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Posted by: ConcernedCitizen ( )
Date: July 27, 2014 11:44AM

...the so-called "Style Guide" is an insulting attempt at once again, trying to control the narrative.

But shouldn't we call the Church by it's rightful name?.

Oh, you mean "Church of Christ".....or Church of the Latter Day Saints?".......or Church of Jesus Christ"........or Church of Christ of Latter Day Saints?".......wha????

...seems like it was really difficult back then to pick the right name for the one and only true Church on earth. Especially when the rock should have told him correctly the first time.

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Posted by: Plaid n Paisley ( )
Date: July 30, 2014 02:44PM

Quote from the above link:
"Please avoid the use of "Mormon Church," "LDS Church" or the "Church of the Latter-day Saints.""

YET in a recent article in Deseret News* they say:

"Meanwhile, 25,000 LDS Church members have volunteered to serve as ushers,..."

" Because of high demand for tickets, the LDS Church announced Tuesday that it has made more available ..."

" The church can't add any new dates to the open house, but it had held some times in reserve, said Elder Kent F. Richards, assistant executive director of the LDS Church's temple department and a member of the faith's Second Quorum of the Seventy."

"The Laytons, who were in town Tuesday to eat lunch at Five Guys, a stone's throw from the temple, are LDS, and they've missed their local temple."


Apparently their own people aren't aware of how they are supposed to *properly* refer to their church in their own church-controlled newspaper.

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Posted by: Stray Mutt ( )
Date: July 30, 2014 09:44PM

The church's attitude is that THEY can use whatever name they want, but others can't.

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Posted by: ladell ( )
Date: July 30, 2014 02:49PM

The "latter day" thing makes it sound like a doomsday cult

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Posted by: Tevai ( )
Date: July 30, 2014 03:15PM

ladell Wrote:
> The "latter day" thing makes it sound like a
> doomsday cult

I have ALWAYS thought this...especially when I learned about the prevailing religious beliefs of the burned-over district in New York, during the Second Great Awakening in the early 1800s.

Since this was a hugely influential, foundational, part of Joseph Smith's religious musings, it just always made sense to me that the "latter day" name WAS (at least originally) intended to suggest a doomsday-oriented cult.

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Posted by: jbstyle ( )
Date: July 30, 2014 10:08PM

It's an apocalyptic religion -- totally focused on the "next life." I don't think the "Latter-day" part can be considered incidental or outdated. Think how much of the doctrine and policies are focused on what happens after death -- temple sealing of families and temple work for the dead (and hey, that required a lot of money in tithing -- how convenient for the church), the massive focus on getting to the "Celestial Kingdom," answering tough questions by saying it'll be sorted out in the next life, etc.

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Posted by: madalice ( )
Date: July 30, 2014 03:03PM

I didn't see where it ok'd what my husband calls it.

Oh well, he's no longer a mo, so I guess they won't mind when he calls it a cult.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/30/2014 03:03PM by madalice.

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Posted by: Tevai ( )
Date: July 30, 2014 03:10PM

I wonder if they sent the "Style Guide" to DesNews??????

:D :D :D

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Posted by: Emmeline ( )
Date: July 30, 2014 08:15PM

This is the first time I've ever heard them say that "LDS Church" is a discouraged term. And if they're so against the "mormon" title, why is their website MORMON.ORG where the tagline of every testimony is Hi, I'm _______ and I'm a MORMON"? (emphasis mine)
Oh wait.... it's okay to use terms such as "Mormonism", "Mormon Church" and "I'm a Mormon" as long as it's converting new members. But if you're already a member in any other setting than a missionary one, no calling it "Mormon"!!!
The hypocrisy...

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Posted by: BYUboner ( )
Date: July 30, 2014 08:51PM

About 10 years ago in the ultimate attempt to spin LD$ inc into respectability, the PR department said the full title should first be used in print as The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (note: day is not capitalized). The subsequent references should state--The Church of Jesus Christ.

Predictably, the media said, "no fucking way!" with newspapers, such as the New York Times, announcing they would used the phrase LDS Church.

So, as not to be a prick (something that comes naturally for me) among noMos and TBMs I generally say "in the LDS faith..." Among exmos, "the fucking church" works very well.

The Boner.

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Posted by: stillburned ( )
Date: July 30, 2014 09:41PM

I like your style tips, Boner! Among us never-Mos who were dumb enough to marry into the Morg, we prefer, "The fucking Mormons..."

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Posted by: scarecrowfromoz ( )
Date: July 30, 2014 09:07PM

We're going to tell you what not to call us (mormons) because we have the right to be called what we want to be called. We're also going to tell you that you can't call other groups mormons, even if that is the way they refer to themselves.

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Posted by: pathfinder ( )
Date: July 30, 2014 09:28PM

Corporation of the President
of the




I, the undersigned, having been duly chosen and appointed President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, in conformity with the rites, regulations and discipline of said Church, being desirous of forming a corporation for the purpose of acquiring, holding and disposing of Church or religious society property, for the benefit of religion, for works of charity and for public worship, under and pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 3, Title 19, of the Compiled Laws of Utah, 1917, on "Churches and Religious Societies," and all acts amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto, for that purpose do hereby make and subscribe, in duplicate, the following



Second: The object of this corporation shall be to acquire, hold and dispose of such real and personal property as may be conveyed to or acquired by said corporation for the benefit of the members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, a religious society, for the benefit of religion, for works of charity and for public worship. Such real and personal property may be situated, either within the State of Utah, or elsewhere, and this corporation shall have power, without any authority or authorization from the members of said Church or religious society, to grant, sell, convey, rent, mortgage, exchange, or otherwise dispose of any part or all of such property.

Third: The estimated value of the property of which I hold the legal title for the purpose aforesaid, at the time of making these Articles of Incorporation, is One Million, Five Hundred Thousand Dollars.

Fourth: The title of the person making these Articles of Incorporation is "PRESIDENT OF THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS."

Fifth: The corporate seal shall contain the words, "Corporation of the President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints," and an impression thereof is hereto affixed.

[Seal] [Signed] Heber J. Grant
President of the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints.


On this 26th day of November, 1923, before me, Arthur Winter, a Notary Public in and for said County, personally appeared HEBER J. GRANT, who is known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument as President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and duly acknowledged to me that he executed the same as such President.

[Seal] [Signed] Arthur Winter
Notary Public
Residing at Salt Lake City, Utah.
My commission expires Dec. 1, 1923.

Mormom 2014 by H. Michael Marquardt.

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Posted by: kentish ( )
Date: July 30, 2014 10:15PM

Interesting that the article makes it clear that they do not consider groups that broke away from the original organization as Mormons.

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Posted by: Dave the Atheist ( )
Date: July 30, 2014 10:38PM

they should just call themselves brighamites and be done with it !

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Posted by: Jersey Girl ( )
Date: July 31, 2014 09:09AM

If I see "Church of Jesus Christ" I would think they mean "Church of Christ", not Mormons. Stupid.

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Posted by: somnambulist ( )
Date: July 31, 2014 10:08AM

We should call them all Kolobians and just stick with it. Kolobites is also good.

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