Recovery Board  : RfM
Recovery from Mormonism (RfM) discussion forum. 

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9 years ago
Were you married or sealed to him in one of their temples? If so, then your ex's bishop will send you a certified letter asking your opinion - not your permission - about cancelling your sealing (so he can get sealed w/# 3). It'll ask you if he owes you any child support money or if you know of any reasons he shouldn't be sealed again. Whether you respond or not, they'll ignore you. After
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
What makes me think that this is not going to be reprinted in one of the LDS Corp's magazines, or discussed in any of their meetings?
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Thank you. It is very difficult. I'm their father...
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I've envisioned myself meeting two of my children again. One died when he was two, and another when she was 15. I want to spend time with them - time that we were cheated out of when they died.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I think their #1 fear is losing money. That's borne out by all the talks, instructions, and threats about paying 'full' tithes to them. They want and need the membership's paychecks. If one or more of their fellow upper echelon thieves were to 'spill the beans' on their fraud, that would threaten their Income stream. I believe that's why they invest in so many money-making investments. They
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
We were taught that there was NO ONE else around. LDS Corp's 'truth' sure takes a beating the more people try to prove it.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
When Dan Peterson writes these nonsensical (and hilarious) articles for the Deseret News, does he get paid for them? If so, would he get paid by the number of times someone CLICKs on his article? If so, then we're helping support this liar financially by posting links here to his idiotic rantings. How does he support himself otherwise?
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
From the article: "Rocks don’t speak for themselves; decisive, unambiguous inscriptions are rare." Is Peterson now denying that Joseph Smith 'translated' the Book of Mormon through the means admitted to by LDS Corp? A rock certainly spoke to Smith when he put it in his hat...
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
The bishop asked, "How could you lose your testimony so soon after serving a mission and bearing it so often to others?" You replied, "I didn't lose it, I realized I never had it." Then the bishop asked, "Well, what can we do to help you regain your testimony?" What's with the bishop - is he particularly slow in the head? You told him you never had a testim
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
The church division of LDS Corp. has NO connection with God, Jesus, or the Holy Ghost. The corporation claims to act on their behalf and to speak for them, but these are more of their lies. Your connection and interaction with the Holy Ghost has NOTHING to do with the international conglomerate business of the LDS Corporation. Your communication is personal and only your own. Don't let a
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
No 'rules' for closing a thread (and no violation, either). Administrators do that when the thread gets to a certain length, usually when there are 30 to 35 responses. I think it's because it gets difficult for subsequent posters and readers to read through so many postings. Starting/continuing new threads on the same topic is allowed and encouraged. If you DO violate a rule, your thread
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I've now read a couple of versions of this story (i.e., Gene R. Cook's versions), and I find his whole story ridiculous, laughable, and totally unbelievable. Gene Cook is a liar. But what else can you expect from these people? They lie for a living...
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I don't know how to 'deal' with a current partner's past, but I know it can be difficult. My inability to deal with this helped ruin my relationship with my ex- (she was my first, and I was her 21st, which included two of her cousins). Of course, it didn't help when - during a moment of intimate passion - she called out, "Oh, JOHN!" My name isn't John... Also, I never knew which
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Thank you. I still work part-time (in a public school), and I still try to bring laughter to children whenever I can. It was a goal of mine to try to convey the emotions I felt onto the pages of a book. It looks I succeeded with many readers. I also wanted to introduce my two children to others in the world, so that others would get to know them a little (since they are not here to introduc
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
A lot of Scandinavians emigrated to the U.S. and Canada in those times, not just for LDS Corp. I imagine that some were drawn by the promise of a set-up community, jobs, etc., that the LDS offered at that time (rather than going it alone and taking their chances). Some conversions were probably from family connections; once someone had joined, they encouraged others in their immediate and ext
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
In the comments, I find the following statement most repugnant: "The practice isn't intended to dismiss the religious beliefs they had, or invalidate the trials the underwent, or commitments they made during life." OF COURSE this practice IS INTENDED to dismiss the religious beliefs and invalidate the trials and life commitments of those who have died. It is an arrogant practice t
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
My mother joined when she was married, with two kids, living in Norway. Her brother (whom she hadn't seen since she was about 5 years old because he had previously emigrated to Canada) came to visit. He had joined because the woman he had married in Canada was a member and got him to join. My uncle gave my mother a copy of the 13 Articles of Faith. She said that she read them and was hooked -
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
258. Re: 69
I was in SLC in the late 70s/early 80s when an RM was dating a close relative. His vanity plates (from Utah) read: EFFEWE. I was surprised that he had such a plate as well as very surprised that they let him have it...
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Topping for the post-Conference crowd...
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
That's what they say now, but when you retire, they'll change their tune. My mother was 62 when she took early retirement (she had just been diagnosed with cancer - which killed her 3 years later). The only income she had was Social Security. She had given LDS Corp 10% of her gross wages all her life. After retiring, she asked the bishop if she needed to continue paying them. Instead of
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
The family would pay for their return - not LDS Corp.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
They don't have to. The individual or family would pay.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
In the original show, I saw that the mormon references were quite clear - it was dripping mormonism. I really tried to get into the show (I ejoy SciFi), but the constant mormon references really put me off.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
In the article, Peterson just says that Smith put the stone in a hat and looked at it to see the translation. He doesn't mention Smith putting his face into the hat to exclude all outside light. Peterson is again lying by omission. From his other articles, it is quite obvious that Peterson is a proven liar. Why do we (or anyone else) even pay attention to him?
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Lazy workers can be so strange. You have one that doesn't want to spend the effort to do a good job, yet puts a lot of effort in chastizing you when you do want to do well. I once worked with a colleague who spent 30 minutes calling around and checking with people to support his contention that he was not required to complete and send a form that would've taken him 10 to 15 minutes to do.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Thanks again, catnip (sorry for 'outing' you). I wish your son well with his performance. It's a little frightening to try something new before a live audience, but when something works and the audience responds, it's like you're pulling energy from them. As I described in the book, whenever I would perform my little 'act' in front of different classrooms of children, I thrived on their l
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Today I noticed that a person identified as: 'Daisy1 "scribblerbooks"' recently posted a customer review on the Amazon sales page for this book. From part of the content of the review (regarding religion), I suspect that Daisy1 is likely a member of this discussion board. If so, I'd like to say, "Thank you, Daisy1, for your kind and and understanding words." When I wrot
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I wonder what would happen if you submitted two spit tests - from the same spitter - and submitted them under two different ethnic-sounding names. Would the results be the same?
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
When my ex and I split, she used the services of an attorney in the ward (ex-bishop) for free. The current bishopric and other ward leaders supported her, as well. After the ex-bishop attorney noticed that I was not being as friendly with him during this episode as I had been before, he backed off and suggested she get a different lawyer
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Yeah, and look at Michael Jackson! Oops... (never mind)
Forum: Recovery Board