Recovery Board  : RfM
Recovery from Mormonism (RfM) discussion forum. 

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9 years ago
I'm so sorry. We lost our 4 year old Great Dane to lymphoma this summer. It's bad enough to lose a dog, but so much worse when they're young. I was counting on a lot more years and I feel cheated. I'm glad you did the right thing and let him go when he began to suffer. It's so hard. When you're ready, consider getting another. We did and although we miss our sweet boy every single day, our
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I let my kids walk a couple blocks to the swimming pool (they're on the swim team). I also let them play on our street without being out there (youngest is 6). I know some people think that's awful and if something ever happened I'd be painted as a terrible parent. I don't worry about them being kidnapped. It's rare and I've tried to teach my kids what to do if they're approached by an adult
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I agree that you need help. Maybe therapy, maybe an antidepressant. Our 3rd child wasn't planned. Our second was less than a year old when I got pregnant. I was completely overwhelmed for several years. I just had to get through the day a lot of times. My husband went with me to my 6 week OB appointment and told the Dr. he thought I had PPD. He was right and I'm so glad he did that. I took an
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
My parents have become marathon runners in their 50s. They're all about it and it's really annoying. I saw a bumper sticker the other day that said 0.0 (instead of 26.2 or 13.1). I think I'll get one just to bug my parents. :)
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
My MIL and her creepy husband went on a mission in 2008 to some Indian reservation in Arizona. Her creepy husband mentioned that they don't like being called Lamanites--EVEN THOUGH THEY ARE (his words and emphasis). What a nut case.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I really like my dentist. He found out I grew up in Utah as a non-Mormon. He did too. He spends most of my dental visits ranting about the Mormons and how much it sucked growing up in Utah. It's hilarious. Our Utah dentist made a big deal about the fact that we weren't Mormon. He always asked how our church was going. Weirdo.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Ugh. Now I want to make it for Thanksgiving. They used to serve it at all kinds of potlucks when I was growing up in Utah. Maybe since people from Colorado like it too it would be okay.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Yeah, I go to a non-denominational church and I have a lot of trouble with them... keeping track of the money that I give and harassing me if I don't give enough, interviewing me about my private thoughts and actions, telling me which branch to attend and what time, telling me what kind of hot drinks I should drink, and worrying about what kind of underwear I wear. WAIT, no
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Every time my in-laws from Utah visit they bring up recycling. Their city doesn't offer recycling unless you pay $5 extra a month and they refuse to do it. I don't understand how it's even an option. Everywhere I've lived it's just part of your trash pick up. Our recycle bin is always full and our trash usually isn't. We, as heathens, are willing to pay a little more for things that we think
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
There are several people who I'm Facebook friends with that I disagree with about all kinds of things. I have family members who spout all kinds of nonsense (in my opinion) on their Facebook pages. Unless they're posting it directly to me, I would never consider confronting them about it. What they want to talk about is none of my business. It seems like as your former bishop he feels like he
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Growing up in Utah I've had a lot more experience with Mormons, so they annoy me much more. They're so arrogant and pushy and NON-STOP talk about their church. I've known a few JWs casually and it was a long time before I even knew their religion. The JWs who come to our door are polite and just hand us their papers and leave. I also get annoyed because people don't see the craziness of the M
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
It's down to 1 theater in my North Texas town. It was at several last week.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Maybe if you just knew one Mormon family or something it might work. Once you get a group of them together they are intolerable. All they can talk about it church, church, church. They are so incredibly annoying. I grew up in Utah, so I knew Mormons. I avoid them at all costs now.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
We went to the movies today in Plano, TX. My husband checked on MtM for two different shows. Both were less than 1/3 full. The kids are all out of school today, but they must have talked their parents into doing something more fun. We saw Box Trolls, which has been out for a couple weeks, and it was nearly full.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
The laundry post reminded me of something. When I was in high school I worked at an Assisted Living Center in Utah County. Part of the job was to wash, fold and put away the laundry. The facility was 99% Mormon so we got to do loads and loads of garments. It was really, really gross! Most of the families were too cheap to buy sew-on labels so we'd have to spend forever trying to figure ou
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
My husband and kids have a bug box where they collect and pin bugs. I'm pretty sensitive and I do get a little sad for the bugs. Anyway, my husband catches them and puts them in the freezer. I think that's more humane than just leaving them in a jar to starve or whatever. Might try that. Lately he has started singing them lullabies before putting them in there. I think that's for my benefit.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Unless things have changed (and I doubt it) the part about helping non-Mormons is completely untrue. Sure, they'll do it if they can be on the news, with their GIANT church name on every disaster box they send, but otherwise, they don't help. I went to a tiny church in Utah County growing up. We constantly had people calling us for help. They were referred to our church by the nearby bishop who
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Thanks, these are great! I love Tate and Revel and a bunch of them. My DH likes Bishop and is trying to remember the name of the Bishop who ex-communicated him. :) Don't worry Susan, we know they're really active, which is party why we chose this breed. We're hoping to do agility when he's old enough. I think I'm going to order that toy. Thanks!
