Recovery Board  : RfM
Recovery from Mormonism (RfM) discussion forum. 

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13 years ago
because it causes us considerable cognitive dissonance to not believe something we publicly profess. There is all kinds of pressure to bear your testimony. You may be a little wobbly, but your intentions are good, so you muster the courage to get up there even though you're not sure what you're going to say. In the heat of the moment your mouth forms the words and out they come. You've just pa
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
I do wish them all the success in the world. I hope the musical becomes the a primary association when people encounter things Mormon. Joining it would be the last thing on their mind.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
They only believe in it to the degree that your inspiration is in accord with what Mormon God commands you to do, and they through their dogma completely define what those commandments are. If it's not in accord then it's not inspiration but simply miscommunication. In other words, do what you're told or suffer the consequences.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Stage one of recovery from Mormonism is experiencing the the shock and awe of realizing what you've been taught as most precious is mostly hogwash. I don't think you're completely through that phase yet. Take a deep breath and take it one day at a time - you'll get there. At some point you have to rewire yourself to make for a happy, peaceful life which is quite doable even if you don't believ
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
He was MP of the San Diego Mission in the late 70s. He instituted a program called "Approach to Commitment" that long story short was responsible for quick-dipping 1000+ Mexicans a month who were never to be seen again. LDS, Inc. loved the numbers, but eventually the SPs put a stop to it since it was adding all these people to their rolls that they would never even meet. He was a ver
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Hard to imagine where liturgical music would be right now without doubters (they'd still have Bach at least). I just made a few bucks playing for the Lutherans last week. I have to say though that as a nonbeliever who hasn't attended services of any kind for four years (xmas excepted when I go with my TBM family) I just DON'T GET church. It just doesn't do a thing for me. I used to cling to
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
For example my former TBM BIL went to strip clubs all the time and hired prostitutes even though sex was regularly available at home with his wife. As the joke goes: if you invite a Mormon to go fishing, invite at least two or they'll drink all the beer. Ironically, I haven't have sex with my TBM wife in over four years ever since I rejected the cult. Even though I still have an eager inter
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Some time in the not distant future LDS, Inc. will accept the BoM as allegory and after a generation or so passes, they'll claim that they never taught it that the BOM was literally true.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
The Minneapolis Public Library has four copies of "No Man Knows..." that regularly circulate and three are on the shelf right now. But then hardly anyone in Minnesota gives a rip about Mormons since they are such a minuscule segment of the population. Most of the Mormons that live here are originally from UT, ID, etc, live in the suburbs, and are fearful of coming into the city. I th
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
I was riding from Minneapolis to St. Paul. I asked him if he was Mormon. He said no. I said "Good, because you probably wouldn't be for long after reading that book." He found it a fascinating read. I commented that it was a "truth is stranger than fiction" type of history, and he replied that you couldn't make this stuff up. I also explained that I was a Formon and that th
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
I believe it was Tahoe Girl that experienced the same circumstance. She wrote a marvelous letter to the nosy bishop that put everything in place. As touched on earlier in this post, her letter was to the effect of "butt out of other people's business". Tahoe Girl, if you read this you would be a star to post it again. This time I'll store a copy for myself for future reference, becau
Forum: Recovery Board