Exmormon Bios  : RfM
Exmormon's exit stories about how and why they left the church. 

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8 years ago
Yes, but they've seen you. *cue creepy music*
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
I don't think you can do "what if's" My wife does them all the time and they are just silly. "What if god came to you and said to have sex with a horse and if you do you will be saved. Would you do it?" I don't scare where a team of scholars are from, they aren't going to find anything. Also if it was a team from BYU, who said they found something, I would have a h
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
OMG That's just...wow. I'm sorry you have to deal with this. I still surprises me what members will say to us that are "fallen"
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
I know that my wife has a TBM friend who is divorced. And apparently all the divorced TBM men are sexing her up like crazy. She also had another TBM friend who got prego by a tbm guy and they got married. So yeah....it happens for sure.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
I know that some women look at porn and enjoy it. But sadly my DW is not one of those. She has told me time after time how she can't stand men. How men are just disgusting creatures because they look at women. And how visual does nothing for her.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
This is a great idea, but you forgot one. Princes Leia :)
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Very well stated. I am in the same boat with the way my wife looks to these "great" men. I have heard time and again how I wasn't doing things the "right" way when I was a believer. I have never been Mormon enough for her. So while I understand that you are making a point. I think in all honestly that some of these men and women do treat these church leaders like the
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
I agree with your SP sadly. My DW when looking at my reasons that led me out said about the rock in a hat "This sounds made up." Well, now that the truth is out, its all ok. Because she knows it's true. So her earlier thought of it sounding made up doesn't matter.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Very TBM. I had no doubts, I had no shelf to speak of to be honest. I wasn't always the best Mormon. I like tattoo's and had one. But I just thought of myself as "not the best Mormon." But I KNEW it was true. And nothing would ever change that. Or so I thought, when I some how stumbled onto Joe and his Magic rock in a hat. And a almost 15 yr old bride, and other men's wives.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
mankosuki, You stated this perfectly! OP you are controlling. I didn't see the part about how you have the password to the computer. (Because your first part was hard to read with no spacing.) Are you fing kidding me? Is he your husband or your kid? You act VERY much like how my wife acted for MANY years. I almost left her because of it. Was it because of other women? No. Was it because
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Op, it seems to me that you may also have some issues yourself. No, not because he looks at other women with you there. That is just him being a dick. But because you kept going back to the one point of his admitted porn use. You kept bringing it up for 9 years. Really? 9 years? I know what it's like to live with someone who wants to control me, who questions everything I do. I get a te
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
I went and saw it last Saturday in Washington DC. It was so AWESOME! And as an Exmomron I was able to explain to two people in front of me what the Angel Moroni was on top of the set lol Great great show!
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
My personal opinion is no, it does not. What does it give to youth? Lies, guilt, separation from "the real world." It teaches them to hang out with their own kind. It's nothing but going over and over the same thing so it becomes thought. Also in the church they don't teach you how to use your own brain, to think through things. You are suppose to just shut up and color. And lets s
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
The comments on the FB are so crazy. "This isn't new. The church doesn't hide it. I took a Church History course at BYU, and we talked about all of this stuff - and the professor wasn't some kind of apostate teacher. He was also my bishop. And I have also heard a lot of this stuff in Institute. None of this has been hidden." I KNEW this would happen. Its the old "we already
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
YEP! And they couldn't study NON church sources. And how easy was this stuff to find via church sources before?
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
“I’ve often said that our biggest challenge with Church history is simply that our members don’t study enough of it,” said Assistant Church Historian Richard E. Turley Jr. http://www.ldsliving.com/Church-Releases-Original-Book-of-Mormon-Manuscript/s/79633
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
I got mine and was masturbating at the time. I NEVER once admitted to masturbating because I was so ashamed of myself. So I got that, mission call, served mission, temple, temple married, blessed and baptized kids. All of that and no bishop, Stake Pres, mission Pres ever knew. So yeah, I got my patriarchal blessings being technically unworthy.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
All I stated was they can't not keep me as a member. Once I resigned I am no longer a member. I don't care what games they play with in their church. No longer being a member does in fact mean they can't take any disciplinary actions against me. Why? Because I am no longer a member of their church. "The court ruled that with her resignation Guinn withdrew her consent to being treated as
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
I had a conversation with my wife the other day about baptism at the age of 8. Saying they are too young to make such a choice. She shot back with 'Your older son felt the spirit at the age of 5! He knew it was true.' So you will have some who believe it's all well and good. I on the other hand know better. I know that my son aims to please. He wants to make everyone happy. And when he told
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Right, per the LDS church that is their thing. But not per US law. They can't keep me from resigning. I have proof that they got my letter. Good enough for me. Because let's be honest, who thinks they really remove anyone's names? Nah, they just like a little button (Name removed) and keep your name. It help's the church to keep growing.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
I emailed in my resignation last Thursday. I got home Monday from work and checked the mail. To my surprise I had a letter from the church. It was my "Local matter, Bishop will contact you, eternal consequences, blah blah blah" And my "Invitation to come back." I got it a lot faster then I thought I would, but that mean's I'm out! I don't care what crap they feel they
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Ah, ok. Thanks
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
So I know I have heard and read the following: "..under US law, a church member can rescind their membership in a church simply by writing a letter to the church and documenting that the letter has been received. If a church then continues to publicly (at church meetings, at church events, etc) discuss the former member, that person can sue the church. The United States, unlike other coun
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Thanks Steve for sharing your stories. I was a young kid back in the 80's. But I remember hearing things about how Benson's grandson had left the church and became a....*pause every time for effect* Anti-Mormon!!! it was always said with such disbelief. How could the grandson of a Prophet act this way? Satan was a wily son of a gun. So for me it's a real treat to hear your stories on
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
I get your point. But sadly I don't know how "Happily" married I am. We have had many issues since getting married. And my DW has talked about divorce many many times over the past year. And loves to use guilt to try to control and manipulate me. If I didn't have kids it would be an easier thing to choose. And I have gotten great advice from this board about all this. It's just hard
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Thanks for sharing these Steve. I know my Mom would believe every single one.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
I'm glad your not in the same boat as me Moose old boy. Because there isn't much room in here with all the holier then thou crap going on.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
I HATED trek even as a TBM. You think pioneers would think it's "cool" to see people doing what they struggled with for fun? Fing IDIOTS
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
While I REALLY want to say something back. You are probably right. When talking about JS and polygamy. She just uses all the apologetic answers and sticks to them like they are good. She is going to believe in this stuff. She isn't using her brain. She's using what she was taught to believe. UGH
Forum: Recovery Board