Exmormon Bios  : RfM
Exmormon's exit stories about how and why they left the church. 

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5 years ago
haha. ;D missed one: waxing the bishop. or: tito'ito'i (tahitian) faufau (tahitian) fufu (samoan) (and as i had witnessed when i lived in polynesia, i can assure you that there are many that are quite adept at this sport, there. i had a bishop here, too, who is now in prison, for doing the above and regularly molesting his clients in his private chiropractitioner clinic. as
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
fake, fake, fake. just glad i walked away from it. it was burdensome. honestly, however, i regret paying all that tithing and other offerings...right now i could do with that cash...and i feel ripped off. i want my tithing i paid, back... ;D
Forum: Exmormon Bios
5 years ago
i get it, the whole bit about it, but, really, for me, the experience was quite cringe-worthy. it made me feel very uncomfortable and was a more than a bit traumatising to view all the weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth. they'd reach a point in the testimony, where i could tell where they should just pull out, with their dignity intact, and wrap it up. (and i was mentally saying 'w
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
makes sense. mormonism is allegedly a reformed version of masonry, as allegedly, smith was supposedly a mason, so it is said. (anyone can research this) so, it is logical that the temple rituals align. the dogma teaches socialism (law of consecration) which the masons are all for...essentially globalists. and many, especially upper-rank, mormons rise easily into upper-echelons of media,
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
i am clairvoyant, and know this...it is very simple. they are not spiritually-awakened enough yet. while all mormons are aware of a 'premortal existence' as a spirit, they have a distorted view on this. nobody was told the truth on this. * if * they were truly awakened, and actually could have premortal memory of who and what they were before they were biologically-incarnated, they would
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
thank you, i am aware of all those things. just wondering * who * is, of any * current * lds?
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
was curious. knowing that past leaders were also freemasons, etc... as per current living ones, who? please name names if you know. substantiate, if you can.
Forum: Recovery Board