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Recovery from Mormonism (RfM) discussion forum. 

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13 years ago
steve benson
144,000 is the bogus number of missionaries that the Mormon Church says are serving in Fillmore, Utah.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
steve benson
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
steve benson
If they do, they fear running the risk of being accused by persecution card-playing Mormon believers as being intolerant, anti-religious bigots--when in fact, if Romney is going to make a public issue of his faith (as he has), then both a public and meaningful examination of Mormonism is certainly warranted. After all, what does Mitt have to hide? Being a secretive misdirecting Mormon, ple
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
steve benson
First, you take an original Egyptian funeral papyrus (you can do what Joseph Smith did and buy one off of a traveling carnival barker): _____ Then you cut off, rip off, or otherwise remove (if they're not missing already) the parts from it that don't fit what you're trying to get across to your readers:
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
steve benson
I'm talking about the Mormon tunnel system (such as I experienced it) running under Temple Square and connected to Mormon Church offices in downtown Salt Lake City. I traversed the main tunnel several times over the years. As I recall, it ran from underneath the Tabernacle on Temple Square over to the Church Administration Building. It was relatively wide, wall-to-wall carpeted, well-lit
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
steve benson
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
steve benson
"There's alcohol in Coca Cola! "Oops! Poor TBMs! Yes, there's not much, but it is there." ("There's alcohol in Coca Cola!," posted by "matt," on "Recovery from Mormonism" bulletin board, 15 February 2011, 7:45 a.m.)
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
steve benson
Several years ago, at a Benson family function where Tom Monson was invited, I had a chance to briefly chat with him. I asked him how his health was doing and, surprisingly enough, he told me that his foot was giving him a bad time and that he was a diabetic. Um, Earth to Tom: Lay off the cola, big guy. Given your decrepit condition, you don't have to be a "prophet of God" to fi
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
steve benson
Being around that environment in my work-a-day world, it was something I was pretty familiar and comfortable with. Although I must admit that when the Mormon Church changed its secret temple ceremonies back in 1990 (this time eliminating the bloody death oaths and such), a religion reporter contacted me and asked for the details. I wasn't out of the Church at that point (left three years late
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
steve benson
A recent RfM thread raised the issue of Mitt Romney's chances--in the context of him claiming to be a devout Mormon--of becoming president of the United States. Given that this is a matter of LDS-related doctrine and practice, it's relevant to discussion here on this board. As RfM contributor "AmIDarkNow?" perceptively noted in a post entitled, "The Problem with Mitt Romney
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
steve benson
Jesus: "Well, Dad, how do you think it went?" God: "This Joe guy isn't all that bright." Jesus: "I warned you not to trust anyone who was into peepstones." God: "I feel bad. I created the kid and had great hopes for him." Jesus: "Just like you did for my brother Satan." God: "I've just got this nagging feeling that
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
steve benson
There has been ongoing speculation and opinion-sharing on this board lately (as in the past) regarding the state of LDS apostle Dallin H. Oaks's personal testimony of and intellectual commitment to the doctrines of Mormonism. I'd like to share (repeated here for newcomers to the board; old-timers, please bear with it) some of my own observations, based on direct contact and conversations
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
steve benson
. . . in which he has shown flashes of forthrightness, only to subsequently and inconsistently manifest positions that were less than honest. Like I said, Oaks has demonstrated a personal conscience that has been at odds with his duties as a high LDS Church leader--and I have observed that personal conscience lose out to the Church. For instance, here's another simple but telling examp
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
steve benson
. . . which got Joseph Smith and Signey Rigdon fined by court judgment, as well as hit with other lawsuits:
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
steve benson
In that sense, Oaks demonstrated a personal conscience when, according to my source, he offered to resign over the untruths he told the reporter. But, for whatever reason, Oaks's conscience eventually lost out to Hinckley's urging that he hang on. It might have something to do with absolute power corrupting absolutely. I certainly don't think Oaks would have come forth on his own to admit h
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
steve benson
. . . after I blew the whistle on lies that Oaks told to a reporter in an on-the-record interview--lies that Oaks apparently thought he could get away with, if I would just keep quiet. The offer reportedly made by Oaks to resign from the Quorum of the Twelve was later told to me by a well-informed source in Utah. (For "Sandie's" fanciful suggestion that I ask Monson to quit his post
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
steve benson
. . . according to a good source of mine in Utah's Mo Corridor. It happened after I outted Dallin H. Oaks for lying to a reporter about Boyd K. Packer's behind-the-scenes involvement inMy head-butt with Oaks happened after I outted Oaks for lying to a reporter about Boyd K. Packer's behind-the-scenes involvement in the excommunication of Paul Toscano--who was a Salt Lake City attorney, an out
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
steve benson
Forum: Recovery Board