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
We are getting a puppy soon and talking about names. My husband (ex-Mormon) and I thought it would be funny to choose a name that would poke fun of Mormonism a little. We wouldn't do anything outright rude, but maybe something that would make our Mormon family wonder if we did it on purpose. Any ideas? It's a male Australian Shepherd.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
We recently lost our beautiful, 4 year old Great Dane to lymphoma. It came out of the blue, was very aggressive and 5 weeks from the day I first felt the swollen lymph node, he was gone. I was so in shock while dealing with the diagnosis I told very few people. I finally decided to post about it on Facebook because most of my friends had no idea what was going on and my sweet boy had a lot o
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
How weird that it's before the wedding. I've never heard of that. I guess a lot of our gifts were sent before we got married, but what are you celebrating if they aren't even married yet?
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
My husband and were flying home from Paris this summer and a woman across the aisle on the plane was holding a cabbage patch doll the whole flight. At first I thought she had a child with her somewhere and was holding it for them, but then I realized that she and her husband were flying alone. It was really odd. I figured she had some kind of anxiety about flying, but maybe she carries it ever
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
We cut cable about 3 years ago. I missed it at first, but my husband and kids really didn't. My husband doesn't watch sports (except UFC fights from Netflix). We have Netflix and Amazon Prime and it's good enough. I watch my Soap on We're so used to "marathon" watching that I can't imagine only getting to watch a show once a week. We watch a season straight through (not i
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I grew up in Utah as a non-Mormon. When we moved into our house the missionaries came to the door. They gave us the ward time, etc. My mom stopped them and said, "Oh, we aren't Mormon." Those idiots gave her arrogant smirks and said, "Oh, you WILL be." We were pretty much treated like crap until we finally moved. Our house was egged and our worthless stuff was stolen
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Yeah, I'm fairly shy and non-confrontational, so I really never complained about Mormonism to Mormons. Anything indirect though was bad enough. I can't believe you have to go to the liquor store to get wine... "why don't you just move." How is there not a Starbucks in Utah County... "why don't you just move." Etc. (I was SOOO thrilled when Starbucks finally came to Americ
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I grew up in Utah, moved away, and then temporarily moved back for about 3 years. During that 3 years my husband and I didn't really hide the fact that we weren't in love with Utah. Whenever either of us would make any kind of comment about something we didn't like about Utah -- anything, from traffic, to weather or the "culture"-- we were almost always met with a rude "well, if
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I don't teach my kids "stranger danger." I think it's crazy. Who is a stranger? Do I want them to be scared of the guy standing behind us in line? No. They are much more likely to be hurt by someone they know. I teach them to trust their instincts and if someone makes you feel "yucky" it's okay to be rude. They know that an adult should not approach them when they a
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I agree that it's nice. I was at the store last week and the man behind us in line told my daughters that their mom is lucky to have such beautiful girls. They are cute, but I took it as a friendly chit-chat between people waiting in line. I didn't find it to be threatening at all.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I do. It's been a couple years and I'm still completely shocked by it. I grew up in Utah and was never Mormon. My mom's sister converted at some point and that's why my mom moved there with me when I was a baby. Anyway, my Aunt and Uncle were hardcore TBMs. My Uncle was a complete hardass about it and alienated all his kids. I don't know if any of them talk to him. A couple years ago m
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
My TBM mother-in-law asked us last time she visited if Texas celebrates Pioneer Day. She doesn't realize that the world doesn't revolve around her cult. Anyway, my family does have a tradition. Several years ago we heard about people celebrating Pie-n-Beer day on the 24th. We've done it ever since. We've even been able to get Polygamy Porter, which is an extra special touch. A little celebr
Forum: Recovery Board