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8 years ago
I hear that. All versions of a Santa story are ridiculous when you start thinking about it. But adherents of the most "faithful version" hate thinking about alternative versions and won't admit they ever even thought that...can't look weird to the new friends they are trying to cozy up to since Hinkley's time.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
The Vegas Exmos were planning on going to one of the theaters with adult beverages (yes we have that, sorry Utah) and then watching Saturday's Warrior together as we lampoon the sh!t out of it. I'm extremely disappointed and will call my local theater to lobby for it to come here just like the mormons have asked.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
In order to survive, tribes need to be bigger and stronger than the next one over. Tribal leader: "Guess what guys? It turns out there is like this man in the sky who wants us to have lots of babies, its like a rule, okay." Its not just Mormons its all historical religion. Some of them have finally gotten the message "from God" that enough is enough. Mormons and some
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
I think most modern day mormons blow off the idea like: "big deal, we all become gods so what if Adam is *a* God" What they don't realize is that Brigham was saying Adam is Jesus' father. That is a big departure from traditional Christianity and something most mormons won't even admit ever happened.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Great idea! Its like the tour of the "rest of the story". A few years ago, I went to the site where the Battle of Crooked River took place. It was basically the event that got the Mo's kicked out of Missouri and culminated with the famous extermination order. Two of my ancestors took part, one went to Liberty Jail with JS and was later released, the other was injured and got away.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Crayons have everything to do with mormon thinking. Childlike is their mantra.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
You are validating. Making sure you are right. We were conditioned to doubt our own mind and to believe that satan is super tricky and will get us. Outsiders can see through the church with one piece of evidence in 2 seconds. Just like you can see through other churches. Anyway, it will take a while, we were given some really deep seated fears. Luckily the evidence against the church, isn't
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Try this: Until 1978 Mormons believed everyone could progress and eventually become a god except black people.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
In Vegas we say: "Screw the zombie and his apocalypse!" Some of the local exmos are honoring the true original meaning of Eoastre by going to see the ducks, chicks and bunnies at a farm. Springtime renewal and life thank you, will pass on their vision of the world in flames.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Another post got me thinking about this today. I'm not a bible fan and am having easter/religion backlash today so bear with me. Sometimes we talk about how the BOM is Bible fan fiction and joke about the way everything JS put in the BOM had to be bigger and better than the Bible. For example, if the Bible has John the beloved never tasting death, the BOM has THREE dudes who don't do that, ma
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Can nevermos post? Yes, please, we love it when you do, your perspective is very helpful and needed. 2 Nephi: I marvel at the chutzpah of JS when he said something like: "Isiah is easy to understand when you are as fantastically intelligent and righteous as me". A bunch of momos and wannabe intellectuals still love to spout that party line. The emperor and his new clothes come to
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Now that's narrow minded of you. Think of your mormon roots man. Aren't you in Canada because your ancestors embraced big love?
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
if god is all-loving then why is anyone gay? -copyright BKP
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Subway has a product outside of their spokesman. LDS without JS has got nothing.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
I found that fascinating. Also, I have another issue that has been vexing my soul and led to endless conflict among my associates. Judging by your expertise, I'm sure you can help me: Is Santa's real name Chris Cringle or St Nicholas? Its very controversial and no laughing matter. Also, some say, Rudolph wasn't even a real reindeer but was retroactively inserted into the narrative by people
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
HaHa! She didn't think the book was real. I bet the Momo's would be so steamed to hear that. 80k missionaries a year and some people don't even know about the book. Good stuff that. See, the Lord *is* working in mysterious ways, he is allowing even Matt & Trey to help roll the stone cut out of the mountain without hands. Its a marvelous work and a wonder! #tendermercies
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Sorry this is happening. They can go through the same grief stages as us. They will get used to it but it takes a while. I think it was Chuck Yeager who said sometimes the best you can do is manage the crash.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
onendagus is great, remember your passions, go find other people doing them and join in. Find some others who get you in your local area. there are in person exmo groups all over. If you are in Vegas ever, you are always welcome to join us for one of our meetup activities. When traveling I sometimes check out the local exmo activites.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
He is fortunate for coming out of this event. Being a "survivor" of the other ones is a gross exaggeration. Snopes debunked the crap about him being a triple survivor.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Because part of the oath an covenant of the priesthood relating to my duty to warn my neighbor I actually took seriously and still believe is a good human value? D&C 88:81 " becometh every man who hath been warned to warn his neighbor,"
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Because I care about other people and being silent feels like I'm giving my tacit approval.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
People like your friend make me laugh even harder. The irony of someone demanding a parody to be exactly accurate is well, funny. Not to mention the extremely fluid nature of tscc doctrine and culture and the unique way each individual person experiences and interprets it. Pray tell, when can you ever nail jello to a wall? I think what you are really seeing here is more about the inability
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Is heart disease the number one killer? Wine anyone?
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Blood pudding. You know, in honor.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Sorry that sucks. You are seeing shunning at its finest. But mormons don't DO that I thought? /snark. This shouldn't really be a surprise though, right? It is standard operating procedure, threatening their delusion and all. Didn't you feel like they do at one time in your life? It is weird from our perspective to think about how they are mad at us for figuring out JS made up a religion. To
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
And the lord did grin. Yea and the people did feast upon the lambs and sloths and orangutans and breakfast cereals.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Found a version of the heartsell bs: Plus bonus BBC production:
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Yep to flip charts. But most effective was emotional manipulation ...our door approach was to show a filmstrip of "I'll build you a Rainbow". It is about a kid whose Mom gets sick and dies. At the end we said: "you know that feeling you are feeling right now? That is the Holy Ghost telling you the church is true". We would then schedule a return. Its amazing how often
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
So calling Eyring, Cryring is probably right out?
Forum: Recovery Board