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Recovery from Mormonism (RfM) discussion forum. 

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12 years ago
We made up, I texted her yesterday and told her how much I love her and there's nothing that can change that. I told her that if she had a problem she could have came to me and I would have respected both of them a lot more. I also told her that I liked her husband and now it is going to be super awkward because we pretty much told each other how we really feel about each other. She said that
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
ohhh yes!! love love love, you don't have to have a bunch of kids to make you happy. I have about 20 nieces and nephews. I am 1 of 7 and I have no idea how my mom did it. Actually she didn't...we were scattered and quite torn as a family. I think if the whole MOrmon thing wasn't thrown into the mix my family would still be together..meaning my parents may have not gotten divorced when I was
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Those cookies better be store bought and the seal better still be on them...if not, I don't want your damn cookies! hahhaa..loved your story!
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
I was writing a response to someone's thread two days ago having to do with planting seeds of doubt, part of it went something like this: "You need to be careful not to offend your love ones and it's a journey that everyone has to take alone and in their own timing. Some may never be ready." I found out today that my sister who is 27 and her husband are far from ready! I was at sta
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
The Rough Stone Rolling Arthur gave a forum at BYU-I. My super Mormon best friend told me to read that one. It must be endorsed a little by the church. I have avoided it since hearing him talk and the recommendation from her. I actually have a strong desire to read them all now.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Thank you, I am going to do some serious reading to keep my mind on cue and sharp. I need to know how to communicate better with people when talking about the touchy subject. It all makes sense in my mind why I left but I for sure forget details if I don't keep reading. I am going to get started on some of those. I look forward to it.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
It sounds to me that this her online journal and very personal, she may be on the verge of something great. It hits home to my heart and how lost I was around 21. I hope she organizes all this mess in her mind and comes to the conclusion that she needs to look closer to the source of her stress. It's sad that she spends her time worrying about the afterlife. I always try and make comments
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Hello everyone, I was hoping you could leave a list of what books helped or inspired you the most on your journey out of Mormonism. I feel like I need a good book to read and some more facts to solidify my decision in making a clean break from the church. I want to keep myself current and knowledgeable. I would appreciate it greatly!
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
I can relate to you. I still also feel that way sometimes too. I felt like I was bottled up as a child and couldn't naturally progress. I felt like the pressure was put on me to fit a mold and that made my growth as a person stunt. I can imagine that this is common in the Mormon world and any other serious religion...or a house where parents are unusually strict. Sometimes I feel disconnec
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
For me I was brainwashed at 5 or 6. I thought I was better than every one as a mormon child. I remember frowning at the kids that had an iced tea stand down the road from me. I remember telling them that was a bad drink to be selling. I am not going to take my kids to primary and let people teach them about how they are the chosen spirits and for them to actually be told that the Book of M
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
selective memory that the church has. They had nothing listed on polygamy on when I tried to research it at BYU-I. I was taking church history and wanted to know more about it and why they had it in the first place. I can still remember what they had...a talk by pres. hinckley pretty much stating why they got rid of it. They had one article only. I was so mad why they wouldn't post mo
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
I am glad you brought this thread up. My mom's blessing is what planted a seed of doubt for me in high school. I read her "blessing" at my grandma's and started to cry because it stated that she would be blessed with a healthy body and long life. My mom hasn't been able to walk since I was 7. She has MS and needs around the clock care now. She wasn't blessed with a healthy body, th
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
That would be so hard to do! I am glad it went well. I remember reading one of your posts a while ago. I hope everything works out for you. I left before I got married and I remember last summer how scared I was to tell my immediate family. They bawled and bawled. They were all sad that we wouldn't be in the celestial kingdom together. I thought it was sad how brainwashed some of my siste
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
I sometimes think am I the crazy one now for leaving? I read my friend's facebook's and posts and think..I consider them a smart person..why are they still stuck in the church and being further brain washed. I feel sad for their families they are starting because those children will now be told what to believe as I was. I feel like my mind evolved at 22 and I was able to categorize and see the
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
When I get married I have this fear that no one will come on my side...the whole right side will be empty(sort of a nightmare of mine) I will be shot dirty looks at the people who do attend. Because I will not be getting married in the temple, so they will show me just by boycotting"..ohh..I can't make and so is sick." I will probably elope somewhere because..well..I am going ag
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
I feel like pretty much all Mormons live in a kind of fantasy world because they refuse to use logic and are afraid to be alone. I go read/look at my friends blogs that are super Mormon and I get sick to my stomach because they do paint a picture perfect life that captures all the great moments they have with their family, nature, and all things beautiful. I get sick because I long for that at
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
I wish people could make connections and realize the church is built on lies and be their own person. Brigham Young is so awful..and I went to BYU which makes me even more mad. I dated a Japanese boy in high school. I come from a very Mormon family and I always got know you aren't suppose to interracial marriage talk. I felt like they treated him different which then gave me low se
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
thank you for posting this
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
you are right, I should have haha..that was funny. I am moving and I will next time! lesson learned!
