Recovery Board  : RfM
Recovery from Mormonism (RfM) discussion forum. 

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7 months ago
schrodingerscat So glad to see this abusive Sex CULT being exposed in their hometown newspaper!
Forum: Recovery Board
7 months ago
Oregon vs everyone else 11:0 Oregon vs UW 0:2 Bow Down To Washington!
Forum: Recovery Board
8 months ago
schrodingerscat “All Things Denote There is a Mormon God Exposing Unfalsifiable Claims by the LDS Church. “That guy’s ideas are so bad, they’re not even wrong.” - Leon Festinger describing theories from Abraham Maslow. What evidence is there that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true? Is
Forum: Recovery Board
8 months ago
I had kind of the opposite experience. I loved church. I had a great group of friends there, and we’d get into heavy philosophical conversations in Elders Quorum every week. My best friends were three black guys who married three white sisters in our Ward. We all had kids the same age and we coached our kids exceptionally talented football and basketball teams together. We spoke outside of
Forum: Recovery Board
8 months ago
schrodingerscat “To the North America West Area Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints—Elder Bragg, Elder Sabin, and Elder Ojediran; and to all Area Seventies, General Authorities, and church leaders otherwise invested, In general conference, the sea of suits is striking. They are usually black and blue. Sometimes they are fitted
Forum: Recovery Board
8 months ago
Bow Down to Washington!
Forum: Recovery Board
8 months ago
Luckily they got them unity women off the stand before any of the menstruated on it!
Forum: Recovery Board
8 months ago
Unfortunately WSU has a bad habit of playing spoiler to UW’s lofty aspirations.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 months ago
Reality is doing fine, however people’s grip on reality is pretty tenuous at best. Look how many well educated college grads believe they are not really going to die when their life is over, because they’re special God loves them especially, more than all the ‘others’ who don’t worship my special God, (insert idol) and that gives me imaginary power over those ‘others’ who god does
Forum: Recovery Board
8 months ago
bad shepherd Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Ask myself why adult mormons cling so strongly. > Taken me years to fully understand the strength > herd mentality has on average humans. It’s obviously not just Mormons who choose to suspend disbelief in favor of enjoying the movie.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 months ago
Bow Down to Washington!
Forum: Recovery Board
8 months ago
schrodingerscat Mormonism and the soft prosperity gospel The LDS Church doesn't teach that God wants you to be rich. But it does promote a 'Plan of Happiness' that emphasizes your very own personal flourishing. “Nelson was not promising his listeners professional success just for paying tithing. This is not to imply a cause-an
Forum: Recovery Board
8 months ago
Went to the Dog Park. And laughed at all the pups playing Just had a nice dinner of homemade Chile Relanos Watching Real Time and reading a good book. “Waking Up” Sam Harris
Forum: Recovery Board
8 months ago
elderolddog Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Saint or Schlub, there's is a bit more than an > even chance that we all end up in the same state, > condition, or state of decomposition... What we know for sure is that we get recycled into the worlds most precious resource, worm shit.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 months ago
Breaking News: No word on his status as a “member in good standing” with the Doomsday CULT he was born into however.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 months ago
Ganesha is one of my favorite Gods. There are 300million to choose from in the Hindu pantheon alone. One for everybody in America.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 months ago
I had a couple of missionaries stop by wanting to talk about Jesus. I asked them about the Book Of Abraham and Book of Mormon references to the Curse of Cain being black skin and they acted like it didn’t exist. I asked about the Law of the Priesthood found in Doctrine and Covenants 132:62-65, again, they acted like it didn’t exist and denied it was a Law. I don’t have any scriptures to
Forum: Recovery Board
8 months ago
Now for some good news…. Letter: Totals of missionaries, convert baptisms and the membership growth rate have become dismal data points for the LDS Church “This is the second time in the past decade that proselytizing missionary numbers have artificially and temporarily spiked. In 2013 and 2014, the
Forum: Recovery Board
8 months ago
Give her time and she’ll become disillusioned with patriarchal Christianity too.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 months ago
She says she has found meaning of life and her purpose in Christianity. “It has it all” according to her. Of course that worldview is what got Western Civilization stuck in the Dark Ages for 1,000yrs, but Nevermind the Elightenment or the Renaissance, the Age of Reason.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 months ago
“Atheism failed to answer a simple question: what is the meaning and purpose of life?“ AHA Atheism never pretended to offer any answers to the question of meaning of life or purpose, Other than to say we should be able to agree upon certain facts of reality, rather than the superstitious beliefs we inherited through a long line of dupes. I don’t see it as black or white as her.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 months ago
“Yet I would not be truthful if I attributed my embrace of Christianity solely to the realisation that atheism is too weak and divisive a doctrine to fortify us against our menacing foes. I have also turned to Christianity because I ultimately found life without any spiritual solace unendurable — indeed very nearly self-destructive. Atheism failed to answer a simple question: what is the mean
Forum: Recovery Board
8 months ago
WOOF! I love this season! It's a beautiful thing to see. Against all odds.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 months ago
She is a politician after all. I get her hatred of Islam as a woman who grew up in a Somali village, and had no choice but to get circumcizer before being forcibly 'married' to a relative at 14yo. I'd hate Islam if I were her too. I'm with her on her criticism of Islam, 99%. She's probably even more extreme than me still on Islam. I'm willing to admit that she's probably right about it,
Forum: Recovery Board
8 months ago
schrodingerscat She found meaning and purpose through Jedeo-Christian monotheism, which she couldn’t find in atheism. She is one of my greatest heroes because of her courage to face the abusive religion she was born into, that mutilated her genitals to remove her clitorus, against her will, then to write abou
Forum: Recovery Board
8 months ago
I think they completely overlooked the effects of phthalates on male reproduction. “To conclude, phthalates are man-made chemicals used in the plastic industry. There are several ways to be exposed to phthalates, mainly via inhalation, ingestion, and transplacental transition. Phthalates belong to the chemicals known as EDs. They modulate the hormonal balance of the matured organism as well
Forum: Recovery Board
8 months ago
schrodingerscat After 150yrs of the Worlds biggest and least effective collective effort 0.1% of the Earth’s population is Mormon. A colossal waste of effort. So much for the Prophecy of the rough stone rolling until it fills the whole Earth huh? Said as someone who once participated in that futile misguided effort.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 months ago
I wonder if they’ll feature a larger than life version of Min,
Forum: Recovery Board
8 months ago
Instead of a House of Horrors they’ll feature a ‘Heavenly House of Whores’
Forum: Recovery Board