Posted by:
Date: March 10, 2014 04:08AM
So I was just thinking the other know how Mormons always wince when you try to show them something exposing the church as a fraud? They will dismiss it, calling it "anti-Mormon" or from Satan, without a second thought.
So it popped into my head: Missionaries come up to your door and ask you to read some silly book that's supposed to be history that you should base your entire life off of, and after you read it you should pray to "god" and ask if it's true and the "spirit" will "manifest the truth of it unto you".
And yet...if you ask them to read some "anti" literature, they will probably decline. See the hypocrisy here?
I think it'd be interesting to try this on a missionary. See if they'll consider reading some OTHER books if you agree to read the BoM (even if you've already read it).
If you've already tried this, tell me your story. I'd like to hear it. :)