Exmormon Bios  : RfM
Exmormon's exit stories about how and why they left the church. 

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5 years ago
A Letter to an Apostle On June 18th, 2017, I wrote to President Dieter Uchtdorf, then Second Counselor in the First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the sincere hope he might take the time to respond to several specific concerns I had about the truth claims of the Mormon church. Uchtdorf was my choice, as I viewed him as one of the few General Authorities that
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
I don't know if you are aware of 'A Letter to an Apostle' (www.lettertoanapostle.org) but FairMormon has just done a lengthy but somewhat lame response to it. Regards
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
I don't know if you are aware of 'A Letter to an Apostle' (www.lettertoanapostle.org) but FairMormon has just done a lengthy but somewhat lame response to it. Regards
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
I don't know if you are aware of 'A Letter to an Apostle' (www.lettertoanapostle.org) but FairMormon has just done a lengthy but somewhat lame response to it. Regards
Forum: Deconstructing Mormonism