Recovery Board  : RfM
Recovery from Mormonism (RfM) discussion forum. 

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9 years ago
When I last attended (years ago) there was a major talk in SM at least once a month about paying tithing. Since LDS Corp's main interest is in the accumulation of money, I'll bet that there'll be at least one major address concerning increasing 'contributions'.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
This was my reply on the Yahoo Dear Abby column (I'm curious as to how many thumbs-up and thumbs-down votes I get): LW #1: This is so typical of those who have been raaised in the LDS Corp. cult. They teach their members that only THEY have morals and standards, and that the rest of the world in enmeshed in debauchary. Their self-righteousness is amazing to witness. My advice to Alone in Spain
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
There are a couple of topics that appear from time to time that I find are too esoteric for me: 'atheism' and 'was Jesus a real person'. I tried to follow them at first, but these appeared to coalesce into personal arguments between a few regulars and others.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Thanks for sharing your story. Glad you made it out. As far as being 'their golden boy' the only thing that LDS Corp is really interested in is your gold. I'm glad that - from now and on into the future, your gold will be yours, and not given to a corporation that does not deserve it and has done nothing to earn it. Congratulations!
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Click on "Glossary and Abbreviations" in the heading of the front page, or try this link:
Forum: Recovery Board