Recovery Board  : RfM
Recovery from Mormonism (RfM) discussion forum. 

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12 years ago
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the only dark skinned people who were permanently cursed were the blacks. They were descendants of Cain, fence sitters and less valiant in heaven. The Lamanites were only cursed because of their immediate wickedness. But why would an innocent Lamanite baby be born with a dark skin? Lamanites are Jewish; God's chosen people. So Lamanite babies should not be born
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
I guess you just have to look at the humor in all of this. You'll "regret" it? You're son will be in jail? Does this not scream, "We're a f'ing cult!" Maybe you should have told him you can envision him getting kicked in the crotch in the near future.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Now you've given me ideas. I want to keep a super soaker squirt gun by the front door, full and pumped and ready. When the missionaries come by, I'll open the door and simply start a countdown. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, *hold the trigger down*. For those wearing dark pants, I'll squirt directly in the face. For those wearing light pants, I'll squirt in the crotch so it will look like
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
I received a ward newsletter attached to my door. We don’t mind getting them because mostly they’re so damn funny. But this one infuriates me. The bishopric of this ward is either uneducated, stupid and unintelligent, or just plain deceitful. And it’s shameful that the LDS cult allows this type of lies and deceit to be perpetrated. Apparently they want the ward members to read the Boo
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
It's pretty sad when members are so intimidated they remember the first time they said "no." I said no so many times I could never remember the first time. If I didn't want to do something, the answer was no. I never felt obligated to accept any calling or assignment. My favorite was when I would get a phone call from someone asking me to do something. I would simply say no, then
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
You can go click on the "Like" button if you are so inclined:
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Maybe atheist. I know there can be no proof of God, but suppose I won't deny the unlikely possibility.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
What will probably go right over there head is that it's so serious at the same time.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Every now and then I post a comment on a story in the Salt Lake Tribune. My posts don't seem to last very long before they get deleted. Here's my latest post on today's Elizabeth Smart story. It lasted all of about 30 minutes: "Golly, I wonder where Mitchell got the idea of taking plural wives? Where did he come up with this idea of taking child brides? You can see what a terrible
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
I hear ya, and couldn't agree more. I served my country during Viet Nam. Mormons here in Utah used the National Guard and Army Reserve only for military perks. Then they got caught up in Bush's war. They got a little more than they bargained for.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Mormons have been calling themselves Latter Day Saints for some 181 years now. 181 years! Joseph Smith lived in the "latter days," and since then, a couple of generations have come and gone. When first started, the emphasis of the church name was placed on "Latter Day Saints." Since then, they've tried to put the emphasis on The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter Day Saint
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Over dinner one evening, I meant to say to my wife, "Please pass the salt." Instead I blurted out, "This fucking church is ruining our lives!" She agreed, so we left it.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
I now love to ask Mormons what they did over Conference weekend. They'll go on and on about going to the sand dunes or doing this, do that, going here, or going there. When they get through I ask, "Did you have fun?", to which they enthusiastically reply, "Yes!" I then reply, "It is fun isn't it? I do that kind of stuff every Sunday."
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
The best way to lose a quick 7 to 10 lbs. is to have a colonoscopy. Certainly not a bad idea if you're over 50.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Sorry, in the unlikely event you should read this post. I had 8 different violations I committed while attending BYU. But apparently no one cares. My posts generally just slide down the list and off into oblivion. I must be really boring. Oh, well. Have a nice day though.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
I’m not like many people here. I wasn’t a believer who was hit by a brick when I researched and discovered the truth. Rather, I never could quite swallow it. My research was more of a vindication of “Aha! I knew it wasn’t true!” Did I ever get good feelings over religion? I guess so, but never over Mormonism. Mormonism never felt right. I could feel good thinking about tradition
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
I grew up in the Provo 1st Ward. Back then, this literally was the first ward established in Provo. Because of that, we had lots of old people in the ward, and many of these old people had patriarchal blessing that said they would be here for Christ's return. That put quite a scare in many of us, until these old people started dropping like flies and Christ hadn't returned. So what was th
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
They found it buried in a hill written on golden plates and written in some sort of reformed Egyptian language that no one understands. They had to use a seer stone in a hat to "translate" it, if looking at a stone in a hat and not at the actual characters on the plates can be called translating. Then they took their translated musical and a copy of the reformed Egyptian characters t
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Back when I was attending BYU and taking gym classes, in the locker room while changing in and out of my gym clothes, all the RMs had these gawd-awful garments that were stained yellow, especially around the armpits and crotch areas. They were enough to make a grown man puke and cured me of ever wanting or having to wear them. Acting very innocent, and in hopes of embarrassing the hell out of
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
It's obvious he was usurping your and your wife's authority in YOUR home based on his perceived Mormon "priesthood" authority. You should have said, "Wait a minute. What are you doing? You don't choose who gives the prayer in our house. I let my wife do that. I'm assuming you did that because of your pretend Mormon priesthood authority which means nothing in this house. S
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Maybe you think this would not have been appropriate given the seriousness of the moment, but you should have jumped right in. Regardless of your belief in God or not, if there is a God, your joining in certainly would not taint anything. The belief in God helping others through prayer does not depend on the Mormon priesthood. You know that, as should your brothers. It would have been a g
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
I'd been in some of those people's homes! Yuck. Ward dinners. Yuck. Anytime I'd have to attend one of those things I'd always be asking, "Who made this?" I did not want to be eating things that came out of some of those filthy homes. Makes me shiver just thinking about it now.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
This church is organized EXACTLY like Jesus' church was when He was on earth, complete with the Deseret Management Corp. "for profit arm." What's a true church without making a few billion in profits each year? Just one question: What did Jesus call His "for profit arm?"
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
I cope by imagining that my tithing money went to help buy one of those $100,000 chandeliers in a temple celestial room. Jesus couldn't think of a better way to spend His money. Bastard church.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Faulty Arguments for an Inane Religion
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
This lying damn church. They even have the media repeating their PR lies. Take polygamy for example. They've "abandoned" polygamy. Yeah, right. As long as you ignore what goes on in their temples. *wink* *wink* I watched Gordon B. Hinckley lie three times: - He lied about knowing Mark Hoffman. - He lied in a Time magazine interview saying that the church didn't have a po
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
From what I've been reading, many resignation letters contain wording that requests "no contact" and waives the 30 day waiting period. When my wife and I sent in our letter, we asked them to do it effective immediately; that we were old enough to make the decision without having to jump through the hoop of their 30 day waiting period and other red tape. We also felt we had to threaten
Forum: Recovery Board