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Posted by: Jim Huston ( )
Date: February 21, 2014 04:58PM

Several years ago I created a video called "Lying for the Lord" from a class that Robert Millet was giving a group of perspective missionaries. The video was eventually taken down for copy write infringement. I filed a counter claim and the video is again available. You can find it at:

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Posted by: Queen of Denial ( )
Date: February 21, 2014 05:08PM

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Posted by: squeebee ( )
Date: February 21, 2014 05:09PM

That will do.

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Posted by: Shummy ( )
Date: February 21, 2014 05:38PM

Hey Jim! Longtime no C.

Looking forward to the vid.

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Posted by: Shummy ( )
Date: February 21, 2014 05:46PM

So you asked for it Jim with that vid.

One of the choices in the sidebar was 'Morgdam Style':

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Posted by: utahstateagnostics ( )
Date: February 21, 2014 05:38PM

Wow. I wonder if that clip might help Tom Phillips as evidence.

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Posted by: verilyverily ( )
Date: February 21, 2014 05:51PM

Tom, please check out this video.

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Posted by: SL Cabbie ( )
Date: February 21, 2014 05:58PM

I enjoyed it, and there was a link to a Glenn Beck "defense of polygamy" shinola at the end that I'm watching right now. He's in the middle of repeating the "Polygamy was practiced because so many Mormon men were killed" crapola...

Bring your best bullchip apparel for that one folks... Better entertainment than Millet, probably because Beck is a smoother liar.

The guy definitely has brain damage from those years of drinking and drugging... Example: "This guy, what's his name? Jeffers..." and then "The Mormon Brigade" which was offered as an example of Mormon patriotism. And he's claiming that it was in the 1930's that Mormons started going after polygamy (1953 Short Creek Raid? That one was conducted by the State of Arizona and its militia, not the Mormon Church).

And get this: Polygamist marriages were "assigned."

Okay, apologies for the visual, but I need a bath.

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Posted by: Shummy ( )
Date: February 21, 2014 06:24PM

curses at you cabmiester for that beckola......

That which hast been seen cannot be unseen!

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Posted by: SL Cabbie ( )
Date: February 21, 2014 06:37PM

It wasn't like because at least it had an end to the insanity...

Okay if I borrow that "beckola" sometime? Maybe serve it as a drink--lime-flavored, of course?

A Glenn Beck cocktail:

Pour caffeine free Coke over ice and add lime-flavored Kool-aid...

Serve with Corn Nuts...

My guess is the Beckhead prefers the Jack Mormon version and thinks we didn't see him reach for that pint of Bacardi 151 he had in his jacket...

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Posted by: Shummy ( )
Date: February 21, 2014 06:50PM

SL Cabbie Wrote:
> It wasn't like because at
> least it had an end to the insanity...
> Okay if I borrow that "beckola" sometime? Maybe
> serve it as a drink--lime-flavored, of course?
> A Glenn Beck cocktail:
> Pour caffeine free Coke over ice and add
> lime-flavored Kool-aid...
> Serve with Corn Nuts...
> My guess is the Beckhead prefers the Jack Mormon
> version and thinks we didn't see him reach for
> that pint of Bacardi 151 he had in his jacket...

Ah the wisdom John Barleycorn offereth to them who live long enough to surrender to sanity.

Drink to that? :o)

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Posted by: madalice ( )
Date: February 21, 2014 06:38PM

Looks like he's holding a class called Lies and half truths 101.

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Posted by: 3X (NLI) ( )
Date: February 21, 2014 06:54PM

Nice to see your post, Jim.

Stick around for the upcoming legal festivities in Britain.

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Posted by: stoppedtheinsanity ( )
Date: February 21, 2014 09:17PM

What a smug piece of shiz. Who is this guy?

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Posted by: thingsithink ( )
Date: February 21, 2014 09:21PM


I've seen this before. I'd love to hear the story of how you managed to get this if you feel like sharing.

Anyways, thanks for putting in the legwork to keep it up on youtube. It's unreal.

To a room full of brainwashed mormon teenagers:

"You already know more about the kingdom of god than any of your attackers do."

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Posted by: Shummy ( )
Date: February 22, 2014 12:52AM

thingsithink Wrote: >
> "You already know more about the kingdom of god
> than any of your attackers do."

Yeah, that line caught my attention.

Appeal to human vanity....that's the ticket.

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Posted by: Jim Huston ( )
Date: February 22, 2014 10:36AM

I tried to respond to your post, but was given the error that I had used a banned word. No further explanation. That is why I am no longer posting here.

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Posted by: Davo ( )
Date: February 22, 2014 07:50PM

I've got the "banned word" a couple times. Just misspell the word. We'll know what you mean.
Please don't go...

