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9 years ago
That is an email to provoke mixed emotions. For whatever it's worth, here is my opinion as a convert. It was because of the "strong testimony" of a stellar missionary, or perhaps he was just a pushy self-righteous douche bag, not sure. Anyway because of his influce It got over my doubts 25 years ago and got baptized. Over 20 years later I came to the concluion that the church is n
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Very good point!
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Good for you, keep making more small steps in finding your own voice. It does feel good, doesn't it.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Wow, just when I think that the one and only true and living abominable church on the face of the earth cannot surprise me anymore. Just Wow Money manners at church is what made me realize how superficial and damaging this corporation is. The good news is that they have a million people who bail every Sunday in SA and must acknowledge it. HAHA D
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
This is part of an email someone forward to me in regards to a food drive. This is the first I hear about such food drive at our stake. "I would like to extend an invitation in regards to the current Food Drive that the Stake has requested that we be a part of. All I am requesting is if you could take a moment to take some instagram and or photos of you collecting, requesting and deliver
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Well, he might not be the only kook in the church. Some years ago there was a couple who gave a fireside on geneology at our Stake Centre. And I think they also were speakers at Stake Conference at least once. As part of their geneology talks/presentation, they showed the audience these inmense charts of their own geneology and they said exactly what the dude in your story told you. The
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
They got their money back and way more from this convert. And it didn't matter that at some point in my life I was a single mom. They got all my dedication, my time, my children and did I mentioned a lot of my hard earned $$$$$$$. Add to that all the hours I served and helped build their corporate kingdom, the youth I indoctrinated, those who followed my example, the toilets I cleaned (actua
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Speaking of top regrets from people when dying. Here is my number 1 regret in life, so far. 1. having joined a cult and the other two: 2. having "paid" money to a cult 3. having stayed way too long in the cult =)
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
you know Forespal you may be right, maybe deep inside I do feel she has an agenda. I've even wondered if our friendship began because she was assigned to fellowship me. There is something that just doesn't feel completely sincere from her. Maybe that's it, maybe she's more of a church agent than a sincere friend.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
thank you for your responses. I've tried reaching out but she seem to cut me off until she tries to reach out. it's confusing sometimes. I kind of agree with Pooped, or at least it feels that way. That she tries when it's convenient. I sometimes wonder if she was an assigned friend when I first became a member. After all I've read on this board that is how it seems in retrospect. I un
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I kind of feel ungrateful but still. I recently lost someone in the family. I didn't tell "the ward" just because I don't attend. I keep in touch with a couple of friends but that's all. Through a relative, the RS president find out. She didn't call me directly but called a friend to call. That was fine, I told het to tell the RS Prez that she could call if she wanted, I would
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
That reminds of this story, after I had stopped attending church, I was invited to an RS activity to celebrate "the sisters' birthday". We did that every couple of months, it was pretty much just get together and cut a cake. So I went to see the ladies I hadn't seen in a while. And guess what? It was a nutrition and exercise activity. I was totally not dressed for the exercise part
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
You were able to free princess? That's amazing. I haven't been around or reading the board lately, but now I have to search and read your posts. I suppose you posted about it. Congratulations. Great to hear from you. I love reading the updates. It's very reassuring that leaving, as hard as it sometimes may be, it's liberating. Enjoy your time in college. All the best, D
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
This is ridiculous. Why is it their business to know what other money you make or have. I don't see how this is even legal. Will this affect if you receive a raise or will they say, well your spouse got a 20% raise so you can stay where you are. The lds church never ceases to amaze me, in a bad way of course.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
A blow to your intelligence? I understand. But at least you can say you were brought up that way. I CONVERTED to the cult and thought of myself as being an intelligent being for being so obedient. I was not the needy, loneky or drunk convert most RM speak of on this board. I had many red flags I should have noticed but someone or something would make me just ignore them or put them on the sh
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I know many converts of hispanic background here in Ontario, Canada. based on what I've observed here are my thoughts. If the families are inactive, as your girlfriend's family seems to be, chances are they will remain so unless there is a major reason or major love-bombing-reactivation project that will get them back. I know many who have married outside the church and have never returned. I
