Exmormon Bios  : RfM
Exmormon's exit stories about how and why they left the church. 

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13 years ago
I am also 22 and have left the church. What you wrote spoke directly to me. I have NEVER felt so spiritually happy in all my life. What I did to get through the demotivation I felt was to prioritize what was most important to me. My marriage, my family, my school, work. Those are enough to keep me busy. Anyway, good luck. Aint it great to like yourself?
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Glenn Beck is a performer and from the sounds of things, he sure gets people talking.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
I don't believe in god anymore. I believe in the goodness of humans though. I have faith that there is good in the world and that helps me to motivate myself to do what I think is right. I am less interested in how you are spiritiual as much as what does spirituality help you do.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
My parents love me, I know that. My neighbors want me to be happy, I know that too. The people who think I have lost my way feel that way because they feel like they have the only way, that's totally cool. My wife feels like all she was ever taught to be was a mother, that's not okay. When we lost our baby she thought that she would somehow no longer fit in, again, not okay. My wife and I f
Forum: Exmormon Bios