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10 years ago
LOL, thanks posters. (I won't be able to look at the Angel M on top of the granite monolith without remembering the Angel M wondrous tree-topper gift. I don't think I could have kept a straight face opening that gift.) My best Christmas gift? A good-sized bouncing baby boy that proved one obnoxious know-it-all nurse wrong when she said, "But dearie, you cannot be in labor with the baby
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Part of me wants to know just how to pull this "using" people thing off. I mean I hate cleaning bathrooms, dust (hate that with a passion), trying to get scuffs of walls even with that magic eraser thing that manages to remove the paint as well----hell, face it, there are tons and tons of things I'd rather do than clean (especially if I have to wear white). So, I wonder if I hang
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
This is such a never-ending problem where the ending story line usually ends identical to that of your sister. The role of bishop is so full of built-in problems that it makes me shudder. I have personally witnessed a close family member attempting to fulfill this calling. What my gut feeling, as well as facts, tell me is that to prime and brainwash someone into believing that this is
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
One of my favorites is the gift of time. I no longer constantly wonder how I am going to get the stars to line up or move the chess pieces in the right place so that I might possibly get most of the things done that I need to do as an active MORoN member. Another is that I absolutely treasure deciding for myself what I want to do with my time; that there is no morg telling me that I am "
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Yes, I am positive they are rejoicing for the extra time found that they can breathe a little instead of thinking, "Oh heck, how am I ever going to get everything done." I swear this was one of my most reoccuring thoughts in my active MORoN days. Also, makes me think of General Conference Weekend which is like a national holiday in the valley of mormonism. Hey, we can take a road
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Great, great fun! I wish them a happy marriage and thank them for sharing this on line, and also for your thread. I've thought before what kind of wedding my husband and I would have planned if we weren't steeped in the MORoN temple thing. It was fun to just imagine and dream for awhile, but in my wildest, I would have never thought of this.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Have to wear WHITE CLOTHES to clean in?----I mean really? That just makes so much since to work on scouring dirty things in white clothes. Someone has a screw loose.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Wish I could inform her of all the moments the leaders of the church have given out because of....hummm, let's see being caught in a lie because the Lard changed his mind again and again and again because the leaders are old amd dead and have been replaced by the newer old leaders etc. etc. etc.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
I agree with all of the above except Pepsi is the real deal, not Coke, plus need to have Party Mix and Hershey Kisses.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
I will be sure to come if they make sugar cookies with green sprinkles, but if they ARE the wrong color of green never mind.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
I think the GA's think they have set the line at a chuckle, you know the kind they give at GC now and then, but mostly then.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
I found it: *Anything but a "relief". Tylenol was the remedy *Seeped with yet another rehashed, repeated, rehearsed MORoN lesson or moral *Intellectually boring and unchallenging--- Book reviews? No Literature discussions worth attending? No Discussions on community needs or problems? No Discussions on current events tied into religion? No
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
I never heard or realized that young men could be hearing what your bishop told you---that if young men did not confess all of their sins they would come back to haunt them when they were out in the mission field. That is so wrong, and I am sorry you had to hear this threat as this is what it was. I believe if we tallied the threats we've all heard in the church that the list would go on en
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Your hearing the tale in RS makes my heart ache for you and others, like members of my family, who were told this story and what they "should" learn from it, when in reality the story should be informing them of the low-life that ole Joe really was and how the true tale played out. How could a person want to harm others with this type of a scam knowing in the deepest part of their be
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
I had to laugh when I read this thread as I use this ditty all the time, "Oh, for Pete's sake". (It was part of my mom's vocabulary, and what I want to know is does anyone know who Pete was? or the origins of this saying? Hmmmnmm, maybe I'll have to get off my derriere and see if google has the answer to my question). Well, I digress. Back to the theme of the thread. I found it r
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
I found your pictures overall well done and added to the theme of your presentation. I was mostly aware of the information you presented and I did like the visuals you showed. I would have liked more credentials to have been shared about the sources for your information, especially about the second annoiting stuff. Some of that was new to me and I would like to know your source for the fac
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Enjoyed your song, and it did make me think of the poor deluded mishies this season far away from their comfort zones. My granddaughter is one of those mishies, and I know that even though she will not ADMIT that she is homesick at this time of year, she will be very much so. For Thanksgiving she shared that a doughnut served as a piece of pie because no pie existed where she is serving..
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Enjoyed the graphic quotes a lot. Thanks for sharing the site.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
When a mormoney cult member hits me with the judgment that whatever I am doing with my time does not add up to the 100+ points they are getting for fulfilling their callings, attending church, attending temple, holding FHE, getting child ready for mission, etc.etc.etc. They might say: I can't imagine what it must be like to have so o o much time that you can read as much as you do.... or
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
I loved and laughed at your reply Duffy, and I will definitely put it on my list to remember. I probably will not have the courage to actually say the words, but it will certainly make me smile and change my attitude just to think of them. When I have been treated with shunning, I can't help but think of someone afflicted with a gross abnormality shunned by society. No matter what shunning
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Seems to me like any room would be open for the honor....after all isn't the "temple of the lord" supposed to be full of attending angels and all of those who have righteously gone before, not be mention God, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost themselves?
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Members go to all crazy lengths to mark their callings in the mormoney church with moments of fame that they will forever be remembered for. They attempt to be creative and out-do those who served previously. This time they succeeded. No one will forget this ward Christmas dinner(?)......
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Your walk in the past triggered my fond recollections of a day I spent at BYU attending actual classes with my brave BYU attending son. I say brave when I should say uber super brave son that did not blink an eye when his uncoventional not-active-Mormon-mom made this request, kindly replying OK. His agreement was totally in alignment with this son's ability to envision the best in a situation,
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Too often I've fallen for the mormon croc tears only to be hit with the low blow that these tears were not sincere. After this reality, I found myself just doubting all of the mormon croc tears which of course sold some people short, but that is how I felt and still feel.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
To me, the whole temple ceremony shouts of ole joe throwing something together quickly, which is exactly what he did, because he was about to be in very deep doo doo if he didn't move pronto and cover his philandering ass. I think he looked to what was available in his experience, and this weird and silly temple ceremony he threw together was the result. Plus, his luck at fooling the members ha
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
New info all the time. Never knew that titles such as bishop and stake pres. were used officially after the person serving in that position was released. Does the same apply to relief society president? Sure is all about keeping the mormoney church out there and on people's minds all of the time, isn't it?
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
I commend the caring you have given to your family. It takes courage to stand up to the mormoney church and you are showing it. To me what needs and is worthy of respect is treating people with kindness. When the opposite exists, we have an obligation to speak out against this action.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
I can relate to how you are feeling because some of my children are TBM raising their children in the mormoney church in that whole circle of lies. It tears me apart, makes me angry, makes me feel helpless, and truly breaks my heart. I ask myself the question constantly how can this be happening as they were raised to think for themselves and not fall for this con game. I have been honest wi
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
"So cults hold their victims without external walls because they have built internal, invisible walls inside their victims mind." stated by Mormon Observer is an excellent description of what cults outrageously accomplish. I think the fact that you are dealing with a real live person and you do not see those strong invisible walls that are inside his mind gives you the false idea t
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Very telling how the bishop relied on someone's word about the FB pictures, never looking at them himself. Must be that he rec'd a revelation confirming that the pictures were inappropriate?
Forum: Recovery Board