Recovery Board  : RfM
Recovery from Mormonism (RfM) discussion forum. 

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6 years ago
For me, it was that constant getting up and down (just when you were comfortable, and about asleep).
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
I think that a lot of TBM don't read the book. (Too lazy, and started a coupe of times, but too boring, etc.)
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
It seems like a lot of what one sees in that area depends on what year one goes, and with whom--i.e., Mormons--one travels with on the trip. (We were guided by a BYU teacher, and the tour was his summer job.) The room where Joseph was shot and 'fell' out of the window (and landed on the shooters?), had a lot of discrepancies, as told by our guide. There were (I think) bullet holes in the doo
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Go to a trusted school teacher, and/or the school nurse? Go to the police---AND FILE AN OFFICIAL REPORT. (Be sure and get a copy of this report--required by law--although you are likely to have to pay for the copy (a minimal fee, $1-2 dollars). Also, search on line for groups that work to protect children from abusive situations. This post is a terrible reminder that not all people are t
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
My Daily News "Thought for the Day", (8.12.17). "Adlai Stevenson, American politician; "My definition of a free society is a society where it is safe to be unpopular." And, "All progress has resulted from people who took unpopular positions." And, "He who slings mud generally loses ground." Does that fit us, or what!? Happy posting. P.
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
My husbands funeral service was held in the chapel. While the service was being planed, I directed that I didn't want any Mormon preaching throughout. Happily, my wishes were respected, and we had a lovely 'memories' service, which included one of my sons throwing a homemade light-wooden plane my husband had crafted, right out over the audience. Sometimes things work out just right.
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Plus--I resented the veil I had to put over my face. I felt like a Catholic nun. And, it was really hot. I had to lift it out and away from my face, in order to cool down. P.
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Certainly not a stupid Q---you are right and wise to wonder. I was told NOTHING (as too sacred, not secret). And, as no one of my family had been there, I learned nothing from them, either. Oh yes, I did know I had to have a white dress for the beginning stuff (before we got married), and was referred to a very small clothing store which only had a NR's dress to offer (which came to mid-sh
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Posted by: SEcular Priest:Just When I Thought I Heard it All..I got an email notification saying the Church as set aside a name for me to use at the temple. It had a link to make an appointment at the temple of my choice. I am to click on the link and print off the information and bring it to the temple. P. Well I'll be darned (as my brother would say). Some unwelcome someone thought of a new
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Posted by: ificouldhietokolob ( ) Mormon scripture disagrees with you: P: Thank goodness. Now I know I must be on the right tract.
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
IMO, moving mountains is to be taken figuratively, not literally. (That is, the person who doesn't budge when you have faith and teach him Mormon 'truths', suddenly changes his/her mind and converts--which equals (to the simplistic mind), that you have just 'moved' a mountain.
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
summer:"SHAME on the Church over Hamula!" I agree. The church acts like a bully to those they try to shame. The good side of this tale: Hamula is well rid of them, and (if he doesn't already feel this way), the time will come when he will recognize this event as having been a blessing, a severance that will pay positive dividends in the future.