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I don't have the date in front of me. But 3.4 million for total tithing donations for Canada is way too low. I think the $160 million from other charities includes tithing being "donated" or transfered from ward funds (tithing collection) to the "COJOLDS in Canada" - which is who collects all the tithing money that is transferred outside of Canada, i.e BYU, South America
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
When I joined the church I was surprised, very unpleasantly surprised, that they, all of them it seemed, trashed talked investigators, new members, inactives, and those in less valiant callings. That is one thing I disliked from mormon culture, especially Utah born or Utah wannabe mormons. No offense to those in Utah but as a out-in-the-field-mormon that's how we measured all mormons.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Thank you squeebee, I've been intending to get some numbers and posting them here, but haven't got a chance. I'm no analyst by any means, I just like to post outrageous amounts. BTW, I recently told a friend of mine about the millions of Cdn tithing money going to BYU and she said 'but tithing is different that BYU donations'. I told her that they one way to get money from Canada to SLC was
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I like it that the money is not going to BYU, but it has being going to Presiding Bishopric charities in countries like Ghana, Ecuador and other which I don't recall right now. Then who know what happens to the money from there. It has become less transparent if you ask me. With the money in coutries who regulate less the non-profit organizations it may just be a channel that find its way
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Really? They come visit but won't shake your hand when you extend it. Well, there you have it, you were right, they are there on a assignment to reactivate you. It seems to me they have been gossiping, they are rude, they are misinformed and most likely are visiting because it is their duty. I'm glad to hear you have found people who understand and know how to offer support within the suppo
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I agree with those who think this is a reactivation effort I disagree with those who think this is kindness and you should take it. If this former bishop is offering help and calling, that shows that he cares. HOWEVER, the minute he starts bringing other "priesthood holders" with him on visits, it means he's told this people your situation and he wants to reactivate you. I wo
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I'm in southern Ontario. I never heard of Pioneer Day until I came to this board. Or at least how largely celebrated it is. Over here in July sacrament meetings are almost empty because of the summer. The big deal over here are the two weeks the Cumorah Pageant goes on, many people attend usually as the beginning of the summer holidays. It isn't until September that the full seats are occ
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I never heard as a doctrine, but...... There were the ocassional times when a deacon would hold on to the tray and after I partook of the bread or water would quickly move to the tray to the next person, it may have been to the next man. it always bother me that he wouldn't let me grab it. so I learned to quickly grab with one hard and taket the try with the other one. Also, when sitting
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Never really noticed but now that you mention it..... One time I was asked to speak, I was then serving as RS president. Someone spoke first, then it was mine turn and the closing speaker was young man, probably around 20 but still a YSA. It kind of bothered me that I was not the last speaker but I also thought I was being proud and letting 'the calling' make me feel special. Must have been
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
"As much as I hate the church and believe it's a cult, they got things right when it came to creating social activities for their youth. The problem is that along the way, you get taught things that fuck up your life later. The church wouldn't be as big and financially strong as they are if they didn't get some things right. They got a lot of money out of me, taught me how to lie for them wi
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Sounds great! Congratulations!
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
You should see the big smile on my face as I read your post. Love how you handle the bishop, the love-bombers and the mishies' text. Maybe I'll use your idea of a link for when they come by, even though they haven't. Last I heard the rumour was that I didn't want to see or to talk to anyone in the ward, hahaha. I told the Bishop that I never said that and if anyone wanted to know why I don
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Lately I've been thinking that all these religions involve people and let the ordinary man (and for some, a woman) become a preacher, a teacher, a leader, etc. with no particular training or climbing of the ladder. It makes them feel included, as if they were part of a special club. I think this is why so many were started and continue to this day. In the Catholic church is more of a distan
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
The missionaries led me to believe that God actually visited the temples, that apostles had seen them and HE talked to them, that if I was faithful enough I could see him too or at the very least receive divine inspiration. Boy was I naive. but if was the phrases and words and the sacredness of what they didn't say that got my curiosity. Until the last days I attended the temple I tried to
Forum: Recovery Board