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
The whole insurance excuse can be applied to anything, like basketball, riding their bikes, mugged because they are outside constantly and vulnerable.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
I feel so bad for the missionaries that go to a tropical island. I was taught that growing up as you are not crazy. I think that rule is beyond crazy and just a way they can control missionaries from not having too much fun and getting distracted from their sells man state of mind. Quija board myths and stories are universal, pretty sure. I haven't ever used one though so I can'
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
An old lady called me yesterday about updating my records. I was caught off guard and gave her my new address. I can't believe how wimpy I am. I felt bad being mean to an old lady and telling her no. I won't answer if the mishies stop by. I am mad at myself for giving my address out. I need to resign.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
I live in Arizona!! I think that's a great idea! Make a Fbook page and I will so join. I don't care if my Mormon family sees, I am beyond caring now. I need to meet some people like me. All I meet are jack mormons. I need to meet total exmormons, seriously. Call for help! I am 24 and I think we should all get together and do worth while activities. I will check out those links above. let
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Thanks Stormy..I know there are a lot of great people out there. I am glad you and your hubby found each other. where did you guys meet at? through friends? work?
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
It is originating from the parents and the that child's leader, because he is the pres. of the deacons, he is expected to take on that role. I know this because I would get encouragement from my leaders and parents to try and reactivate lost sheep. I would try and bring them back almost to bring myself up..make my light shine brighter and prepare myself for a future mission. If it was me I wo
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
I have been reading a lot on here tonight, ( work tomorrow!) From a lot of the posts I read it sounds like there are a lot of people that are still active Mormons that are totally non-believers but still go to church. I also got that there are some in some pretty high up callings. What keeps you going and holding your callings? How stressful is that and what do you think would happen
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Hey, I am a 24 year old Elementary Ed. teacher that got my degree at BYU-I. I have a lot of good memories from there but I wish I didn't go there. I wish I would have been more independent and done my own thing after high school. Right now is the time to focus on your grades, get a part time job and earn some of your own money to pay for college. I relied on my fam. and the church to do th
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
I graduated from BYU-I two years ago and had like two boyfriends there..and went on a lot of first dates while all my friends around me were getting married and dating a lot. I had two really good girlfriends that I mainly stuck with. Looking back I know why I didn't date anyone seriously..because I couldn't take them seriously. I dated one guy that I still date down in AZ. We both got jobs d
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
I forgot about the one year supply stipulation! That was a huge thing on their check list for everyone to have. They are preparing to go on a mission now. How will they get their food supply from where ever they are?? mayhem. My grandma has a huge propane tank in her back yard and went through a stage calling her house the nauvoo house and everyone shall gather there. She blew throu
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
About three years ago my family was obsessed with this idea of tent cities because the rumor was that a lot of prominent people in the church were having a similar dream. They were going to be small communities up in the mountains where we would gather because of war and things of the last days. My aunt was the first to tell me about this circulating dream. I was still a believer back then but
Forum: Recovery Board