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Recovery from Mormonism (RfM) discussion forum. 

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9 years ago
I found that between the two potato casseroles I made with canned chopped green chiles and without, the one with chiles went much quicker. Try it.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Nah. The "Look at ME!" of the husband is a form of narcissism.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Nightengale, After checking with your town's laws about taking up sidewalk space and you find that they are there legally, how tough do you feel? Could you walk up to the display and just casually mention to them that you are disfellowshipped and then just stand there. And continue to stand there. Do you suppose that they would close up shop and steal away to get away from you?
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
imaworkinonit is right; teach your children critical thinking skills. As they get older, teach them about logical falacies and discuss what logical falacies they have heard.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Your DIL is dealing with narcissistic grandparents. Google Narcissism to know what she is dealing with. Here is a website that I previously got off RfM that is very illuminating. Especially, read "How to Spot the Monkey Dance" on the below website. Have DIL read this and other information about narcissism, too. She needs knowledge in order to deal with them as effectively as possib
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
My advise comes from the legal side of the situation. As long as you are married to your wife, you are responsible for any damage and/or vandalism she creates. You need to initiate the divorce as soon as possible and stay the H--- away from your bishop.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Aaron, You're being sarcastic, Right? Kiddo, you got a lot of 'spaining to do. Come back after you've read the CES Letter. And after you read that one, read Latter-Day Perspective. Then, when you can converse using evidence and reason, and not warm fuzzy feelings like your testimony, return and we will have a rational convers
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
If someone else before this post made mention of this, I appologize. I have dealt with this with my dad and other family members. There is a condition of dementia refered to "sundowner's syndrome", where the person is generally normal and lucid during the day but, as evening approaches, becomes less aware of reality and symptions of dementia soon present themselves, including pers
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I like to add a can or two of chopped green chiles, drained. The last time I made them for an Ex-Mo dinner, I used Tater Tots and christened it Napoleon Dynamite Funeral Potatoes. (Watch the movie again.)
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Just returned from continuing the Sisyphean task of cleaning out and cleaning up my house in preparation of putting it on the market.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
inyorkshire said, "I found this site after looking for info about what they believe, after a friend told me she's been visited a few times by Mormons and they've been helping out with stuff." Please warn your friend that the missionaries are "helping out with stuff" in an effort to create within her a need to reciprocate for all their help. They "do stuff" on p
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Where I live there are several Costco stores, as well as Sam's Clubs. I make sure I don't shop at the Sam's Club where my old ward is situated. I see Mormons at the Costco and Sam's Club where I shop (their underwear is observable beneath their clothing) but they don't know me. That's all that matters. I did see a polygamous family at Sam's Club once. Their manner of dress was quite eviden
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Is the book a brown paperback with, I think, three rectangular panels on front depicting individuals doing various activities? If so, I took a group class in a psychologist TBM's house and we used this manual in an effort to overcome so-called SDBs, or self-defeating behaviors. Yes, we turned in our journalings weekly and received written feedback. Yeah, it was depressing. I would never g
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I second what Caedmon said.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
You will realize that TSCC and the members therein are narcissists when you move on and do well and they get upset because you are happy.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
EEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Grammar Nazi here. The term is "fewer kids", not "less kids". LESS describes a singular noun, while FEWER refers to a plural noun. Think of money: I spent half of my money today, so I have less money this evening than I had this morning. I had 50 dollars this morning, but since my spending spree, I have fewer dollars in my pocket than I had this morni
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I agree with Greyfort. If you're feeling uncomfortable, speak with a counsellor. There ain't nothin' wrong with gettin' counselling. I got it more than once and I admit it in public. Too many people are afraid to admit to such a thing. Also remember, everyone is different. Average is average. You are unique. So am I. So is Greyfort.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
She's ignorant. I disagree with many if not most of her assertions. Yeah. She's deluded.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I love fruitcake. That being said, as a child my mom would spend the money and effort to make fruitcake for Christmastime. Later on, she discovered those dry store-bought ones that tasted rather bland. She read in a magazine about soaking store-bought fruitcakes in liquor, but decided to try something without alcohol, even though my parents weren't LDS. She would soak a fruitcake in apple j
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
summer Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > She found out that being a divorcee in the Mormon church was even less fun than being married to an apostate. I laughed out loud after reading what Summer wrote because, it's true, there are LOTS more single and divorced female members than single and divorced eligible worthy priesthood members available for marriag
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Ex-Mormon: KNOW it better LIVE Authentically LOVE Life More Howzat?
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Of course. Did any women give talks?
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
After looking at pictures of the Newport Beach and Redlands temples, I see the phallic spire on top and understand why TSCC wants it on there.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
A return to polygamy wouldn't add significantly to church coffers unless many or most of the sister-wives are encouraged to work.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I agree. I worked at Carl's Jr. when Carl Karcher owned the company. As soon as he passed on, they got Paris Hilton to perform on that first car wash hamburger commercial. They're appealing to men to buy their 'burgers. I, too, said that Carl was rolling over in his grave.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
If you check Google, you can find "The Late War" about the War of 1812, written in King James-style English for reading in schools to make students accustomed to reading the Bible. It was very popular in New York schools during Joseph Smith's child- and young adult-hood.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Show up, People! There's lots of parking between the streets across the street from the house, even if you gotta park a few blocks away. They're small blocks so you don't need to bring your skateboards to get to the house. I will be bringing Napoleon Dynamite Funeral Potatoes with mild Hatch Chiles. If you've seen the movie, you'll understand what I mean by Napoleon Dynamite. It doesn't
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I recall several times sitting in the chapel of the Las Vegas temple and recognizing that the pillars around the chapel perimeter were not really stone of any kind. They were made of whatever and faux-finished to look marble. It was obvious.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I can tell, MonkeyDanceWatcher, that you see what is going on, otherwise you wouldn't have that name. Narcissism runs rampant thru the Church. I'm sorry that you are one of those surrounding it who must suffer from its effects. I read the website link posted on RFM yesterday, Narcissism at Work, and realized that I had also been married to a narcissist. It truly sucks to live in that
Forum: Recovery Board