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9 years ago
Our very own Tom P confirmed that your kids are guaranteed exaltation as part of the parent's blessing.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
While both from separate families, each are children of parents who are Second Anointing recipients and will themselves therefore be automatically assured exaltation along with their wives. The conundrum for TSCC is that one is a diligent Stake President who attends all his countless meetings and is enduring to the end, while the other hasn't been active for many years and has no interest what
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Anyone received really poor advice or admonition from a bishop/stake president that has negatively impacted your life? I have two examples: 1) I know a couple where the husband committed adultery 30 years ago. Whilst it was devastating for the wife, she was determined to stay with him to save their marriage and for the sake of their children. Hubby was genuinely repentant too and wanted to try
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
As sexist as it is, the poster does also play to the brainwashed TBM women masses, who will make all the more effort to attend if an Apostle is speaking, probably less so when it's just a bunch of sisters. Sad but true.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
They're like the bully who suddenly realises he's picked on the wrong person and is now trying to back down without completely losing face.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Original name for Islamic State (IS), Jihadist group that are taking over towns in Iraq, killing Christians and beheading folk.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
“The sacrifice of animals will be done to complete the restoration when the temple spoken of is built; at the beginning of the millennium, or in the restoration, blood sacrifices will be performed long enough to complete the fulness of the restoration in this dispensation. Afterwards sacrifice will be of some other character.” (Doctrines of Salvation, 3:94.) I'd wager that not many TBM
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
One of the SP's conditions was to “Publicly renounce and apologize for the false concepts you have widely expressed regarding God, Jesus Christ, the Atonement, the restoration of the Gospel, and the Book of Mormon." I do hope that John sincerely and politely asked Brian to be a little more specific on exactly which 'false concepts' he is referring to? Rock in a hat? BoA papyri doesn't m
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
And more and more Mormons are being unfriended by non-members.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Syria, Iraq, rise of ISIS...... and nothing from Monson. Either God has nothing to say on the matter or Monson is a phony. McConkie must be turning in his grave to see the Catholic pope being heralded around the world for his wise and pertinent proclamations on important topics, while 'God's chosen prophet' is silent, impotent and about as useful as a condom full of holes. What an embarrass
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I always thought it was linked with Kingship symbology: From Wikipedia- The globus cruciger (Latin, "cross-bearing orb") is an orb (lat. globus) topped (lat. gerere = to wear) with a cross (lat. crux), a Christian symbol of authority used throughout the Middle Ages and even today on coins, iconography and royal regalia. It symbolises Christ's (the cross) dominion over the world (the
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Haven't even read the article yet but an obvious difficult question should be why anyone should accept KM's version as opposed to what JS said himself?
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
God also saved my life from ensuring I wasn't born in an affected country and by not coming into contact with anyone that has the disease. Surely He has shown forth his wonderful arm of protection in my life.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
But is there a story, a script or is it just extended segments about these members' lives? Can't wait to see the critics reviews....if they manage to find a cinema outside of Utah that wants to show this propaganda.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
If they realised I was still on the email distribution list I would no doubt be removed instantly. I've left myself on since it's useful to get the scoop on what's going on in the stake, plus I get copied on all the Area Presidency & First Presidency letters.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Apart from some of the classics mentioned, more recent nominees would be: - Memento (great to see this earlier Christopher Nolan film already being mentioned a few times) - Before the Devil knows your dead (great film that seems to have gone unnoticed by so many. Stunning acting from Philip Seymour Hoffman and a spiraling sense of dread as everything descends into chaos....and a classic and v
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I still seem to be on the stake/ward leaders email distribution list and so it's amusing to read some of the communication that flies backwards & forwards. What I've noticed more recently are a couple of trends: 1) Stake Auxilliary leaders / High Council members and Bishops increasingly show off by expressing some sentiment on an email and then very purposefully copy everyone else in.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Saul - I had to smile at your post as I also know a former SP like this. He: - believes carbon dating is simply inaccurate and devilish - believes Jonah literally survived in a whale's stomach for 3 days (proof being that the New Testament references this story and so it's another witness of the event) - believes scientists are wrong to not accept Adam & Eve - won't be seen at work hold
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
"This is why I go back to the core foundation of what we know is real and eternal. Matter and energy are eternal. There is a power that organized heaven and earth. This power is our father in heaven who has a purpose for our whole existence. He cares about us." There's no logical link between any of these statements. I think he's beyond help and your time is better spent living life
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
That's an interesting perspective rt - I can now clearly see why it's being pushed so hard by SLC, why TBMs are lapping up the 'feelings & emotion' orientation and why it wouldn't have appealed to me in the slightest. Even as a TBM I always hated the Heartsell manipulation stuff, never bore my testimony in F&T mtg and had no interest in listening to others rabbit on. It was the more in
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Yep, that's the miracle of 'selection by age'
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
"We will never sell your information"......because we can simply transfer it freely to our church-owned businesses, who may then bombard you with spam.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Even as a TBM before I left a couple of years ago I was never interested in reading PMG, but it seems that now GAs regularly quote this in GC talks and TBMs proclaim how wonderful it is. I'm guessing it's just another bunch of correlated fluff covering main gospel topics, but anyone ever read it? Is it as profound and amazing as TBMs profess?
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Ok, thanks for responding even though I disagree with much of what you've written. I suspect you're not as far away from finally grasping truth as you might think, since you're already questioning some things that most TBMs wouldn't be at all comfortable with. Some more study and you may begin to realise how scripture is a pretty shaky foundation.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Sound like SP (and the church) is somewhat stuck between a rock and a hard place on this one...probably regretting initiating the action and publicity too. I don't see any way that they can come out of this positively. Surely it would also be concerning that a SP is struggling so much with making a decision when they're supposed to simply rely on revelation. God must be a little confused on th
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
TBM - on the other thread you appeared to put the authority of scripture above that of prophets. In fact your ability to reject anything a Mormon prophet previously said if you didn't feel it agreed with scripture was quite breathtaking. Anyway my question is why should anyone accept the standard works when they are themselves at best 'the writings of (perhaps misguided) prophets'? Even i
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Broadcast to every European stake centre. Speakers include Bednar, Ballard & Hallstrom and will also be live streamed from church website * wonder if there will be any mention of OW? * is this a way to keep the women in line - and in turn control hubbies? * it's open to girls age 12+ - not going to be too deep then and it's another early indoctrination tactic * no mention of female spea
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Not my own question but I overheard someone asking another person about some of the symbolism of the male's temple robes. The answer was actually quite interesting (at least at the time when I was TBM). He was basically talking about how the cap has 3 little fabric pleats and is then connected by the string to the robes, which in turn have 12 folds on the shoulders...basically talking about th
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I had to smile when prominent BoA apologist Kerry Muhlenstein basically admitted in a recent DN article that he starts with the assumption that the BoA is true and then finds the evidence to support this. Priceless. He must be so esteemed amongst non-LDS Egyptologists and scholars.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
squeebee Wrote: ---------------------------------------------- > I'm going to go with the latter. Yes but putting the convincing logical arguments to one side, what does your HEART tell you about the BoA and how do you FEEL about Egyptus?!!
Forum: Recovery Board