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Recovery from Mormonism (RfM) discussion forum. 

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12 years ago
Oh Raptor, for some reason this post totally made my day. Thanks! Yes-If you can definately order pea soup next lunch break with this poor TBM. Also educate him on the "beginners guide to pleasure with religious objects." Of course the cross scene was scary! But if he starts with rosary beads (lube, don't forget to mention the lube) he will master the cross in no time! It's all about mi
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
I was under the impression that ALL holocaust victims were not to be allowed any longer unless the person was able to show actual proof of relation? I was almost impressed when I heard this but wondered if they would actually enforce it. I hope this blows up huge for many reasons. Not only the LDS arrogance of doing whatever the hell they want but also the way it treats members and spouses.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Woah what? Did I miss something about agreeing to give my life for the prophet? I don't remember that part!
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Oh God, this man needs to die. ^^ I couldn't disagree more! It's fabulous little nuggets of "wisdom" like this that are making every semi-educated woman in the entire church cringe, possibly even some of the men. I hope to hear more from dear old Brother Packer in the near future because he is doing a great deal of damage every time he speaks. With the entire world watching and more
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
I actually didn't consider calling a high school to see if they had a daycare program, I didn't think about it. The closest is 45min away. If they do have one I could do one or two days a week. I will call Monday. Thank You for the suggestion.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
I wanted a preschool so she could be with a large group of children her own age. She does have playdates with a few kids in the family every once in awhile but we all have differing schedules and it isn't possible to have it on a regular basis.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
When I say secluded I really mean boonies. It's a 3 hour drive one way to true civilization. There are a bunch of small towns around here but it's all TBM run from the bottom up. Anything considered a threat to the TBM lifestyle is stomped out as much as legally possible. There isn't even a bar around here. At least that I can find. I play bartender and keep plenty of rum for my Coke in the fridg
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
I currently have no childcare. Aside from a few family members who have very hectic schedules no one has ever watched either of my children. If you've read my other posts you know that we are in a very secluded community and I have no friends here. This also means that my children have no one but each other. I am doing my best to remedy the situation so in an effort to see my toddler make friends
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Has anyone on here tried acupuncture? How'd it go for you? I'm looking at it for possible back pain relief. Ever since I had kids my lower back kills all the time. I've done all the conventional therapy including massage. I'm thinking maybe the needles will cancel out the epidural pain? All I know is that it's late, I got my kids to sleep early tonight and here I am making this post.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
I have never seen the play. I don't think it made it into Utah. Did it?
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
While I do think they are hand-in-hand with each other I would have to answer that beliefs in the irrational begin to make a person fanatical. I have seen perfectly wonderful people become so obsessed with the church that it drove them over the edge. When you study enough into church history & doctrine either you come to the conclusion that it isn't real and accept the harsh reality or you be
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Does anyone know what the spiritual message of "Popcorn Popping On An Apricot Tree" was? I am still trying to figure it out. ^^ I think it has hidden meaning about popping those little babies out everywhere until your uterus explodes.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
*Picking jaw up off floor* That is AWESOME!
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
I wouldn't put it past them. Anything to make money. I was always told that LDS meeting houses never had bells because it was "obnoxious" to the Lord.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
But true recovery means leaving it behind all together. Maybe its time for you to let your hatred go and your bias. Because your stereotyping a bit. Ok a lot. Move on and leave it behind you. Stop hating mormons. You claim they are so awful your just a bad as those you claim to need recovery from. Post the truth! ^^ Had you actually read and understood this thread you would have noticed the m
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
I had many try and lay the guilt thick. My BIL Bishop even tried the "spirit babies need bodies" argument on us. I nicely pointed out that the babies in heaven were probably much happier than the ones dealing with the s*&t earth has to offer them. He didn't like that very much.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
So let me see if I have this straight ronas- Your wife honestly thought this was acceptable behaviour at the time because she needed "support" when considering leaving you? And it was okay to shout it from the rooftops basically? Uh huh. I don't think she got any revelation from God. I think she got a serious revelation that she can't make ends meet without you and that "circle of
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Nowdays more are advocating going for a yearly exam. Even someone who isn't sexually active can have a real medical issue going on without knowing it. Also diseases like HPV can be spread without having had full intercourse with the carrier. In my opinion once a female has hit puberty and is in her late teens seeing a gyno yearly should be part of her health care.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
This has got to stop. Your wife really crossed the line with the sole purpose to slander you. Unfortunately your sister is just as stupid and vicious. If I were in your shoes I would start getting my personal affairs in order because if my spouse has no issues with someone else calling me a child abuser then there just isn't much of a marriage left. I am so sorry ronas. I hope your wife has some
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Reading through the other thread (excellent advice BTW! I think it should be bumped for anyone having the same issues in the future) has me wondering if any of those who made the decision to practice family planning experienced the same guilt or pressures as though who were deciding to wait or refrain from having children at all? I know that I did. We have stopped our family at 2 children. *Gasp
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Raptor Jesus- Your postings always make my day. Hope you get well soon.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Awesome find Cludgie! Thank You!
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
The oil is consecrated by the powerof the priesthood There is an actual Melchizedek Priesthood ordinance for consecrating oil. It goes like this: 1.Hold the open container of olive oil. 2.Address our Heavenly Father as in prayer 3. State authority (Melchizedek Priesthood) by which oil is consecrated. 4. Consecrate the oil (not the container) and set it apart for the blessing and anointing
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Today as I was gathering all of the paperwork for our taxes I kept reflecting back on past years of our finances and how different things are for us now. A few years ago when the recession hit we were still pretty TBM. We were starting to become dis-illusioned with the church but still sticking with it thinking it was just "Satan" working on destroying our testimonies. My husband held s
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Just about any mens clothing outfitter has undershirts and fitted boxer briefs that are exactly like garments just minus the symbols. Even Walmart carries a good variety of brands nowdays. Try Jockey.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Personally I think posting on a website annon to vent about the situation and possibly get helpful advice is very different from standing up in a room full of people who know you and your family and telling them what dirtbag your spouse is for not sharing your personal beliefs and refusing to accompany you to meetings during the week and on Sundays.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Yeah that is completely inappopriate. I also feel bad for any sap who decided that it was a great idea to comply. Unless he was a *hot* Bishop offering to "lend a hand" so to speak. :) Seriously that is just wrong.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
I guess some people are more comfortable with their information being handed out than others. Call me crazy but I think have your kids face plastered all over the area with an address and other personal info screams something along the lines of "KIDNAP ME!" Or "POTENTIAL VICTIM!"
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
This is a pretty popular YW activity unfortunately. Every ward I have been too has something like this going on. The ward I converted into did this as a stake activity. One year we even made our own flowers a few weeks ahead of time and they brought in a professional wedding planner to tell us all about our "special day" being photographed outside the temple.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
So the love bombings continue and we just don't answer the door. They cram whatever message they have for us in the crack of the door then leave. Today I got a newsletter. Besides the heartfelt messages, ward activities, and recipies for food storage it also included a page with every single persons full name (first, middle, last) and full birthdate for this next month. Then on the last page it h
Forum: Recovery Board