Posted by:
CA girl
Date: November 29, 2014 10:49AM
Here is a link you could check but it doesn't tell who is TBM. example, I wouldn't consider any of the actors listed TBM, nor are the Johnson brothers (Bart Johnson/High School Musical) who aren't listed.
I'd agree about David Archuleta and the author Stephenie Meyers (Twilight). Maybe the Five Browns. Other than David, I'm not sure any of those listed under Reality TV would count as TBM. Those who list serving a mission in their bios on this site are probably more likely TBM - like Robbie Bosco under athletes. Also, the politicians are probably TBM like Orrin Hatch or Bob Bennett. I didn't have time to go through the site other than to just skim it but I hope it gives you some ideas. Most of the Mormon so-called celebrities listed I've never heard of but I don't watch much wrestling or reality TV.