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
The goal, "Delight in service and good works", elicited the comment from Aquarius123: "Pardon me while I puke". P: Be careful, Aquarius123, You-know-who will be expected to clean up the mess. Note also, this list was written only 18 years ago(!). Little did little girls born around this time realize what job in the church would be waiting for them (i.e., "to deli
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Lovely. Thanks. P, ;(
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Just what you have been waiting for: The official motto for "The Relief Society of TCOJC of LDS." (1999) ------- "We are beloved spirit daughters of God, and our lives have meaning, purpose, and direction. As a worldwide sisterhood, we are united in our devotion to Jesus Christ, our Savior and Exemplar. We are Women of faith, virtue, vision, and charity who: - Increase o
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Lori C:'3. "The Youth of the church. They want to 'insulate and indoctrinate' them. The men to be the head of their homes, and have great careers, etc...And the hell with the ambition of the girls. The absolute hell with it". P: Women can start equality of verbiage by not referring to "the men", while referring to 'the girls'. Instead, use "the men and the women"
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
This event happened about 35 yrs. ago. My husband and I were driving over to visit our daughter, who lived about 3 miles away from us. When we were within blocks of her apartment (stopped at a stop-light), we noticed a black missionary on his bike, just to our right. Unfortunately, just at that time, he got hit by a car, and fell to the ground. He was one scared guy, as he was from Africa
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Both were actively involved with trying to get me excommunicated (under the direction of Packer), but as it is against church policy for the twelve to do this, they contacted my Stake President to have him do their dirty work for them. However, my Stake President interviewed me reg. same, (we were good friends), and so, instead, he had me sign a paper that I would not teach false teachings an
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
cutekitty: I just want to thank everybody who has helped me so much in the last few weeks of ranting and phreaking out about the TRUTH. It truly has set me free. I feel like I got out of jail, but never stayed in jail. I will be so much richer with my tithing as discretionary funds! I,too, have cried out for gawd to relieve me from pain and got no answer. I am free to be whatever with no mind/ g
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Our bishop, who was chosen for his job as bishop due solely to his association with the billionaire Howard Hughes. (H.H. built the all-wood 'Spruce Goose'.) As a bishop, this man was a complete dope. Later, we found out his job was to keep H.H. supplied with Kleenex, the boxes of which were used by H. as slippers (as H. knew they were clean and germ free.) H. was a germ-a-phobic. The wo
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
"It's disheartening that I don't have much support from my family right now. I thought they'd be proud of me." P. How can parents be so dumb---disappointed that you want to be a fireman, rather than a policeman. Try being a dropout who sleeps all day in their basement---then, they would have something to be worried about. They should be proud of you, and not proud of themselves
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
My son lives in L.A. county. THEY (L.A.C.) have a policy of NO gun carrying--regardless of a permit as owner--and if the guns are in the trunk of your car (such as to go target-shooting) is no excuse for having them in the car trunk. The police go against government law (the right to bear arms) to do this, but that is ignored. In our area, only dangerous crooks carry guns--and just how and wh
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Posted by: wokie: Drinking: "Went out with friends last night for a meal and a few drinks at a club. There was an ultra TBM there at another table who was all eyes at me drinking. Later she said that she would report me to the Bishop of my old ward to which I replied "You can mind your own business. What I'm doing is completely legal (I'm well over legal drinking age)". ---- P:
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
When I was growing up, a new neighbor moved into the small house in the back of the lot next door to us. She was a widow, and had come from a lumber camp where her husband had worked, and where he passed away. (She had been the cook for the whole outfit). Shortly after she moved in we kids shortened her name to Mrs.'D', and she was my best friend, (staring at around 6-7-yrs. old). Mrs.D ea
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
This was a problem covered on TV FOX news a day or two ago, which discussed how to prevent it's being brought from Mexico, into America. (One reason why President Trump says why he wants 'the wall' built.) Seems like the bad guys always have a hand in dealing with dangerous drugs that can ruin a person--or even kill him/her, and who often have to pay plenty to get it. (And how to get the money
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Finally, an 'Elder', who actually IS an elder man. Me thinks these poor old guys should be retired emeritus years earlier, so they can rest without all the responsibilities they have while still in the harness. (Church News, July 23, 2017). This article comes with a picture of the old gent, and he looks every one of his 85 years. The church needs younger men at the top, if for nothing e
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
I have mentioned my V.T. before, and how pleasant she is (we have been good friends for decades). Well, today she brought me a small bowel of cherries, and a colorful kitchen hand-towel. (She cannot not bring me something.) I asked her about how her husband is doing (he has slow-onset Alzheimer's). She says he is doing very well, and that they are able to laugh together over some of the st
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Interesting how a new buzzword gets set-up, and put into full action. Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Would be interesting to be in Utah, and hear it put into common usage overnight.
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Posted by: funeral taters: "I'm a few months shy of my 15th birthday." --- Oh yeah?? Then, how 'come your moniker is 'funeral taters'? Being 15th, it would seem you shouldn't known much about them yet.
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
I happened across his concert appearance on my computer. He is a person of color, and his performance was perfect. He now lives in Utah (don't know how that came to be), but he mentioned his mother in London being concerned about him. He obviously enjoyed himself, and the reception he received. Mr Boye' sang a song from 'The Lion King' (total time of concert 1 & 1/2 hours). So, if
Forum: Recovery Board