teacher. I could write to them, but why? They are bots.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Is it really "life" that its a lie? Or are you referring to human social cultures, the game world that everyone is caught up in? "Life" is a beautiful form of energy. Have you realized enough about the essential falsity and illusory nature of apparent reality? Perhaps you are interested in exploring the inner world, the life force within? Inside, you can drop the games.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
wise words from Dr. Tim. Think for yourself BE yourself
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
I think neither. I'm libertarian, and we want maximum freedom for all. That's it. Both liberals and conservatives like to take freedom away from individuals, and invest it all in the state powers.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Navi chicks do nothing for me, way too big and uber skinny. Now Donald Duck, I could do that duck... ;)
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
That is so true, jon. The Fairies doing this will be in a lose-lose situation, as they have to reveal stuff most Mos don't know about, or they have no presentation at all. Plus they will have to explain their ridiculous theories in front of a live audience, which is never good for them. But in order to justify their funding etc., TSCC wants them to connect with the members just like Meldrum does.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
I got word from DW about her family's missions. GF was Mennonite (a LOT of Mennonites in DW's maternal side), GM was Wesleyan. They wanted to serve a mission, and his sister was serving for the Nazarenes in China, so they applied and were accepted. I don't know if they became Nazarenes or not. But DW's cousins report that they believed that w/o baptism, the heathens would burn. Just their own
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
yeah, and how could he know that Pele is the volcano goddess, unless god told him? I have to wonder just what connection there was between Dee and his group, and the Weishaupt group of illumined masons? Did the Masons borrow some of Dee's occultism for their Masonic ceremonies and symbols? Or vice versa? Or not at all? Nothing on Wiki about any connections, other than a mention that Masonic
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Great stuff, thanks Nick!
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
This sort of thing to me is very hostile. Sure, they are giving you a "great opportunity" for benefits (in their little minds), but they are also certainly creating lots of misery, if their little fantasy had any validity. Cuz statistically, most people won't send it on, and they have to know this. So they are condemning people to suffering, just to get gain for themselves. Super sic
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
I'm into advaita vedanta and hamsa kriya yoga. Pretty similar to Buddhism, but with more physical tek.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
so bean counter, is the temple you speak of the renovation project for the Laie temple? Wow, over $100,000,000! They had a major reno in '78, and minor ones have closed it since then. Then add the costs of the new hotel, and the Campbell Estate development, that is some amazing high level commitment to expenditure for Laie.
Forum: Recovery Board