Recovery Board  : RfM
Recovery from Mormonism (RfM) discussion forum. 

Results 11821 - 11850 of 12497
12 years ago
Just saying.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
And not someplace else? Just asking. I was thinking they might have their heads someplace else, but I'm hardly an authority.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
What's up?
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
...I'm for snapping off his head and stuffing the letter into his lungs. Wait... No. Not that. I just mean that people have to start allowing things like this to be heard. Out of politeness and respect, we withhold too many of these valuable points from them. I suppose you could somehow make it softer, more benign. But make the points, regardless. A couple of the RfM members have hang-ups with
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
...the part where Satan presses the piece of fruit into Eve's hand and says,"There. Now go and get Adam to partake." In other words, the whole forgiveness thing plays out well in my mind. But now go and get your Mormon friends to buy into it. I'm not saying I won't forgive until they forgive. I'm just saying that it frustrates me that they don't play the forgiveness game.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
The missionaries themselves were, in my estimation, all naive and clueless, and generally unprepared for duty in a place like this. Central Africa and Western Europe are not the same thing. But the MP accepted no advice from me or the other LDS employee, who really did think that they were all idiots. Co-worker was not active there, but I recently ran into him and he's all married up in the templ
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
During most of my assignment there I was busy lurking on this site and at other ex-Mo sites. It was during that assignment that I first thought, Hey, I can resign, too, just like these other folks! And I did soon after arrival at my next duty station in the states. Tears were shed by DW, bishop was in the dumps because now he no longer had a new high priest in the ward like he thought he did. As
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
In a promotion test they asked a variant of this question. the question was, "What would best improve unit cohesiveness and foster goodwill between unit members?" Out of four possible answers, two of them were, "Have the unit sponsor a picnic and fun day with members and their families," and, "Have a reveille ceremony at the base flag pole." The OBVIOUS answer,
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
I'm in a hotel with a laptop I seldom use. I'm bored and began going through old files. In the files I found a solicited response I sent to church security back in 2006 regarding the political/military problems where I was stationed. It directly involved the LDS missionary couples there because in three bouts of violence, they were in grave danger during the first. They took it too lightly and ha
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
As Glo says, you may well be summoned to a church court. Perhaps you have experience in this. We here on RfM board have plenty of combined experience with the church holding a church court ("Court of Love") when one states to his or her leaders that he or she no longer believes. That is or may be viewed as apostasy in their books, for which they would likely convene a court. It's true t
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
They may get over it in time. Or not. All you can do is your best.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
11833. Why?
"I'm now an avid hiker and I still wear garments." And you're posting here anyway? I sympathise with the short-person's garments. Before I got out of the church I'd buy short garments so that they wouldn't make the tell-tale sign through my pants (the line at the knee), and so that I could wear normal shorts.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
I've known guys who play softball in garments because you can wear it under the uniform okay, but then in basketball they just wear standard jock straps or briefs because you obviously couldn't wear garments.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Mormon funerals are often, but not always, closed casket. Often, but not always, the only viewing of the deceased is separate in the Relief Society room, where the family gathers. The body has already been dressed in temple clothes respective to gender, and yes, this is often done by LDS friends and family since the clothing is secret (no, "sacred!"), more or less, and only Utah has a l
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
I once had a nice bishop. Seems it was an anomaly, though.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
It will be about the plan of salvation and you'll just have to deal with it. They make the rules when it's on their turf, and that's how it is per the Handbook. If you want it more family-oriented, you have to have it outside the LDS church.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
The game is like some unknown Aussie proposed something like, "Hey, since we're way down here, and nobody can do anything about it, why don't we take rugby and,... You know, like do away with the rules. In fact, I propose we play on an oval pitch--that'll really have 'em flummoxed. Then whenever someone visits the subcontinent, they'll all say,'What the hell, mates? What have you done?' And
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Scenario: Good-looking middle-aged harpie wife goes through two husbands who are not quite LDS enough for her. Makes working-class third LDS husband take her on a mission even though they are both only in their early 50s. They sell their house and use whatever profits to finance their mission. Seems like a romantic idea to them. All-knowing and prosperous LDS church sends them to one of the mo
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Actually joining (rather than just attending) another church is grounds, according to the Holy Handbook of Antioch, for excommunication. The problem is, excommunication is a clear signal to the church and the public that you were a sinner. They will deliberately say mean and untrue things about you once your are excommunicated. So the simple option is, CUT THEM OFF AT THE PASS! Resign, which p
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Just checking my British-North American Dictionary here.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Provocative. Keep the apostate non-stumblebums away from the ward functions. Just so silly it's probably true.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
As a liberal arts student, I'm easily impressed by anybody with math skills that are that polished. What was i thinking when I quit the church?
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
I think everyone needs to make the same promise. No fair if they don't.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
My mind is going all paranoid again, as it does periodically. It happened when I read Annagrammy's comment about bishops often recommending men and women divorce their apostate spouses. I got to thinking about how when a prime woman is divorced or widowed, available divorced and widowed LDS men swoop in. When my FIL passed away, my MIL was virtually pressed into an arranged marriage with a geezer
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
I think it all went back to Nibley's commencement speech ( ) Only a group of sheeple listening to a beloved "leader" would believe this. But it stuck. All kinds of LDS people believe it now because Nibley said so. What he probably was referring to was how clerical robes were worn at British universities by professors and students, and
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
First, glad it's all working out. Best of luck to you. I've probably read all your posts. Second, the LDS church excommunicates you for doing stuff they believe is wrong. Having doubts or disbelief, or even premarital sex is not wrong. The whole shame of excommunication could also be very rough indeed on his parents. Just spare everyone by having him resign his membership. It takes only moment
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
There's Ozpoof, Ozdoc, Simon, Ozgaz, and more. They must all be in bed now or something. Say... Now that I have you on the line, I'm staying in a hotel in Jakarta that has a cable channel that is only Aussie rules football. At any rate, I watch and try to understand. But I have questions: What's with four goal posts? Why do so many were a tight arm band on their left arm? Is the ball
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
"Christine Hubbs, dubbed 'the Hummer mom' for driving teens around in her SUV, was arrested last year on 67 charges related to the relationships." Right. THIS is why they call her the "hummer mom." Right.
Forum: Recovery Board