Deconstructing Mormonism  : RfM
A discussion of Tom Riskas' book "Deconstructing Mormonism: An Analysis and Assessment of the Mormon Faith." 

Results 181 - 210 of 878
10 years ago
How can any Bishop be an evil man if they are supposed to called by God?
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
I was surprised in august of '63 when I got back from California. Mom had taken my sister and I to visit family after I graduated HS. Dad stayed home to redo the kitchen cabinets and all for Mom. I never did well in HS, smart enough, just lazy. I had submitted a application for admission to YBU in May and had heard nothing before we left. When we got home, there was a letter from YBU that said th
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
I could be wrong, but from what I understand, the bigamy laws were enacted following institution of the practice of polygamy. Most states enacted bigamy laws expressly for the purpose of stopping the Mormons from practicing polygamy. One of the few laws in this country enacted specifically against a religious practice.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
If tru, it amazes me the hoops that TBMs are willing to jump through just to maintain a negotiating position on their morality. Assuming that one believes in God, do they really think they will be able to negotiate this with him based on a "legal" definition that it is okay? FACEPALM! I don't believe that anyone has the right to judge my morals, even a magic sky daddy, but if you do, wh
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
I had similar experiences when I was a foster parent for over 20 years. I raised other people's teen-aged girls. Not an easy task. I had one in middle school who was always being marked tardy to her classes, she just had to visit with everyone and couldn't get to class on time. I showed up at her school one day, dressed just like I had just blown in off the turnip truck; field boots, jeans, an ol
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Losing a Lost Tribe by Simon Southerton
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Carl's Jr's Big Carl is good, more meat than most.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
ALERTS TO THREATS IN 2013 EUROPE From JOHN CLEESE The English are feeling the pinch in relation to recent events in Syria and have therefore raised their security level from "Miffed" to "Peeved." Soon, though, security levels may be raised yet again to "Irritated" or even "A Bit Cross." The English have not been "A Bit Cross" since the blit
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Keizer, Oregon, near Salem.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
"Dope will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no dope."
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
I was talking to my TBM brother the other day, and I was saying that when Christianity was first developing, they had to come u with similarities to local pagan religions in order to attract a fo0llowing and increase their numbers. His response: God made all those pagans believe in a virgin birth so that when it really happened with Jesus Christ, man was ready to believe. FACE PALM!I guess God ne
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Some time ago, I read somewhere, it could've been here, that the COJCOLDS actually ceased to exist, by order of the Federal Government in 1890, and in 1912 it became the Corporation of the President of the COJCOLDS. I can't seem to find the reference for that information, and would appreciate any direction anyone can give me. Thanks in advance.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Well, I'm 68 and my favorite song of all time, the one I sing when I can, is: The Moody Blues, from To Our Children's Children's Children, Burn Slowly the Candle of Life.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
194. Stroked
Well, it appears I have been stroked. Actually it was ax surprise to find out I have had one. It has only affected my vision and was caused from sleep apnea. Unfortunately, it has affected my left eye, that was my dominant eye. My right eye has been lazy and has never done an honest day's work. It's really not up to the task. The Dr said I might get my site back. We don't know for sure until the
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
I finally got my copy from powell's today.
Forum: Deconstructing Mormonism
10 years ago
Another good book is; The Poet and the Murderer, by Simon Worrall. It is written from the perspective of the irreparable damage he did to the literary heritage of all of us. There are some of Emily Dickenson's work that even experts can't tell which are forgeries created by Hoffman, and which are original works of ED. I believe his goal was to destroy the church, but the damage he did to other fo
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
My Mom is 92 this year. For a while in her life, she didn't attend the temple, due to the influence of my dad. He was a drinker and a smoker, and Mom never felt she was worthy and never asked for a recommend. She also developed a habit of drinking one cup of coffee in the morning to the point she has to have it to keep herself regular during the day. Without it, she has a bad time with bathroom n
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Hats off to Stray, you old dog. That said, enjoy it while you can. I'm 67 and in the last 5 years, I have slowed down a bunch. Of course, at 67, I don't have the needs I did when I was 30. But seriously, you go guy!
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Logically Fallacious: The Ultimate Collection of Over 300 Logical Fallacies, by Bo Bennett
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
No Man Knows My History, by Fawn Brode. An Insiders View of Mormonism, by Grant Palmer One Nation Under Gods, by Richard Abanes
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
My TBM brother told me that he and his wife wouldn't be allowed to return home for our Mother's funeral if she passed away while they were on a senior mission to New Mexico. Mission rules wouldn't allow it. Personally, I would never be part of any organization that would try to stop me from coming to my own Mother's funeral.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
I bet many TBM's thought the White Horse Prophesy was going to finally come true with Mitt going to be elected. . . . wait, that one isn't true either.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
The previous thread closed before I could post. I was married to someone like that for 30 years. I was just waiting for it to be over for the last ten years. Finally, she told me I had to leave. One of the happiest days of my life. Kids were grown, almost. We had to grant imancipation to the 16 yr old. There was a lot of hurt and bad feelings over that. One of the best things to come out of i
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Gordon B. Hinkley always said that he didn't know. Throughout several years and several talks he actually said that.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
How do I get a copy of Tom Riska's book? Thanks in advance for any help. I have an order in to powell's books, but it is unknown when it will be filled.
Forum: Deconstructing Mormonism
10 years ago
Is there anything I can do for you? Yeah, clean my toilets.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Mr. Diety says that he is a Formon. (Former Mormon)
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
This is only my opinion, based on personal observation, for what it's worth. I don't think he will be called into church hierarchy. The people they pick have historically been people without any baggage and absolutely no controversies. They certainly don't pick "Rock-Stars". How well known nationally, has any GA been before they make the big three. Just because the PR man Hinkley was ab
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
I can help you with resigning, I did it all with email in 2010. I am thinking of going this month, haven't made up my mind for sure.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Keizer, Oregon
Forum: Recovery Board