Deconstructing Mormonism  : RfM
A discussion of Tom Riskas' book "Deconstructing Mormonism: An Analysis and Assessment of the Mormon Faith." 

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13 years ago
steve benson
An acquaintance of the Smith family, Peter Ingersoll (who was hired by Smith to help him and his wife Emma relocate), testified in a sworn affidavit that Smith privately confessed to Ingersoll that he was a fraud but that Smith nonetheless said he didn't expect to be able to give up his con jobbing habit, given the pressure being put on him by others (offering Smith money) to continue his bogus
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
steve benson
. . . he replied that it was too sacred to talk about, saying it was one of the most spiritual experiences he had ever had. So there.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
steve benson
Monson, representing LDS, Inc., eagerly flew to East Germany to schmooze the Russian-backed tyrant and shake Honecker's hand, stained though it was with the blood of innocents. Apparently it's acceptable in the minds of money-grubbing Mormons if Monson flirts with a cold-blooded killer and tyrant like Honecker, as long as it helps push product line. Enter ever-ready Mormon manufacturers of
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
steve benson
How to Torpedo the Ultimate Mormon Cop-Out: "But Prophet (Fill-in-the-Blank) Was Only Speaking as a Man When He Made That Stupid, Racist, Sexist, Homophobic, Uneducated, Appalling, Untrue, Idiotic, Ignorant, Embarrasing, Etc. Statement" ... Say, for instance, that a Mo apologist predictably tries to skirt around the bedrock LDS doctrinal fact that (contrary to current LDS PR spin), M
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
steve benson
Mormon apologists are again--and deliberately (as they have been doing throughout their cult's history)--abandoning and/or misrepresenting basic, fundamental, canonized and original LDS doctrine in a devious and dishonest effort to curry favor with the outside world. In short, Mormon defenders have consciously booted their own 13th Article of Faith about being "honest" and "true
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
steve benson
One can get more reliable, believable predictions on a more regular basis from the nightly news weather forecaster.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
steve benson
Say, for instance, that a Mo apologist predictably tries to skirt around the bedrock LDS doctrinal fact that (contrary to current LDS PR spin), Mormon presidents, "prophets" and other high-ranking Church leaders have historically declared that exclusively and solely through the "one and only true" Mormon Church can one rise to the highest exalted level of Heaven and that all o
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
steve benson
So, yeah, Mormonism's intellectual flyweights can try to dodge the bullet by conveniently claiming that their only-human pea-brain "prophets" are merely speaking as men when they make such stupid, ugly and cultish claims (ones that the Mormon Church is now attempting frantic revisionist skinback on)--but what about LDS canonized scripture (as found in, for instance, the "Pearl
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
steve benson
One anonymous LDS flyweight in that regard wrote to say, "Your posts are way too long. Some of have to work for a living," then went on to quote Joseph Smith (as if invoking a consumate conman means anything). I tell ya, one could wade through the deepest recesses of the minds of these bleating sheep--and never get one's feet wet. So, I replied: "Actually, it's your p
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
steve benson
. . . because like too many Mormons you are bad at thinking, but good at rationalizing. Plus, when it comes to actually doing your homework, reading your history and using your noggin to apply what you learn to reality, you have the attention span of a short Ensign article written for the comprehension level of a grade schooler.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
steve benson
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
steve benson
Just a few months after ETB refused to share with me in any detail what it was like to be told behind temple walls that Black men could now wield power and authority in God’s name (telling me it was too "sacred" to talk about), my grandfather was freely talking about famous disembodied spirits appearing in the House of the Lord: “When I became President of the Twelve and Spencer
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
steve benson
Mormon apologists are again--and deliberately (as they have been doing throughout their cult's history)--abandoning and/or misrepresenting basic, fundamental, canonized and original LDS doctrine in a devious and dishonest effort to curry favor with the outside world. In short, Mormon defenders have consciously booted their own 13th Article of Faith about being "honest" and "
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
steve benson
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
steve benson
First off (so to speak), if the Mormon Church's response to any pernicious public underwear unveiling is to direct Mormons to shed their holy garments before boarding airplanes (for fear of showing off sacred things to a secular world), then what is the purpose of wearing garments in the first place? After all, is not the promise to the faithful wearer of the secret Mormon underwear that it w
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
steve benson
In a 1946 Conference talk, Mormon General Authority George F. Richards shared a dream of his with the audience (one he also suggested was delivered to him courtesy of God). It had to do with him seeing himself loving, forgiving, hugging and affectionately kissing Adolf Hitler. He added that Hitler affectionately kissed him back. Yes, you read that right. Richards' dream has set of
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
steve benson
Although the common element in your citation and what I thought I had heard before was the Hitler hug. I didn't remember the killer kiss, though. Yuck.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
steve benson
Which means, of course, that this basic contradiction disproves the supposed eternal truthfulenss of the fraudlulent Mormon faith. That simple reality check is provided by Richard Packham in his article, “Major Contradictions in Mormonism." He writes: “Why are contradictions important? “Contradictions are a mark of falseness. If two statements contradict each other, then on
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
steve benson
Joseph Smith only disobeyed--for a little while--the command from God and Jesus not to join any other choices. Or, Joseph Smith only was interested--for a little while--in other churches which God and Jesus told him were abominable. Hell, like you said, he shouldn't have been interested at all. Actaully, what Joseph Smith was interested in was chasing tail and buried treasure.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
steve benson
What is wanted? An answer to my question. :) Anyway, below is what I posted earlier today on the necro-dunking of Hitler: Adolf Hitler has been baptized for the dead (in fact, more than once), but the Mormon Church has attempted to cover-up that inconvenient truth. "On August 30, 1998, Don McAreavy, of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, wrote to the LDS Family History Library asking if
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
steve benson
. . . in repentant mode, and even embraced him. Or something like that. Anyone got an actual source, text and name-claim-to-fame on that reported doozy?
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
steve benson
. . . that I drew up for a freethinker ad campaign in Seattle and other cities:
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
steve benson
Sandie's TBM friend needs to think again. As in think First Presidency counselor Thomas Monson dancing with dictators. Monson showed the world that he can play footsies with Commie thugs better than prize-winning partners on the BYU Ballroom Dance Team can glide their way into your hearts. Why care if your waltz buddy is a murdering Communist dictator, as long as you're making money for Mor
Forum: Recovery Board