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Posted by: Susan I/S ( )
Date: February 22, 2014 01:07AM

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Posted by: MyTempleNameIsJoan ( )
Date: February 22, 2014 12:23PM

Thanks for sharing this.

So sad!

In his dictionary the word smart and wisdom = truth, as he interchanges them back and forth to work the magical mormon mind screw.

The truth is he isn't smart or wise, he's a liar, cunning and pure deviancy in screwing with these young people's minds, hearts, and feelings.

For years I have said that the mormon teaching confuses truth with lies and this guy is a prime example of how this happens.

Below is another example of the lying Mormon machine and I hope you don’t mind if I insert this on your thread to reflect the same lying techniques:

Truth in Church History: Excerpts from the Religious Educator’s Q&A with Elder Steven Snow.

On the Church’s increasing openness with regard to history:

“Snow: My view is that being open about our history solves a whole lot more problems than it creates. We might not have all the answers, but if we are open (and we now have pretty remarkable transparency), then I think in the long run that will serve us well. I think in the past there was a tendency to keep a lot of the records closed or at least not give access to information. But the world has changed in the last generation—with the access to information on the Internet, we can’t continue that pattern; I think we need to continue to be more open.”

Snow exchanges the words "open" for honest or truth, and the word "closed" for lying or dishonesty.

Then he says:
“Every generation rewrites history a little bit with their own methods and perspectives; that’s okay. We try to tell the story as accurately as possible and then we hope there will be those of faith who will step forward and add other insights. Many with whom you associate at BYU write faith-promoting works based on the history we find. I think we need to be very careful that we are accurate, because if we aren’t, it can come back to really haunt us. It’s good to tell the truth.”

He uses the words "accurate as possible" instead of truth and honesty and throws in the word "faith", which also isn’t anything to do with honesty or truth.

Then he says it’s GOOD to tell the truth; not that they are in fact TELLING the truth. The truth is he is only doing damage control, and omitting important issues that show a full story. Sadly, he is only interested in doing damage control because of the internet which has forced Mormons to be better liars or avoid it altogether by diverting to faith and lame excuses for lies.

“Snow: On improving Seminary and Institute curriculum: That is where we need to improve. Fortunately Seminaries and Institutes and Curriculum have really stepped up and said in essence, ‘You know we really want to take this on, we would like to talk about these sensitive issues in our seminaries and institutes.’ It’s one thing to tell a fourteen-year-old some of these sensitive things and they say, ‘OK, that’s great.’ But sometimes when you are twenty-something, it comes across a little differently. I think we can build faith and better prepare people if we will weave some of the unusual threads in history into the curriculum.”

So sad. He’s not interested in the truth, he’s interested in building faith and feeding the lie propaganda to people at a younger age. He has acknowledged that adults who reach their 20’s aren’t as easily duped as kids therefore it’s better to feed their breed of half truths and strategic omissions to kids.

“Snow: There will be a few questions we are just going to have to put on the shelf and get to later. Some we will answer in this mortal existence, others we may have to wait. But the big questions, the important questions will get answered if we exercise our faith.”

He interchanges the word faith with truth. Faith does not = truth.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 02/22/2014 12:26PM by joan.

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Posted by: MyTempleNameIsJoan ( )
Date: February 22, 2014 01:07PM

May I also include another liar for the lord?

Another example of mind screwing is located below:

A reader asks: ""Question: Problem with Anthon’s story. How could he have translated Reformed Egyptian when Egyptian had just barely been translated a few years earlier in France? Why would he lie about his abilities here when he had an otherwise upright career?""

Bushman Answers: ""He could not have translated Egyptian, and certainly not “reformed Egyptian.” This story is garbled and confused in many respects, and I have found no way of straightening it out.""

The easiest answer is the one these people simply refuse to entertain – that Smith was a conman and that mormonism is built on fantasy and lies. Instead their mind loops back and forth in omissions, half-lies, or as they prefer to call it “selective transparency”. The sad thing is that people like this don’t recognize their own mental lunacy which is on par with Smith’s lunacy. When I hear and see these people concoct stories to defend it isn’t difficult to see how Smith did the same thing over a hundred years earlier.

Smith never had an upright career, not before his Mormon ministry or during. These people do not want to find the truth approach to straightening out the confusion. The fear of having to come face to face with the lies and lunacy of Smith and his heirs doubtlessly blocks them. The fear of viewing their own garbled material as a twisted modern-day version of what Smith and his cronies did doubtlessly blocks these men and women.
They then cherry-pick what they say to reflect the fact that they WILL not look at another option of entertaining the option that Smith was a con-man who fantasized and lied; quite likely believing his own lies as is a prevalent trait in conmen.

