Recovery Board  : RfM
Recovery from Mormonism (RfM) discussion forum. 

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11 years ago
After 20 years with my on-again, off-again TBM now exhusband, when we divorced I was not interested in ever marrying again. He made me feel like a possession and not a person. I lived with my current husband for a year before we decided to marry, mostly for reasons stated above by others; we both wanted someone we trusted to make those decisions for us that we could not make ourselves in the
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
This philosophy espoused by Hunter is the same philosophy many of my never-mo friends also believe, so it's not just a morg thing. I'm starting to believe it's more of a cultural thing among certain political parties. Furthermore, you just can't have a conversation with these people about it, follow the thought process to a logical conclusion with them because they are so caught up in this thoug
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Over the years, I have learned that not everybody is an extrovert and it's okay to be an introvert. For me, being an introvert is just a part of who I am. No need to be going and doing all the time, I'm happy at home doing my thing by myself or with my family (now consisting of husband, grown daughters and grandchildren) and sometimes social events -- as long as I can escape the crowd and calm
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
We have a saying at our house: Laugh or cry when the going gets tough. Laughing seems to make it a tad easier.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Don't go. Just go take in a movie you want to see, or find some like minded friends and hang out, have your own un-Thanksgiving. Nothing wrong with that.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
A lot of people think you have to be religious and belong to a church to be moral and/or ethical -- this isn't just a morg thing. One friend asked my husband one time how he can possibly have any kind of moral principles if he didn't go to church. His response was that morals are more about a person's character than what church he/she goes to. Mormons are brainwashed to believe their whole l
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Not only did I fantasize about it, I eventually did it. The kids were little, I worked full time as did their dad. For two weeks I worked to clean my house top to bottom in my spare time to make sure it was clean when the in-laws showed up from out of state for a visit. After they left, a comment was made by MIL about how filthy my house was. I was devastated and told her so and went on to
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
I don't know if it's the church's policies on sex that is the problem or if it's the church's policies on women. I suspect more of the latter, that women are not Phood holders and therefore, not worthy of making their own decisions. We are taught from a very young age that we must have a P-hood holder in our lives, that our fathers and husbands are the authority of our families and that women
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Have you tried meade? I like it MUCH better than wine, but I do enjoy a good Moscato from time to time.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Why would anyone even question the advantages gay people would get if they are a married couple? As a straight person, did you question what the advantages would be when you married? Most people don't understand that a gay person, with or without a partner, is seen legally as a single person in most of this country. My oldest daughter is lesbian and we live in a rather conservative (I say
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Yeah, me too. Go figure.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
enjoying my DP down a bit further south of you, darlin'. I don't miss the snow. I think I'm allergic to it. :)
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Southern Idaho Inactive: I was born in the area of which you speak and still have family there. :) One of my family members emailed me pics of the snow on the mountains (she knows how much I love those mountains). Just HAD to say hello when I saw where you are. Stay warm!
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
A few but mostly confusion. The day I was sealed to my first husband as a young 18 year old bride with no mother, grandmother, or female friend to guide me through the process. My parents were divorced when I was very young. Mom saved her wedding and engagement ring and gave them to me the night before my wedding. I remember my whole life until them seeing those rings and knowing somed
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
My family is TBM since the beginning days of the church and some came across the plains and through the mountains in the first group to settle the SL valley. some were polygamists, some not. On the other side of my family were pioneers on the Oregon Trail who settled in the north. I've always been proud of my pioneer heritage because, regardless of what I personally believe, they honestly believ
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
My TBM brother unfriended me over Obamacare and after he called me some very un-nice things on FB. I did unfriend one particularly crazy friend I'd known for years that was constantly spewing nasty stuff in her comments on my feed. there was no reasoning with her, she just swallowed the Kool-Aid.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
In our house, DH and I have our own computers. He is a MAC and I'm PC and on the rare occasion he needs to use my PC he curses up a storm! LOL We also have our own private email addys, FB, etc. We do not share passwords. The way I see it, we're all adults and if I feel I need to babysit what my husband is doing online, maybe I'm in the wrong relationship.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
The election triggered me, too, after 10-15 of being away from the morg. I'm happy for this site full of people who feel traumatized in much the same fashion I do. Going to that site reminds me of a moth being drawn to the flame. It can't help itself for some reason.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
It started when I was disfellowshipped for having premarital sex with my then-fiance. We did marry in the SLC Temple and he had been my only partner. At the same time I was disfellowshipped in 1983, my husband was excommunicated for many sins he committed (extramarital sex not with me) both before and after our marriage. I accepted this punishment because I knew I had broken the rules of the
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