If Bushman, Millet, Snow and the rest of these people look at Mormonism from the option and view that it was fantasized in various degrees, it would quickly help them find a way to straighten out the confusion. It easily explains the entire mess. Until then they have to resort to omission, lies and half-truths to perpetuate their confusion while simultaneously admit that they can’t straighten it out.
Now that’s a mind screw!
Just typing it down like this is impossible to make it sound anything but crazy.

Of course that’s why they revert and divert to faith to bridge their information gaps and appease the lunacy and lies for another day.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/22/2014 01:08PM by joan.

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Posted by: blueorchid ( )
Date: February 22, 2014 01:14PM

Thank you. I didn't have enough smug arrogance in my life today, but now with that video, I feel like I can make it through until some other Mormon provides some more.

If that doesn't say cult, nothing does.

You never provide fact, when lies will do.

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Posted by: earlyrm ( )
Date: February 22, 2014 02:48PM

I quite literally convulsed when he instructed them to ignore the question and instead share the verbatim "Joseph Smith story."

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Posted by: joan99 ( )
Date: February 22, 2014 03:43PM

I couldn't watch the whole thing. Telling the prospective missionaries (not many of them) that they already know more than anyone else and then they get into the field and people ask them questions about things they have never heard of from mormon history.

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Posted by: MyTempleNameIsJoan ( )
Date: February 22, 2014 07:21PM

two joans on the same board.
oh no.

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Posted by: badseed ( )
Date: February 24, 2014 03:52PM

You don't answer the but instead bridge over to what you want to discuss. It's about controlling the message.


"Bridging, or answering a question by not answering the question, is a way to segue from a reporter's stated question to the information an interviewee wishes to impart to an audience. Implied in that definition is the fact that reporters often ask questions that advocates do not necessarily wish to "honor" with an answer. The bridge is the way the advocate gets from one side of an argument to another. Here is a classic example of bridging:

Reporter: "Isn't it true that safety is the first thing a mom looks for in a daycare setting?"

Spokesperson: "While safety is important, it needs to be balanced with other considerations, like the quality of the environment and the qualifications of the staff. Let me tell you what happens in the mind of a child at the age of 3...." "


An important media technique is “bridging.” Bridging is a powerful means for taking charge of and controlling an interview. The goal of a media interview is to focus the reporter on a few key messages that are true, accurate, clear, concise, brief, and memorable. If done well, bridging significantly increases the probability that your key messages will appear in the final news story. By using bridging techniques, a spokesperson can re-focus or re-direct the interview to what is most important, relevant and critical.

Bridging statements:

1. “And what’s most important to know is…”
2. “However, what is more important to look at is…”
3. “However, the real issue here is…”
4. “And what this all means is…”
5. “And what’s most important to remember is…”
6. “With this in mind, if we look at the bigger picture…”
7. “With this in mind, if we take a look back…”
8. “If we take a broader perspective…”
9. “If we look at the big picture…”
10. “Let me put all this in perspective by saying…”
11. “What all this information tells me is…”
12. “Before we continue, let me take a step back and repeat that…”
13. “Before we continue, let me emphasize that…”
14. “This is an important point because…”
15. “What this all boils down to…”
16. “The heart of the matter is…”
17. “What matters most in this situation is…”
18. “And as I said before…”
19. “And if we take a closer look, we would see…”
20. “Let me just add to this that…”
21. “I think it would be more correct to say…”
22. “Let me point out again that…”
23. “Let me emphasize again…”
24. “In this context, it is essential that I note…”
25. “Another thing to remember is…”
26. “Before we leave the subject, let me add that…”
27. “And that reminds me…”
28. “And the one thing that is important to remember is…”
29. “What I’ve said comes down to this…:
30. “Here’s the real issue…”
31. “While…is important, it is also important to remember…”
32. “It’s true that…but it is also true that…”
33. “The key here is…”

Reprinted from:
Covello, V.T., Keeping Your Head in a Crisis: Responding to Communication Challenges Posed by Bio-terrorism and Emerging Diseases. Association of State and Territorial Health Officers (ASTHO). 2002, in press.

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Posted by: donbagley ( )
Date: February 24, 2014 07:01PM

"Answer the question they should have asked."

A: I don't think I'm out of my f**king gourd.

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Posted by: Shummy ( )
Date: February 24, 2014 08:32PM

donbagley Wrote:
> "Answer the question they should have asked."
> A: I don't think I'm out of my f**king gourd.

It's MK Ultra-Mormon mindthink 101.

Mental manipulation of the mindless masses.

Mighty good time to remember the Jedi wisdom of Obi-Wan....

*you do not have authority over me in any way and you will immediately withdraw and then come to regret your baseless hubris*

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